Comment on Kristy leaving early...

Sorry for re-opening this type of post Jeff, but I feel that I should make a comment here.

I did not ask Kristy to do anything, because I felt like I had a good handle on everything that needed to happen. I had plenty of help at the start of the day and was pretty well set up when Kristy arrived - and she did arrive early and asked what she could do.

At the end of the day, there were a lot of people who helped to put away chips. I slowly collected all of the garbage and bottles with the help of a few others. Once the awards ceremony was over Sharyntar and Milo helped to load the chips into the elevator and then my car. Kristy staying late would have served no purpose other than not helping her father, who was kind enough to fill in at the last minute.

If you want to blame anyone, blame me for not asking her to stay and help - but it will fall on deaf ears for the reasons above.



  • We, at the Forum, are very lucky to have her here. Don' t worry Al, her complaints should start by either the next Royal or the one after that.
  • DataMn wrote: »
    Sorry for re-opening this type of post Jeff, but I feel that I should make a comment here.

    I did not ask Kristy to do anything, because I felt like I had a good handle on everything that needed to happen. I had plenty of help at the start of the day and was pretty well set up when Kristy arrived - and she did arrive early and asked what she could do.

    At the end of the day, there were a lot of people who helped to put away chips. I slowly collected all of the garbage and bottles with the help of a few others. Once the awards ceremony was over Sharyntar and Milo helped to load the chips into the elevator and then my car. Kristy staying late would have served no purpose other than not helping her father, who was kind enough to fill in at the last minute.

    If you want to blame anyone, blame me for not asking her to stay and help - but it will fall on deaf ears for the reasons above.



    As someone who has a regular "go" at Kristy, on a variety of topics where we disagree, I think crticizing her for leaving as she did is crap. I was within ear-shot to know the following:

    when she left,
    why she was leaving,
    that she was not needed further.

    Lots of players left as soon as they were able, for many different reasons, and that is fine. I heard nothing from Al during the tear-down that made me believe that there was not plenty of assistance given throughout the day, and his comments above reflect that.

    Frankly, this whole thing is ridiculous. Her team was on-time, and plenty of fun to play against. As a Captain, she got her team together, weathered the inevitable last-minute crises, and had her act together throughout the day (afaik) scheduling-wise. So good for her . . .

    Kristy, go have some hot chicken soup and feel better. :)
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    We, at the Forum, are very lucky to have her here. Don' t worry Al, her complaints should start by either the next Royal or the one after that.

    Dave please don't aggravate the situation...

    Thanks for clarifying Al, I just didn't like the way the thread was going with the back and forth chirping, that's why I locked it.. Didn't want any further crap associated with the Royal..

    I too was grateful to both Kristy's dad and the others that filled in last minute.

    Hopefully that's the end of it until the next "situation". ^-^
  • Sorry, I thought this was a Forum. My bad.
  • These are the days of our lives
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    These are the days of our lives

    I actually love the irony contained in this post.

    Thank you GTA, for making me smile.
  • Wow, thank you Al! I really appreciate your taking the time to write that.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    These are the days of our lives

    That is an excellent post right there!
  • cadillac wrote: »
    That is an excellent post right there!


    Would also like to add that I did think of Kristy when I went by the timmies in Kitchener, but was not sure if she had or someone else got her 1 already;)
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