Short History and name drop for the COPC

This is part of a story that is getting reworked entirely, but it will still give the curious a bit of idea of the who and what of the Canadian Open Poker Championship, dating back to 2006. Hope to see everyone in Calgary

Back in 2005, Mr. Judah introduced Kelly to Huck Seed and Antonio Esfandiari, who also helped to spread the word. Deals were put together and plans to come to Calgary where made.

“Everybody was surprised to see the big names that turned up. The boys from the LAPC’s and Nenad Medic to name another, all came to play. We had some huge parties and Andy Bloch and Jim “Krazy Kanuck” Worth claim it was some of the best times they had ever. Thus was born the Canadian Open Poker Championship and everything that goes with it”

James Lopushinsky, a twenty three year old internet player from Whitehorse ended up winning the event, defeating Karhim Chatur in the final match. James took home a cool $250,000 and Karhim claimed a healthy bankroll boost of $125,000. James was said to have been mentored by Brad Booth while playing in Whitehorse and Karhim countinues to be well known as one of the best and biggest players on Canadian felts, having claimed more than a few championships and fat pots since. Back in 2006, Mr. Kellner and HeadsUp Entertainment did not own the Canadian Poker Tour and the next COPC was put together in 2008, shortly after the public company acquired the tour.

More events where added around the 5k championship event, to make sure everybody had a chance to take part in the fun. Huck Seed and Brad Booth would end up facing off in the final match, with Seed taking the title back to the US in the end. In addition to Antonio and Brad, other notable pro’s that attended included Joe Hachem, Gavin Smith, Garoeme “Kiwi” Putt, Van Marcus, Shawn Buchanan , Greg “FTB” Mueller, Phil Laak, Jennifer Tilley and Mel Judah are just some of the names present. Bo Fric, one of Calgary and Canada’s favorite players faced off against Huck Seed in a match he claims to have learned more in than all previous games combined. The Deerfoot Inn and Casino played host and once again great TV was filmed.

“Watching Roger Sarna sing the Muppets to Joe Hachem for 4 hours straight was simply priceless and thoroughly entertaining and has to be by far one of my favorite poker memories to date.” , recalled Kellner.

In 2009, the new Stampede Casino provided the venue for an even bigger series and more Las Vegas pros made the trip. The Ultimate Players Party was considered by many as the true representation of the player life style experience. This time, events stretched out over nearly a week and the media really took note. Spectators from around Calgary and the country popped in to watch some of their favorites battle it out. Mike Matusow, Layne Flack, Steve Paul Ambrose, Jeff Madsen and Phil Hellmuth where added to healthy and growing list of big names that figured this a “can’t miss” event. In the end, another young Internet professional took down the title. Ben Leblond faced Richard Webb, Phil Hellmuth, Brad Booth and finally Jeff Madsen in possibly one of the toughest line-up of opponents a player could face Heads Up. He did however prevail, besting them all 2 out of 3 matches and holdest one of the most well earned and prestigious titles in poker today, he is The Canadian Open Poker Championship titleholder.

To sum it all up, CPT’s CEO had this to say, “2010 marks significant milestones in Canadian Poker History. For the first time ever, maybe in poker history in general , we were able to have three of the biggest, competing major casinos come together to create the largest series of event for poker in Canada. With staffing and labor concerns out of the way and building off the success of previous years, this looks to also be some of the largest prize pools available to players and can only lead to forward strides in putting and keeping our game on the world map.”


  • Where is the "like" button?? How come my name isn't on the who's who of who is entering this year??? ;) Oh..wait, there isn't a list yet. There should be. :)
  • Feel free to "like" the CPsocial blog link on my FB wall Dennis, i could use a new T-shirt.

    Will be starting to contact our VIP list next week, be sure I phone you first. Also a separate landing page for structures, info and deals is under construction and priority.

    It begins sir. :) Also gonna put up some more sat info in the other thread.
  • Lets start the list. Nothing is ever 100% but here goes....

    ***Newff and Dennis G. from PCA! *** Hope to meet both these guys. I have a slap chop to take off Dennis.

    1) Antonio Esfandiari

    I have spoken to, he doesn't plan to miss it and has attended every year. He loves it and I can't see him not talking some of Team Victory into making the trip. Dan Fleyshman LOVED the Hard Rock CPT series, swept it and is the CEO of Victory. We will be sure to invite Robl, Rast and Chicotsky. So optimistically considering Laak has attended and Antonio and him are tight, maybe 5 big names right here.

    2) Brad Booth

    Also almost a given considering his track record in this, Antonio BSPT and the CPT realationships. Not to mention, he is a great guy who supports Canadian Poker and loves coming to Calgary.

    3) Gavin Smith.

    Tight with all the above, loves the CPT party and him and Kelly are pretty tight. Come out to the last few and also turned up at Hard Rock to support that series.

    4) Steve Paul Ambrose

    Also said he plans to make it out. Besides the 5k winners, nobody has taken more cash away from the COPC. Team Poker Stars member with almost 2 million in cashs. He loves the PLO events, the ME is big enough and he enjoys the 5k HU.

    5) Huck Seed

    Won it once, has been to all 3. Big supporter of BSC and I would count him in. Him I haven't spoke to yet though.

    6) Greg "FTB" Muller

    Also almost a given. Again huge supporter of poker in Canada and friend to the rest.

    7) Ben Leblond.

    He said 100% and is defending champ. Also having a good year on the felts, particularly in HU.

    8) Phil Hellmuth.

    50/50 on this one. He had a great time, VIP treatment and has run into Ben a few times. I can't see him not wanting a rematch. My only concern is no TV on the action, but we are planning a ton of Red Carpet stuff outside of gaming space and will behave 100% within gaming regs.

    9) Jeff Madsen

    Runner up, he had fun, I think he will back.

    10) Herb Van Dyke

    Longest match last year and loves the action. WPS owner and partner, count him in.

    11) Terrance Tran

    I would say 90%. He beat my favorite "DC" last year in the quarters, but not before DC beat Antonio. Antonio and DC have a bit of battle going tied 1-1 over last 2 years. Terrance was pretty happy last year and is a contender, very successful player, pretty sure he will show.

    12) Roger Sarna

    He is always around for big games and the PLO action is insane. He wipes and money whips the hell out of the lower limits, I would bet on him taking another 5k HU shot.

    13) Bo Fric.

    We will see. He has played the last 2 and certainly would have no trouble being backed if he wanted to play again. That and he can grind his own pretty well too. Don't know 100%

    14) Steven So

    300k over 5 online wins, also a big PLO player. He said he is up to the ME, 5K and PLO and with also being a Team CPT member, pretty sure he will just use any of his remaining buy in money after WSOP to hit this, not to mention he will prob cash there.

    15) Derrick Cooney

    The Ice Man had better be doing his homework, as a sponsored BSPT player he is getting his shot. I believe that while an underdog for this, his track record shows he just could do it.

    16) Kris Kilvington

    Another BSPT player.

    He has the confidence. I am routing for him. Also really has his work cut out for him.

    17) "DC"

    He loves it, the stakes are enough, and he is a contender. Regardless expect a $25-$50-$100 PLO with his name all over it. He will most likely play the PLO and ME too. "DC" has cashes in every major tour and event. My favorite.

    18) The rest of the "big game"

    The boys in the nosebleed PLO are on a mission. As many as 20 of these guys are planning to compete. They want the title to stay in town, but they will tear each other apart for bragging rights. First place is a night out for some of them.

    19) Karhim Chatur

    Runner up in 2006, scared of no game and very strong HU. I would count him in.

    20) Tyler Bonkowski

    The ring game action seems to have caught his attention and he swept some of the same boys on the WPS cruise. An international player, out of Saskatchewan, sponsered by 888. Pretty sure he may want to check it out.

    This just off the top off my head right now but I would say 40 tough players are a lock before we even get started. We cap at 128. Last year we had 93. 93 who loved the structure, party and told their friends. Most of these guys would hit $550 and better considering the prize pools, so thats a good start there too.

    Considering Brian Kessler's involvement and the huge numbers of players in BC, his pro list, Brads connections and both their previous involvements with the BCPC's I expect we can bring in quite a few players from the West Coast. I would also imagine he will be getting on the phone with Deep Stacks University and WSOP Academy.

    Don't forget Miss Lacey Jones. Much more than a pretty face and our spokesperson. Involved with everything poker and knows everyone in Vegas. She is 100% on board with making this a success and the approach is simple. You only have to be 18 to play in Alberta. Tons of internet talent that needs some live experience. Also very tight with the BC crowd and worked with the BCPC's.

    And then there is Steve Spindler. Having been the marketing guy for UB and AP as well as 888, his Blackberry has a ton of numbers. He put together the seminars that UB threw, so having him part of our team is huge in capping the series.

    I am working with Jack McAdoo to let his 50-100k of listeners know. With his podcast being advertised in 9 magazines globally, Hendon Mob always also helping with European and US players and the event having some Australian ties, considering our relationships with the poker media there the word will get out. Long trip, but hope to get a few back to the party.

    I gave Matt Savage the details, we will hopefully find away to work with him and the 2+2 crowd in letting people know, he is awesome and we have alot of members from PCA who are carpal tunnell. Either way I am confident people will hear about it once the ball is rolling.

    Again, this all before we light the fuse. The next few weeks and months are shaping up and look to be huge with tons of news players will enjoy. Time to get er done!

    Keep you posted

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