What A *$#&ing Day!

Couldn't sleep last night so I jumped in the tub. GF texts me while in said tub, I grab the phone, it slips and now the phone is dead.

Got two hours of sleep before embarking on the wonderful dues paying day that is wrestling show day. Up at 0630, picked up the ring truck at 0800. Get the truck loaded by 0930 and we're off to the venue for 1000. Get the ring put together and railings up by 1200 so I send the crew (as somehow I got turned into the defacto leader of the ring crew) on their lunch for an hour and catch about 10 minutes of sleep in the ring. Spend the rest of the day making sure everything is getting put together properly, changing and altering the things that get screwed up.

One of those things is the ring aprons, that go around the bottom of the ring to hide the crap that's under it. Put those and the canvas on. Oops, turns out Dragongate USA has their own and won't be using ours. Wasted time, I loathe thee.

Event starts at 1830, goes until 2300 when it's all said and done. Then we get to disassemble the ring. In my rush to do it, I forget the lights on, and since the truck was older than Compuease, the battery dies. At this point, I fucking lose my mind a bit and become a bit of a cussing bastard. May have scared my head coach too, which I didn't believe possible.

I just got in the door 10 minutes ago. What a shitty 24 hours. At least it can't get any worse.


  • You're scaring me so bad, I am going to leave the country . . .

    See you all in a week.
  • Remember how I said it can't get any worse? Fuck am I stupid. One of my cats shocked me out of sleep this morning by breaking a vase. I get up, pick up the pieces and begin vaccuuming. As I start to use the reaching tools to get under the bed, the vaccuum tips on it's side and...

    wait for it...

    this really sucked so the least I can do is build the suspense a little...

    sucks my hair into it while simultaneously blowing the motor.

    Not my bloody day.
  • Get off the crack!:D

    Sorry to hear and I know exactly what you are talking about.
  • Wow Cerb, that really does suck. Literally! Just kidding.

    If it's any consolation, I just unloaded about 3 thousand pounds of wood into my backyard by myself.............................in the fucking snow blowing sideways! On the 8th of May!!! This was after having to convince the driver that it wouldn't be a good idea to dump my new lumber off the truck off the back of my laneway to have it slide into and crush my fence. So, he dumped it on my laneway instead and only moved the 12X12 beams that hold my laneway together out by a few inches. They just hold it together anyway, so they aren't that important! Fuck I hate people sometimes.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Couldn't sleep last night so I jumped in the tub. GF texts me while in said tub, I grab the phone, it slips and now the phone is dead.

    Event starts at 1830, goes until 2300 when it's all said and done. Then we get to disassemble the ring. In my rush to do it, I forget the lights on, and since the truck was older than Compuease, the battery dies. At this point, I fucking lose my mind a bit and become a bit of a cussing bastard. May have scared my head coach too, which I didn't believe possible.

    I just got in the door 10 minutes ago. What a shitty 24 hours. At least it can't get any worse.

    Shoulda called CAA! :D >:D
  • Waynes_World_Suck_and_Cut.jpg

    It sucks, as it cuts.
    Well, it certainly does suck.
  • ...and then you fell back into a bookshelf, jarring the bowling ball on the top shelf which then fell on your head.
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