Game 12; Close Race

Only one game left in regular season, and the top two spots have never been closer. I have less than 2 full point lead on Allan, so this game will be interesting for the both of us. (psst...knock Allan out before me...get a deck of cards) ;) Seriously, should be a good game.

Who's In??

Dave D
Dave L


  • Not this week guys . . . knock AJ out before Allan, I'll provide the same deck of cards AJ is offering . . . :D
  • donating to the cause....
  • i need a point so IN i guess
  • about this "Close Race Crap"

    And I don't like the HAbs, or the Bruins

    and Briere is on my "I hate you line"

    Love and Kisses Milton Slim

    See you Thursday
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    about this "Close Race Crap"

    And I don't like the HAbs, or the Bruins

    and Briere is on my "I hate you line"

    Love and Kisses Milton Slim

    See you Thursday

    Don't hold back Dave...tell us what you REALLY think.
  • He's just mad cuz all he has a chance to win this week is a deck of cards . . . :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    He's just mad cuz all he has a chance to win this week is a deck of cards . . . :)

    no first out or bubble prize

    That sucks!!!

    Think I'll wear a Professioal Team sweater!

    Certainly leaving you guys a chance to jump all over that comment

    Mr. Bitterman:-X:-X
  • Bumpity bump

    Again, Thursday AM and still waiting to hear from several players. Romer needs to play this last game, and I believe so does Greg, so I expect both of them to sign up soon. Kris will likely chime in anytime, and Dave L will most certainly come out as well. No word from Justin, Jason, or anyone else yet, but I expect Justin will show...Jason...well, The Habs are scheduled to play tonight, but they were also scheduled to play the last two games and never bothered showing up, so who knows.
  • I'm starting to feel like Garry, just donating to the cause...In
  • If I didn't like licorice...
    Who knows?

    Milton Slim
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    The Habs are scheduled to play tonight, but they were also scheduled to play the last two games and never bothered showing up, so who knows.

    Well put sir :D lol
  • Girlfriend is in town, wasn't sure if I could make it , but she's cool so I will be there.
  • Harwood wrote: »
    Girlfriend is in town, wasn't sure if I could make it , but she's cool so I will be there.

    Typical Habs Fan...damn it man, GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!!
  • In'ski please....
  • Where's Romer and Dave L? Romer needs to play tonight to qualify for next week. Don't have his number to verify either. Anyone got his number?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Where's Romer and Dave L? Romer needs to play tonight to qualify for next week. Don't have his number to verify either. Anyone got his number?

    FUCK OFF..................were on our way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...romer and dave l.
  • KIMURA wrote: »
    FUCK OFF..................were on our way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...romer and dave l.

    You talk to your mother with that mouth?? Sheesh.
    You're IN.
  • Game has finally ended at almost 11:30 tonight. Man, it seemed to take forever to get the first bust out. I think it was in level 6, well after the break. But finally, bodies started leaving slowly.

    Dave L took it down tonight, going headsup against Darryl. Dave had a monster stack and try as he might, Darryl just couldn't put much of a dent in it. Kris took down third place and happy as hell that he made the money.

    And Allan outlasted me so he will reign as the Season Champ.
    Damn you...Damn you all to Hell!!

    Next week is the SET game. We'll be playing for somewhere in the area of $1500 so if you have qualified to play, make sure you make it out. I'll post everyone's buyin and their bonus chips over the weekend, as well as send out the spreadsheet.

    See you all next week.
  • SET ?!? In . . .
  • Here's the OFFICIAL standings for this season.

    ALLEN 465.63

    A.J. 458.07
    DARRYL 353.11
    JEFF 324.33
    KEITH 320.58
    JASON 318.44
    GARRY 296.68
    DAVE L 273.89
    ANTHONY 255.18
    DAVE 204.07
    KRIS 170.86
    ED 140
    ROMER 64.48
    GREG 52.11
    STEVE 47.8
    KAREN 34.96
    MARK 31.36
    DAN 18.49
    EDDIE 17.2
    JEFF C 15.4

    I'll be posting a new thread soon for the SET game that will include your buyins for the game, as well as the bonus chips you've earned this season.

    Congratulations Allan. At least I tried to make it interesting for you this time. I guess the secret is only to play three hands all night.
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