Question Week: STR82ACE

1. do you have any idea how many games you have hosted on the Hill?
2. What is your favourite thing to do when you have the house to yourself?
3. where the last place you went where you had to fly to?
4. what did you want to be when you grew up?
5. did you enjoy your childhood?
6. outside of poker, just what is it that you enjoy doing?
7. are you a collector of anything?


  • How did you get started on poker?

    What do you think about yourself as a poker player?

    Favourite city you have traveled to? #1 city/place you want to visit that you haven't had a chance to

    Favourite sports to observe/spectate? Favourite sports to play/participate?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. do you have any idea how many games you have hosted on the Hill?
    2. What is your favourite thing to do when you have the house to yourself?
    3. where the last place you went where you had to fly to?
    4. what did you want to be when you grew up?
    5. did you enjoy your childhood?
    6. outside of poker, just what is it that you enjoy doing?
    7. are you a collector of anything?

    1. As of this coming Thursday, it would be 182 Ching Hill games. Add about another dozen or so for non Ching Hill games, and its close to 200 now.

    2. Doesn't happen often AT ALL. In the rare times it does, though, I like to watch movies. I watch a lot of movies actually, but nowhere near the avid fan you are, Ed.

    3. Vancouver, about three years ago. Stayed about three days and did manage to find some time to go to a casino. Think it was called WaterEdge? Their poker room was under renos at the time.

    4. Anything from a professional hockey player to a cop to an artist. Well, I blew out my knee playing hockey when I was 14, my art skills are absolutely pathetic, and I never followed through with the cop plan. I guess I was your typical kid though, had a million plans that would make me rich and famous.

    5. For the most part, it was a good childhood. My father was fairly strict, especially since I was the oldest, and I had a lot of responsibility in regards to the actions of my younger brothers, but I still had a good youth.

    6. Got into golf a couple of years ago. Much like my poker game, I suck at it as well. Other than that though, just watch a lot of tv.

    7. Not really. I do have some Boston Bruin paraphernalia so I guess if you say I collect anything that would be it.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    How did you get started on poker?

    What do you think about yourself as a poker player?

    Favourite city you have traveled to? #1 city/place you want to visit that you haven't had a chance to

    Favourite sports to observe/spectate? Favourite sports to play/participate?

    I was always interested in poker, from a young age. A few years ago, just after the Moneymaker incident, I read an article in the KW record about a home tournament. I believe it was one of Zithal's games, but it could have been hosted by the original owner of this site, can't remember. It mentioned this site, and the rest is history.

    Honestly, I still have a long way to go. I really enjoy the game, and in the last year or so, have managed to bring my cash game up to the NL10 and NL20 level. I don't play as many tournaments as I used to, but I'm hoping to get out more. I still make stupid mistakes, but I think I'm getting better at it.

    St. John's Nfld. I would have to say second would be San Antonio in Texas. If you ever get the chance, do the River Walk. Can't finish it sober, I guarantee it.

    I don't watch a lot of sports. Playoff hockey is simply the best there is, but if my team isn't in it, I don't watch it. Okay, well, maybe the last game, but that's it. I have enjoyed a couple of Blue Jay games in the past, those were fun. As far as participating, used to be quite the hockey nut, but not anymore. Haven't tied a pair of skates in over five years. I enjoy playing golf, and volleyball has always been one of my fav games.
  • When are we going to see you on the pga tour?

    Has anyone mentioned how hard it is to remember how to spell your forum name?

    How did you come up with your forum name?

    Where are you in terms of age of compeause and Hobbes,oldest, middle?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    When are we going to see you on the pga tour?

    Has anyone mentioned how hard it is to remember how to spell your forum name?

    How did you come up with your forum name?

    Where are you in terms of age of compeause and Hobbes,oldest, middle?

    HA! Funny. Only way you'll see me on the tour is if I'm the naked guy running down the fairway ahead of Tiger. And that ain't happening.

    What's so hard about it? Its phonetic. STR8 (straight) 2 (to) Ace. Simple really. When I first signed up to this forum, it just came naturally to mind. I was actually amused it wasn't taken yet.

    Comp has about a decade and a half on me I think. Hobbes I believe is a bit younger than I am, but could be wrong. I'll be 47 this July.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Where are you in terms of age of compeause and Hobbes,oldest, middle?
    lol, I am honoured.... Whatever they say, they're lying...

    Where did you grow up?

    What was your first job...?

    First girlfriend? And did her dad give you the talk?
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, I am honoured.... Whatever they say, they're lying...

    Where did you grow up?

    What was your first job...?

    First girlfriend? And did her dad give you the talk?

    Jeff, you hold the Age Title here, and always will. Tough to beat the age of dirt, but you did it! ;)

    My family moved from NFLD to Kitchener Ont when I was 3 yrs old. I lived there until I was about 10, then moved to Mount Forest. Mount Forest is the absolute WORST town in the world, and I hated every second living there.

    My first real job was working on a mink ranch in Mount Forest. This was before the pelt prices bottomed out. Ever had to deal with a mink? Nasty fucking creatures. Still have scars on my hands from their razor sharp teeth and claws. The only mink that weren't vicious were the few breeding males, them boys were as docile as kittens. Then knew they had a good life. But the females?? Nasty little bitches.

    Never had a girlfriend until I moved back to Kitchener when I was 18 or 19. We dated/lived together for awhile, but then I found out she was a mink. Nasty little bitch. No, her father never gave me The Talk. I think he wanted her out of his sight more than anything so he encouraged me.
  • PRetty sure I already know the response but,

    which one gets the heave?

    P.S. 47 ?!? You mean I'm only a year behind you in the dead pool stakes? Holy Crap, I'm old . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    PRetty sure I already know the response but,

    which one gets the heave?

    I can't even remember the last time I had any kind of booze. Think it might have Christmas time, but before that...couldn't tell you. I used to drink heavily every weekend, on the cusp of being a weekend alcoholic, but that was in my troubled youth. Today, booze would easily get the heave ho

    Mind you, the amount of sex I'm getting lately, its a close second :mad:

    mmmmmmm dead animal flesh FEED ME!:D
  • who is the coolest?:




  • Do you think it is more quite and or peaceful with no Kristy around?:D
  • Psst . . . AJ . . . it doesn't mean you're gay if you don't pick Steve McQueen. But it DOES mean you're an idiot . . .

    Car chase faves: Bullitt, French Connection, or Seven-Ups?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    who is the coolest?:


    Muddguts wrote: »

    Muddguts wrote: »
    Couldn't POSSIBLY qualify as COOL
    Muddguts wrote: »

    Close second. Chuck Rocks!
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Do you think it is more quite and or peaceful with no Kristy around?:D

    Absolutely, but that's not necessarily a bad thing either. Kristy has the ability to generate action, be it on the felt, forum, or a barroom. Sometimes she can be a bit rough around the edges but you gotta respect her stones when she gets locked on a subject.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Psst . . . AJ . . . it doesn't mean you're gay if you don't pick Steve McQueen. But it DOES mean you're an idiot . . .

    Like there was a challenge in who to pick. The only even close was Chuck, and since smoking isn't cool these days...he's out.

    Since Steve, nobody has defined coolness quite as definitively...however...this guy has potential

    Milo wrote: »
    Car chase faves: Bullitt, French Connection, or Seven-Ups?

    Embarressed to say this, but I've not seen EITHER of those. :-[
  • ~5 cities, 2 weeks in each, all expenses paid. Where do you go and why?
    ~What would you chose as your last meal?
    ~If you were offered the opportunity to play 4 major poker tournaments, with the buy-in covered for you, what events would you choose to play?
    ~If you could pick 3 historical events that you could witness first hand, what would you pick?
    ~Favourite colour?
    ~Favourite Looney Toon?
  • aside from yourself, who do you pick to win the SET this thursday?
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~5 cities, 2 weeks in each, all expenses paid. Where do you go and why?

    Sydney Australia. Always want to go to Australia. Spend a week in Sydney, and the other week in some remote outback settlement.
    Paris, France. Just to see the tower and eat the food. You DID say all expenses paid, right??
    London England. Moreso for the wife and kid than myself
    Anyplace in Ireland. Seems like a fun place with good beer. What more can a guy ask for??
    Any island in the south. Never been to any of the islands for a holiday, would love to take in Cuba or Jamacia or Dom Rep...just for the get away.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~What would you chose as your last meal??

    Anything that will prolong my life another 20 years.
    Seriously, though, it would most likely be chicken fried steak, baked potatoes, carrots, aparagus, and for dessert, deep fried ice cream with warm dutch apple pie.
    If I can't have that, than a Jiggs Dinner will be just fine thank you.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~If you were offered the opportunity to play 4 major poker tournaments, with the buy-in covered for you, what events would you choose to play??

    Oh dream of dreams, if only this were to come true
    WSOP Main Event obviously...just one time
    WSOP Europe London main event
    Australian Open
    Monte Carlo
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~If you could pick 3 historical events that you could witness first hand, what would you pick??

    First, the day Hitler was killed, just to piss on his forehead as he breathed his last breath
    Second, the day Columbus discovered America, just to see the look on his face when he found out he was WAY off from China, and that he actually DIDN'T discover America first
    Third, maybe not so historical, but the summer of my 11th birthday to redo again. That was the summer I spend in Nfld with my grandfather and it was the absolute BEST summer of my life. He passed away the following summer, and I never got a chance to say goodbye until two years ago when my daughter and parents went back for a couple of weeks. I finally said my goodbye then, but its just not the same.
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Favourite colour??
    I piss black and gold!! And I don't care what the doctor says about that not being healthy!!
    Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Favourite Looney Toon?

    Needs more love
    He doesn't get Bugs near often enough imo, but when he does, its usually a doozy.

    I particularily like the Baby Tunes they brought out a few years ago, my favourite being...


    "Water go down the hooole" ... still cracks me up.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    aside from yourself, who do you pick to win the SET this thursday?

    Nope, not going to jinx it for me. My record in SET wins speaks for itself.

    Honestly, its anybody's for the taking this season. Allan and Darryl have both been struggling, and my rush at the season closing can only hold up for me. But that Dave L, Romer's bud...he's a Silent Killer! Never says more than five words all night, and yet his cards scream DOMINATION at you. Wish he would be more talkative, maybe his cards will cool down abit.
  • Thanks, AJ, thanks a lot . . . and I was very impressed with your Old Spice guy reference, too . . . *sigh*

    Okay, If you could visit one location in CANADA that you have not previously visited, where would it be? Why?

    Also, I can highly recommend Cuba as a vacation spot . . . fantastic and, unlike Jamaica atm, no one shoots at you.
  • str82ace wrote: »
    i can't even remember the last time i had any kind of booze. Think it might have christmas time, but before that...couldn't tell you. I used to drink heavily every weekend, on the cusp of being a weekend alcoholic, but that was in my troubled youth. Today, booze would easily get the heave ho

    good boy!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Okay, If you could visit one location in CANADA that you have not previously visited, where would it be? Why?

    Rocky Mountains. Spend a week or two up in some secluded little mountain lake that has not seen more than four people in its entire history, teaming with frisky, large trout that have never seen a tied fly, locked in some rustic log cabin with nothing but a fireplace and small bed. Become a real Grizzly Adams for awhile.
  • 1. what is the most generous thing you have done for someone?
    2. what's the most embarrassing thing to happen to you in public?
    3. if I bring mini sticks to the next Hill game, will you and Hardwood get on your knees and play a game up to 10 in opposing Habs/Bruins Jersey's while being filmed for PCF forumers to watch and most importantly, bet on?
    4. So, there is an AJ in your house and oddly enough, an RJ, tell us about RJ
    5. when you will you start enforcing the "tidy stack" rule against Darryl?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. what is the most generous thing you have done for someone?

    Most generous? Oddly enough, I can't think of one thing in particular. I'm naturally a generous person I believe, and to pin point just one is tough. I'll have to think on this one.
    Muddguts wrote: »
    2. what's the most embarrassing thing to happen to you in public??
    MARRIAGE!! Oddly enough, answers question 1 at the same time.
    Muddguts wrote: »
    3. if I bring mini sticks to the next Hill game, will you and Hardwood get on your knees and play a game up to 10 in opposing Habs/Bruins Jersey's while being filmed for PCF forumers to watch and most importantly, bet on??
    No contest. Habs Man will go down in flames. And yes, I do now have a Boston Bruins Jersey hanging on the wall. Not only is it a Bruins jersey, its Bobby's Boston Bruins jersey!!
    Muddguts wrote: »
    4. So, there is an AJ in your house and oddly enough, an RJ, tell us about RJ?

    RJ is short for Reject. When she was born, the owner of the bitch brought her to the vet where my now daughter inlaw was working, stating that it was the runt and to put it down. A one day old newborn puppie, and this WOMAN wanted to put it down because it was the little one. Anyway, my daugther inlaw and the staff at the vet clinic took it upon themselves to raise this little bundle of fur, each member taking it home and caring for it and making sure it was healthy. When I first met RJ, she was barely able to open her eyes, but I instantly fell in love with this little furball, and when my daughter inlaw offered me to bottle feed her, well, I was hooked. I've always been partial to collies, and was considering getting a dog without anyone else suspecting I was, but once she was old enough to be adopted, we adopted her and brought her home. She's been a member of our family ever since. My stepson named her Reject, due to her situation coming into this world, and it just stuck.
    Muddguts wrote: »
    5. when you will you start enforcing the "tidy stack" rule against Darryl?
    Ching Hill has a Tidy Stack rule? I'll have to look that up, but if Darryl wants to donate most of his chips and then mess up the few remaining so no one can tell what he has, I don't mind. He only does this when running bad, and you can exploit it ^-^
  • Are you sad that i won't be there tonight? Can you bend the rules so that i can play?
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Are you sad that i won't be there tonight?
    I don't think SAD is quite the word I would use, but you will be missed. I could really use your chips to win this thing tonight ;)
    crazykoby wrote: »
    Can you bend the rules so that i can play? just HAD to go to Boston last week, didn't you? If you brought me back any kind of Bruins trinket, it would be an easy decision, but I doubt you even thought about me and my needs while you were there.

    Not sure how many others only had 3 games in this season at this moment. I would have to give them ALL a chance to play. I'll let the players decide.
  • This afternoon, I had an inexplicable urge to kick somebody I had never met before in the back while I was behind them walking down the stairs.

    Is this normal?


    How much ya bench?


    Where should I spend my winnings tomorrow?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    This afternoon, I had an inexplicable urge to kick somebody I had never met before in the back while I was behind them walking down the stairs.

    Is this normal?

    It is for me. Go for it!! Glad you've met me though all the same.

    Wetts1012 wrote: »

    How much ya bench?

    Couldn't even begin to guess. Last time I benched I think it was about 155, but that was in my 20's. Doubt I could even come close to that. I'm not near as strong as I appear to be.
    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Where should I spend my winnings tomorrow?

    I foresee a Happy Meal in your future for lunch tomorrow, as that will be all you will be able to afford after you leave here in 8th spot and have to go searching through your home couch for change.
  • How awesome did it feel to beat me in the heads up tourney?

    Who will run the post apocalyptic world: zombies, cochroaches, Republicans or Chuck Norris?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    How awesome did it feel to beat me in the heads up tourney?

    I remember was a good game if memory serves. Out in the next round though I believe.
    Cerberus wrote: »
    Who will run the post apocalyptic world: zombies, cochroaches, Republicans or Chuck Norris?

    Even Chuck Norris can't defend against cockroaches in a post apocalyptic world. Those fucking things feed on zombies and Republicans. All Chuck would have would be cockroaches.
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