Quick Bristol Update

Hey all,

I really meant to have a tourney this weekend, but I ended up spending the weekend tearing out the small bathroom in the basement.

The bad news is that I wasn't able to play at the Royal. The good news is that sewage is no longer backing up into the basement. (That room was a whole lot worse than we thought it was before we started tearing it apart)

So, the bad news is that Bristol is out of commission for a couple weeks as we get cleaned up, but the good news is that I now really have some free reign to redesign the layout of the basement. One strong consideration is to see if I can tear down the wall that separates the main rec room from the little hallway and expand the rec room out.

For those that have been in my place, feel free to offer other suggestions.

Regular games will be resuming in a few weeks!



  • I don't have any ideas for a new layout, other than opening it up a bit. Or maybe a big fridge down there :D

    However, it you need any help, please let us know. I'm sure more then a few of us would be willing to kill a Saturday demolishing your basement if it helps getting BSCs running again!
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