Game 11

Allan is still holding top spot, but its getting tighter for him. I'm within striking distance now and a win this week could mean a very interesting game next week.

Who's In?

Dave L
Dave D


  • Get my stub ready...I'm in
  • Hello? Is this thing on? Where is everyone? Romer, Kris, Dave L, Dave D, Anthony? Jeff? Jason?

    Okay, my home internet is in the process of being upgraded, and as such I MAY not be able to update the list after 4pm this afternoon. I would very much like to see more names added by then, but if you can't and STILL want to play after 4pm, either call me or just show up early so I can set your chips up.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Hello? Is this thing on? Where is everyone? Romer, Kris, Dave L, Dave D, Anthony? Jeff? Jason?

    Okay, my home internet is in the process of being upgraded, and as such I MAY not be able to update the list after 4pm this afternoon. I would very much like to see more names added by then, but if you can't and STILL want to play after 4pm, either call me or just show up early so I can set your chips up.

    Hey AJ,

    I'm in and Dave bringin snacks. Thanks.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Hello? Is this thing on? Where is everyone? Romer, Kris, Dave L, Dave D, Anthony? Jeff? Jason?


    Sorry about that, stupid busy that's all... I'm in for tonight's game!!!
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Sorry about that, stupid busy that's all... I'm in for tonight's game!!!

    Had us worried Kris. Glad everything is okay.
    See you tonight
  • let's say in
    if things change

    I'll let you know

    Milton Slim
  • In.
    (...just like the Habs and the Conference Finals!)
  • Harwood wrote: »
    (...just like the Habs and the Conference Finals!)

    Be sure to kiss your significant other before leaving to come to the game.

    You MAY NOT return.
  • So I guess, your suggesting that I shouldn't wear "La Sainte-Flanelle" this evening, then eh...
  • In, sorry AJ dont have your number to call so hopefully you get this.
  • jbird8306 wrote: »
    In, sorry AJ dont have your number to call so hopefully you get this.

    got it thanks
  • It was a struggle, but I managed to hang on and win the game tonight, putting some much need points on my side of the spreadsheet against Allan.

    Headsup with Jeff, it was like a Bruins/Habs battle. Jeff would raise, I would re raise...and just like the Habs...Jeff would fold under the pressure ;) Seriously, though, I started to get some decent hands headsup and managed to chip away at Jeff until he call my push with A6 against my pocket 10's. Flop came down 789...another 9 on the turn...and the most beautiful 10 on the river to give my boat the win over his straight. GG Jeff.

    Garry took down third place. Impressive too, when you consider he might have played all of 7 hands all night.

    I'll update the points board and post here in the next day or two. See you all next week for the last game of the season.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    It was a struggle, but I managed to hang on and win the game tonight, putting some much need points on my side of the spreadsheet against Allan.

    Headsup with Jeff, it was like a Bruins/Habs battle. Jeff would raise, I would re raise...and just like the Habs...Jeff would fold under the pressure ;) Seriously, though, I started to get some decent hands headsup and managed to chip away at Jeff until he call my push with A6 against my pocket 10's. Flop came down 789...another 9 on the turn...and the most beautiful 10 on the river to give my boat the win over his straight. GG Jeff.

    Garry took down third place. Impressive too, when you consider he might have played all of 7 hands all night.

    I'll update the points board and post here in the next day or two. See you all next week for the last game of the season.

    Congrats. You have Ching on lock, you lucky bastard!:tongue:
  • KIMURA wrote: »
    Congrats. You have Ching on lock, you lucky bastard!:tongue:

    Yea, hopefully my run bad session is over on The Hill now. But we'll find out next week when I knock Allan out of the top spot!!:laugh:
  • Oh man...this one is the closest we've EVER been. Next week's game should be rather interesting


    A.J. 439.88
    ALLEN 438.14
    JASON 305.44
    DARRYL 299.76
    KEITH 296.96
    JEFF 291.59
    GARRY 280.5
    ANTHONY 255.18
    DAVE L 191.38
    DAVE 183.45
    ED 140
    KRIS 130.41
    GREG 52.11
    ROMER 50.01
    STEVE 47.8
    DAVE D 46.49
    KAREN 34.96
    MARK 31.36
    DAN 18.49
    EDDIE 17.2
    JEFF C 15.4
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