Roommate wanted

Hey all

So, as some of you know, I've purchased a condo in Kitchener. I take possession on June 28th, and am looking for someone to rent one of the three bedrooms.


3 Bedrooms / 2 full bathrooms
1100 square feet
No pets / No smoking / No Drugs
I will furnish all the common areas, and you only have to furnish your own room.
Thinking $540 / month o.b.o.
Condo is located near River Road and King (by Chiccopee tubing hill)

If you know anyone that's interested, or are interested yourself, let me know.



  • DrTyore wrote: »
    No pets

    I thought you said that Mario was going to be around quite often??
  • DataMn wrote: »
    I thought you said that Mario was going to be around quite often??

    But he doesn't shed. :)
  • Have you seen Mario??

    The man definitely sheds.

    It just won't show up against black furniture!
  • drtyore wrote: »
    hey all

    so, as some of you know, i've purchased a condo in kitchener. I take possession on june 28th, and am looking for someone to rent one of the three bedrooms.


    3 bedrooms / 2 full bathrooms
    1100 square feet
    no pets / no smoking / no drugs / must play poker / enjoy comic books, wrestling and anything created by joss whedon - especially content that is only availble via the internet / understand and apply wizards first rule / know 3 john prine songs by heart - you will be required to sing these songs as part of your application / enjoy small places - especially motor vehicles / hate peanut butter because you can't share mine / have an appreciation for men's underwear because I don't wear pants

    i will furnish all the common areas, and you only have to furnish your own room.
    Thinking $540 / month o.b.o.
    Condo is located near river road and king (by chiccopee tubing hill)

    if you know anyone that's interested, or are interested yourself, let me know.


  • moose wrote: »

    LOL! You hit a home run Moose!
  • Well done Moose. Well played sir.
  • That is a very well deserved POTD...
  • And it's really helping solve my dilemma.. ;)

  • Monday and Friday nights could be interesting at Mark's place;)
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