Casino Rama.. Phone-in? Buy-ins? Any regs here from there?

Going up to Alliston on Sunday and thought, what's another hour north?


I've never been, this is likely the closest I'll ever be, so I'm heading up there.

The Website for Rama is brutal and makes the poker room seem like an after-thought.

Can someone fill me in on details?

What games/buy-ins do they spread?

Can you call ahead?

What is the action like?

Any regs from here going to be there Sunday?


  • Whoa!!! Zunni in my hood!:o

    What time you planning to be there? There should be no wait if you get there in the morning till noonish, 1-2 of course, maybe a couple of 2-5, doubt anything higher but later in the day that could change:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Whoa!!! Zunni in my hood!:o

    What time you planning to be there? There should be no wait if you get there in the morning till noonish, 1-2 of course, maybe a couple of 2-5, doubt anything higher but later in the day that could change:)

    I'm not sure, I have some flexibility to my day on Sunday. Here are the absolutes: I need to check into my hotel in Alliston at some point.
    I can't be at the casino til 4 AM as I have business to conduct on Monday.

    So I might leave Brantford at 11 AM or 9 AM or 1 PM depending on various circumstances.

    No phone-in sucks. :(
  • Hey, I play at rama pretty regularly. You will find 2-5 limit, 1-2 & 2-5 no limit running. Getting any other game going is like pulling teeth there. Can be a nice room, but they seem to have a lot of new dealers lately, gotta have some patience with them. Happy to answer any other questions you may have.
  • I will be up there this afternoon playing some 1/2 or 2/5..

    I will be wearing a purple "Leonardo Reapers" baseball cap, hooded sweatshirt and jeans.

    I also wear glasses :)

    Come say "Hi" if you are around. Just mention PFC and I'll know what's up :)
  • |How about just yelling out Zunni!:D
  • philliivey wrote: »
    |How about just yelling out Zunni!:D

    Lol, that would also work.
  • Oh I feels so bad that rama's revenues are down 7 million, my heart is bleeding:D
  • z06guy wrote: »
    Hey, I play at rama pretty regularly. You will find 2-5 limit, 1-2 & 2-5 no limit running. Getting any other game going is like pulling teeth there. Can be a nice room, but they seem to have a lot of new dealers lately, gotta have some patience with them. Happy to answer any other questions you may have.[/Q

    Never played at Rama. I think after the big cheating fiasco they lost a lot of players.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    z06guy wrote: »
    Hey, I play at rama pretty regularly. You will find 2-5 limit, 1-2 & 2-5 no limit running. Getting any other game going is like pulling teeth there. Can be a nice room, but they seem to have a lot of new dealers lately, gotta have some patience with them. Happy to answer any other questions you may have.[/Q

    Never played at Rama. I think after the big cheating fiasco they lost a lot of players.

  • C'mon Philli. You heard about it. A bunch of dealers involved. Not in the poker room but I believe it was bacarat or go fish or something like that. Almost 2 years ago.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    C'mon Philli. You heard about it. A bunch of dealers involved. Not in the poker room but I believe it was bacarat or go fish or something like that. Almost 2 years ago.

    Casino Rama scam busted -

    and here...
    Federal Bureau of Investigation - The San Diego Division: Department of Justice Press Release

    Think this was much bigger than Rama.. These guys were busted because of Rama's security... Don't think Rama lost any business because of it, in fact they may have gained...
  • meh

    Also like to add to people to pay attention to the speed signs, it's fucking 80!!! not a 50 zone on the one stretch. arrrrggggghhhhhh

    that is all
  • philliivey wrote: »

    Also like to add to people to pay attention to the speed signs, it's fucking 80!!! not a 50 zone on the one stretch. arrrrggggghhhhhh

    that is all

    Any interest in a trip report of my time there?
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    Any interest in a trip report of my time there?

    Story time!!! oh boy!:p

    That would be a yes:)
  • zunni74 wrote: »
    Any interest in a trip report of my time there?

    Yes, always interested to hear someone else's view of the place...
  • Going to Rama today, usually dont go during the week, but last time I went was a monday and all the games broke down around 7am, do you guys know if this happens often. Just want to plan how long Ill be there. Feel like doing a big long session but only if the tables stay full obviously
  • z06guy wrote: »
    Yes, always interested to hear someone else's view of the place...

    It's coming.... just trying to balance the poker with the casino impressions...
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