Steven Seagal sued for keeping sex slaves.

Seagal sued for allegedly keeping sex slaves - Celebrities

For some reason this really doesn't come as much of a surprise.


  • lol. Have I ever said that you're my favourite poster atm? I still mull over the infinite awesome that was TomSelleck/Waterfall/Sandwich at least once a week.
  • boo, just read it..I'm sure he's a perv; but this is clearly just a money-grub.
  • LOL at these wimmins assuming that Seagal still has $$$ . . .
  • Chuck Norris has women lining up to be his sex slave for free.
  • Chuck would kick Segals ass in a second. Did he actually get paid for what they call acting?
  • Steven Seagal > Chuck Norris.

    Yeah, I said it.

    YouTube - Steven Seagal - Cockpuncher
  • Careful . . . Chuck is watching you . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Careful . . . Chuck is watching you . . .

    yeah but even he would laugh at that clip.
  • Good one. absolutely Hilarious LMFAO:laugh:
  • Chuck Norris had his sense of humour removed . . . it interfered with his killing. Now, the only time Chuck smiles is when he is about to deliver a roundhouse kick to his next victim.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Careful . . . Chuck is watching you . . .

    Good. While he tries to roundhouse kick me, Steven Seagal will show up undetected and punch him in the dick.
  • It is a well known fact that Chuck Norris' penis is, in fact, just another fist. He would block said "cock-punch", and swiftly dispatch Mr. Seagal back to the nether places with a second round-house kick.

    Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light, not because he is afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris. Chuck is nothing, if not considerate. ;)
  • You've obviously never seen Hard To Kill. Some lame ass Texas Ranger doesn't got shit on Mason Storm.
  • Movie/TV-wise, what kind of limp-wristed killing machine requires 2 names?

    Walker >>> Mason Storm

    Athough . . . Mason Storm would be a great pseudonym for gay porn. Perhaps Mr. Seagal could find his niche there?
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