Sunday prop bets?

Say $20 for most profit, we pick 3-4 of the same tournaments on FTP?

Ie. the 2pm $26, the 3pm $26 and the dubdeuce?


  • I'm in for tonight, it's the 42 and 33k guarantees, right?
  • OK.

    42K, 33K and dubdeuce?

    If no cashes, we are void. (and bad).
  • So - $60 pot. Winner takes all the gold.
  • Busto 42K.

    Full Tilt Poker Game #21413979255: $42,000 Guarantee (164915464), Table 351 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:52:05 ET - 2010/06/06
    Seat 1: Docdog1 (5,139)
    Seat 3: Wetts1012 (2,653)
    Seat 4: wuddacooler (2,560)
    Seat 5: n3w y0rk (5,630)
    Seat 6: Budambe (2,525)
    Seat 7: NextCase222 (4,031)
    Seat 8: Dinodos (3,000)
    Seat 9: patton883 (5,369)
    Docdog1 posts the small blind of 40
    Wetts1012 posts the big blind of 80
    The button is in seat #9
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Wetts1012 [As Qs]
    wuddacooler folds
    bulld0g32 sits down
    n3w y0rk raises to 160
    Budambe has 15 seconds left to act
    Budambe folds
    NextCase222 folds
    patton883 folds
    Docdog1 folds
    Wetts1012 calls 80
    *** FLOP *** [Jc Ks 3s]
    Wetts1012 checks
    n3w y0rk bets 360
    Wetts1012 raises to 960
    n3w y0rk calls 600
    *** TURN *** [Jc Ks 3s] [7h]
    Wetts1012 bets 1,533, and is all in
    n3w y0rk calls 1,533
    Wetts1012 shows [As Qs]
    n3w y0rk shows
    *** RIVER *** [Jc Ks 3s 7h] [Kc]
    Wetts1012 shows a pair of Kings
    n3w y0rk shows three of a kind, Kings
    n3w y0rk wins the pot (5,346) with three of a kind, Kings
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 5,346 | Rake 0
    Board: [Jc Ks 3s 7h Kc]
    Seat 1: Docdog1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 3: Wetts1012 (big blind) showed [As Qs] and lost with a pair of Kings
    Seat 4: wuddacooler didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 5: n3w y0rk showed and won (5,346) with three of a kind, Kings
    Seat 6: Budambe didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 7: NextCase222 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 8: Dinodos is sitting out
    Seat 9: patton883 (button) didn't bet (folded)
  • You guys are at an advantage. I've never made money on a sunday before

    Edit: Ok, maybe that's not true, I did go deep in the ongame sunday major a couple of times ^^' but apart from that not really
  • This line ok or just wierd?

    Seat 6: eyed (2,690)
    Seat 7: 311for20 (9,170)
    Seat 8: llRichardll (3,090)
    Seat 9: manuale1 (4,150)
    Yeffee posts the small blind of 50
    Fishomaniac posts the big blind of 100
    The button is in seat #9
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to llRichardll [:5c :5d]
    BAYRAM22 calls 100
    bpkpa folds
    quadguy13 folds
    eyed folds
    311for20 folds
    llRichardll calls 100
    manuale1 folds
    Yeffee calls 50
    Fishomaniac checks
    *** FLOP *** [:2d :4d :3d]
    Yeffee checks
    Fishomaniac has 15 seconds left to act
    Fishomaniac bets 200
    BAYRAM22 folds
    llRichardll calls 200
    Yeffee calls 200
    *** TURN *** [:2d :4d :3d] [:3c]
    Yeffee checks
    Fishomaniac bets 300
    llRichardll raises to 700
    Yeffee has 15 seconds left to act
    Yeffee folds
    Fishomaniac folds
    Uncalled bet of 400 returned to llRichardll
    llRichardll mucks
    llRichardll wins the pot (1,600)
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 1,600 | Rake 0
    Board: [2d 4d 3d 3c]
    Seat 1: Yeffee (small blind) folded on the Turn
    Seat 2: Fishomaniac (big blind) folded on the Turn
    Seat 3: BAYRAM22 folded on the Flop
    Seat 4: bpkpa didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 5: quadguy13 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 6: eyed didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 7: 311for20 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 8: llRichardll collected (1,600), mucked
    Seat 9: manuale1 (button) didn't bet (folded)
  • Looks OK.
  • busted the 42k:

    jj < 1010
    A9 > 77
    and finally AK < JJ
  • busted the 42k as well
  • Busto 33K

    87cc < 33 on a 883 flop.

  • Out of the 33k as well. Was up to 15k at one point but ran bad in all ways imaginable (also got 1 outed on the river on stars <.<)

    I have two bounties if that counts ^^'
  • OUt of that as well, we suck
  • Lol, let's run good in the double deuce then, 60 dollars on the line :P

    Edit: fml I run bad today , lost a 40k pot for the chiplead in the 300k gt on stars (50 dollar) when he hit a 3 outer

    Edit: Out of the 300gt. Flopped straight vs my top set <.< running good on sundays have always seemed a lot harder than running good any other day
  • 8k in the 22.

    Actually having a good day today outside of our bet :(
  • ironically 2,22k in the 22. Might be a sign
  • how about making it a LL bet in the 22? Current standings are me at 3,5k, actyper at 4,5 and wetts at 5
  • run good all of a sudden (he had a high steal% ofc ofc) :

    Full Tilt Poker Game #21419723647: The $200K Double Deuce (161836906), Table 767 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:10:04 ET - 2010/06/06
    Seat 1: ReifesEisen (4,301)
    Seat 2: llRichardll (3,820)
    Seat 3: Phishphri (3,175)
    Seat 4: Nerakar (3,490)
    Seat 5: Tsunami_14 (5,435)
    Seat 6: 4casterror (11,387)
    Seat 7: TheProdigalSon1 (2,920)
    Seat 8: StufrmNZ (1,902)
    Seat 9: thechosenone15 (8,600)
    ReifesEisen posts the small blind of 100
    llRichardll posts the big blind of 200
    The button is in seat #8
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to llRichardll [:kd :2s]
    Phishphri folds
    Nerakar folds
    Tsunami_14 folds
    4casterror folds
    TheProdigalSon1 folds
    StufrmNZ folds
    ReifesEisen has 15 seconds left to act
    ReifesEisen raises to 511
    llRichardll raises to 3,820, and is all in
    ReifesEisen calls 3,309
    llRichardll shows [:kd :2s]
    ReifesEisen shows [:ah :9c]
    *** FLOP *** [:qd :as :5s]
    *** TURN *** [:qd :as :2s] [:2d]
    *** RIVER *** [:qd :as :5s :2d] [:2c]
    llRichardll shows three of a kind, Twos
    ReifesEisen shows two pair, Aces and Twos
    llRichardll wins the pot (7,640) with three of a kind, Twos
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 7,640 | Rake 0
    Board: [Qd As 5s 2d 2c]
    Seat 1: ReifesEisen (small blind) showed [Ah 9c] and lost with two pair, Aces and Twos
    Seat 2: llRichardll (big blind) showed [Kd 2s] and won (7,640) with three of a kind, Twos
    Seat 3: Phishphri didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 4: Nerakar didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 5: Tsunami_14 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 6: 4casterror didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 7: TheProdigalSon1 didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 8: StufrmNZ (button) didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 9: thechosenone15 is sitting out
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    how about making it a LL bet in the 22? Current standings are me at 3,5k, actyper at 4,5 and wetts at 5

    Im in but I have 9K now. woteva.
  • Meh, can't agree to the LL now even though Iwant to. If the table stopped pretty much chipdumping wetts this would be a fair bet lol
  • If none of us cash then none of us deserve to win any $ IMO, so no LL
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    Meh, can't agree to the LL now even though Iwant to. If the table stopped pretty much chipdumping wetts this would be a fair bet lol

    The Q3 call was pretty awesome imo.
  • meh, I'm out, 1010 < AQ to end a rather bad session
  • Got pp to 46K.

    No idea how.

    Back down to 19k JJ<KK.
  • At 13k. Just shipped a 2k wsop seat though. :)
  • actyper wrote: »
    At 13k. Just shipped a 2k wsop seat though. :)

    play it, or t$?
  • Goes directly to T$, still planning to head down either end of June or early July if I don't win a ME seat.
  • ITM!

    Failure aborted.
  • lol I like that guy slow rolling his KK
  • actyper wrote: »
    lol I like that guy slow rolling his KK


    GG KKs. GL.
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