Cash Game Pics May 24

Had a few people over for a small cash game/BBQ for my birthday.

DrTyore brought these god awful all green cards to bug me for liking 4 colour decks.


More green cards, though they are pretty hard to see.





Even sober, DrTyore managed to make a fool of himself. Ha ha. Keep working on that diet. (One broken chair)



Thanks to everyone for coming. Hope you enjoyed the day. Waltsfriend rolled her mighty stack into BCC, but you forgot to come back and pick up your containers. Thanks to all who brought stuff.

Next Game:


  • Thanks for hosting! It was great to see Joe, Sandro and Miranda out with the regulars for some poker on a beautiful afternoon in the sun. After a day of a few pretty good suckouts, Moose's son decided to lay another bad beat on me by 'painting' my Mustang with mud. Thanks little buddy! (Moose, the car is fine, no scratches or dents)

    Although I can't make your next game Moose, look for "Barrage in the Garage 2" to be posted soon!

  • Yes Thanks Moose and Mrs Moose. We appreciate the invite and the hospitality it was great.
  • Looks like a lot of fun. I love playing out back . Considering a cash game very soon.
  • Thanks Moose I enjoyed the day. I actually made it home quicker than I made it there. Traffic go figure? It was good to get out there and play in the sunshine and NO I didn't wake up burnt but I was damn tired when I got home and out of the sun.
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