Idiotic parents!

I saw "Nightmare On Elm Street" tonight and saw something more horrific than the movie itself. Six kids in the 10th row, all under the age of 7!

What parent in their right mind would bring a kid to a movie like that? Absolutely stunning.


  • This really isn't that big of a deal. I watched the original NOES when I was 4, and the first movie I remember renting with my dad was Dawn of the Dead and I turned out relatively okay.
  • How was the movie? I heard it sucked
  • derrickone wrote: »
    I turned out relatively okay.

    Can we make this a poll? :D

    For the record, my wife let my daughter watch Jurassic Park on DVD at age 5. I was not happy, but she is a normal kid. Well, except for the carcasses in the crawlspace . . .
  • Horribly burned man with razors for fingers cutting people to shreds, blood squirting and adults screaming. It's just not something I can even fathom letting my 4 year old watch.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    How was the movie? I heard it sucked

    I guess the usual remake remark applies here.."it's not as good as the original". It was a one-timer for me, neither terrific nor complete garbage. I know, not a favourable review in the least lol
  • Milo wrote: »
    Can we make this a poll? :D

    Key word, relatively.
  • I saw the same thing...

    One woman with about 3-4 kids MAYBE 13 years old. How do they get away with this? It says right in the rating 18+ only! I didn't notice until after the movie had started otherwise i'd have said something.


    P.S. - the movie wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it was also disappointing for me.
  • Were the parents wearing rubber boots,overalls and carrying Banjos?
  • I saw Misery and Pet Cemetery when I was 10 - I havent watched a scary movie since, I am pretty sure its why I play weak-passive :)
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    How do they get away with this? It says right in the rating 18+ only!

    As I walked by, I gave the parents a look and said "did you enjoy that movie kids?" and the parents just laughed.

    I asked the ticket taker what the rating was and she said 18A which means any person under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. I said "there were 5 year old kids in there" and she just gave me this "I know, I know" look and said "it's the parents' decision".
  • My daughter's favourite movies are Mummy, Mummy Returns, and Sleepy Hollow, all of which are not in the gore class as NOES, but nonetheless, some scenes are quite gorish indeed. She came out okay.

    Wait...Ada...what are you doing with that knife? Put it down. No, not in my!!!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Wait...Sharantyr...what are you doing with those chips? Put 'em down. No, not in the!!!

    Fixed based on your tourney play last night . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Fixed based on your tourney play last night . . .

    Are you referring to She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named? I don't know what you're talking about.
  • I've heard that happens with age . . . you may want to look at starting a Brampton chapter of the Rocks . . . :D
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