Question Week: Richard~

1. last name or first name?
2. is the squiggly a symbol for your poker game, privates or anything else?
3. what was you biggest one game cash out?
4. you can do the following for 5 hours each just once, read minds and be invisible. WHat do you do with your time and powers?


  • Why does a European join a Canadian Poker Forum?
  • Are you o.k. with my new signature?:)
  • Pics of U or gtfo?
  • Meat, booze, or sex, which one gets the chop?

    European? Which football team is your fave, and why?
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    1. last name or first name?
    2. is the squiggly a symbol for your poker game, privates or anything else?
    3. what was you biggest one game cash out?
    4. you can do the following for 5 hours each just once, read minds and be invisible. WHat do you do with your time and powers?

    Cool, my turn

    1. First name
    2. Umm, lack of imagination lol, guess Richard was taken
    3. Shipped a 500 euro SnG in san Remo for 2,5k euros, that was pretty sweet
    4. Mind reading is simple, I'd hang out with this girl I used to know and see if I can get her to open up a bit. In case I couldn't get to her I'd just play the highest stake live cashgame I could find lol.

    Invisible sounds pretty boring though, don't think I'd like it much. Maybe take some much needed time for myself and sleep or something
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Why does a European join a Canadian Poker Forum?

    Joined a couple of months after I started playing online. I had just won a seat to the EPT main in san Remo and I googled "ask the poker pro" cause I was just insanely green when it came to online poker. Took me three more months to find the Swedish pokerforum "" ^^'
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Pics of U or gtfo?

    Bunch of egopics coming up. Be nice lol, never claimed to be perfect ^^'

    random pic of my face:


    Getting ready to go out:


    Ready, shades were pretty cheesy:


    Picture by some photographer in Casino Estoril (portugal)


    Last time I bothered taking one, maybe a month or so ago after I got back from portugal a second time


    That should be enough, hardly have any good pictures of myself anyway

    Edit: Photobucket raged at me, hopefully it shows ok now
  • lol 'be nice' are you kidding?

    You're so man-pretty I'll be amazed if anyone else on the forum works up the gumption to ever post pics again..

  • Hell, Kristy, he's so pretty, I'd hit it . . . but not twice.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Meat, booze, or sex, which one gets the chop?

    European? Which football team is your fave, and why?

    Definitely not sex at least, so that leaves..

    Maybe I could go without meat if I ate a bunch of sushi and chicken but if I can't do that either I guess I would give up drinking..

    Which is also a shame cause it wouldn't be fun to always go without drinking at parties and such, would be a bit too stiff but I love meat too lol. So I guess it'll have to be booze unless I'm allowed sushi ^^'


    I don't follow soccer much at all so I can't answer that. I have a favorite in the Swedish league but that's probably so small that you wouldn't recognise it

    I'll check back tomorrow, been a long day with school and everything.

    PS. I've no idea what I can answer to the last posts but I lol'd ^^'
  • Two words . . . Eiffel Tower :D

    So, if you could live anywhere in the world EXCEPT Europe, where would you move, and why?

    Also, what is you beverage of choice?
  • Did you play your San Remo ticket when you won?

    Quality of play at EPT?

    Ever do that Swedish skating thing? (Skridskor I think?)
  • ~How long have you been playing poker?
    ~What got you into the game in the first place?
    ~Is Portugal the furthest you have travelled for a game?
    ~Besides poker and schoolwork, what do you like to do in your spare time?
    ~Favourite food?
    ~Favourite colour?
    ~Boxers, briefs, commando? (I don't see a boxer band above your pants in that one pic)
    ~Favourite Looney Toon?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Did you play your San Remo ticket when you won?

    Quality of play at EPT?

    Ever do that Swedish skating thing? (Skridskor I think?)

    I played it, went out the first day after a wierd hand against an italian. I 4 bet him pre with kings and he called me with 89s, flop came down 1094 rainbow and he raised my flop bet, turn was another nine and we got it in on that card, not the best feeling in the world.

    The players in san Remo seemed pretty loose passive/extremely bluffy/generally bad tbh. I expected a really high level of play with such a high buyin but it seems people just have too much money on their hands. I would definitely play EPT's again sometime (Got a LL bet with Johan Storåker lol) since europeans have to pay 30% tax on all winnings in the US including all the WSOP events

    Skridskor? Sure I go iceskating a couple of times every winter with some friends, there's a big frozen lake about 7 km's from where I live. Pretty fun I guess, you can skate between 20 km's and 40 km's if you feel like it, or just play around with tennis balls or something
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~How long have you been playing poker?
    ~What got you into the game in the first place?
    ~Is Portugal the furthest you have travelled for a game?
    ~Besides poker and schoolwork, what do you like to do in your spare time?
    ~Favourite food?
    ~Favourite colour?
    ~Boxers, briefs, commando? (I don't see a boxer band above your pants in that one pic)
    ~Favourite Looney Toon?

    - 1,5-2 years I think
    - umm...facebook holdem app? :P
    - Yeah, It's either Portugal or Italy and I think Portugal is further

    - I sing in a band at small parties and such, don't have any recording of me but we do mostly covers of bands and songs like this: YouTube - Anberlin - The Feel Good Drag

    Also, I can do this :P One of my main hobbies after I quit martial arts (embed links correctly one time)

    YouTube - Call - Beast and the Harlot 96.38

    Can't do it much right now though due to lack of time and money, I've even been home quite a bit due to a blow I took to the knee a month or so ago, should heal up fine but I can't push myself for a little while longer...anyway, moving on

    - Red I think
    - mostly boxers
    - Had no idea so I did an online quiz, apparently I tied Henry Hawk and Bugs Bunny ^^'
  • why do you have such a faggy emo haircut?

    i swear to god, im not fed or anything ^^'

  • degenerate wrote: »
    why do you have such a faggy emo haircut?

    i swear to god, im not fed or anything ^^'


    meh, I don't really care, just wanted something different
  • Milo wrote: »

    So, if you could live anywhere in the world EXCEPT Europe, where would you move, and why?

    Also, what is your beverage of choice?

    /\/\/\ . . . please respond. :)
  • Milo wrote: »
    Two words . . . Eiffel Tower :D

    So, if you could live anywhere in the world EXCEPT Europe, where would you move, and why?

    Also, what is you beverage of choice?

    Must've missed this, sorry about that

    - I don't know about this one...Tokyo maybe, there are supposed to be cute girls and a bunch of stuff to do right?

    - Milk, cider, water I think. Depends on the occasion
  • Meh, I was hoping for at least a few more questions

    I've managed to fall ill with strepto...stecto...streptocop...something. My throat hurst like hell and I'm on three kinds of painkillers anyway, so I'll be here all week lol ^^'
  • Your strangest sexual encounter?
    Are you planning to attend out next Royal Cup event?
    Strongest drug you have ever taken?
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    Meh, I was hoping for at least a few more questions

    I've managed to fall ill with strepto...stecto...streptocop...something. My throat hurst like hell and I'm on three kinds of painkillers anyway, so I'll be here all week lol ^^'

    \doctor in
    Streptococcal pharyngitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Or more commonly known as "strep" throat.. I assume you're on some sort of antibiotic, make sure you take it exactly as directed... It's nothing to fool around with...

    /doctor out
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Are you planning to attend out next Royal Cup event?
    Now wouldn't that be something, we could have a Regina Team and a European team... I knew it would eventually get big..
  • Yeah but the Euros would not do well in the corners . . .
    (channels Grapes) especially against a good ol' Western Canadian gal.

    So, Richard, what, or whom, did you get this infection from?

    Do you have
    a) a g/f?
    b) pets?
    c) improper relations with the local farm animals?
    d) several keyboards in case of "spillage"?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Now wouldn't that be something, we could have a Regina Team and a European team... I knew it would eventually get big..

    Would the Euro team be called "northern European idiots"?:D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Your strangest sexual encounter?
    Are you planning to attend out next Royal Cup event?
    Strongest drug you have ever taken?

    - Last valentine at a party in stockholm. Not sex I guess but I ended up fooling around pretty heavily with three 16 year old dancers in the hosts bed /Brag (That was before I found out one of them was the hosts gf btw)

    - That would be a lot of fun. If school and money allows I would definitely want to

    - Gotta disappoint on this one, havn't even tried a cigarette
  • Milo wrote: »
    Yeah but the Euros would not do well in the corners . . .
    (channels Grapes) especially against a good ol' Western Canadian gal.

    So, Richard, what, or whom, did you get this infection from?

    Do you have
    a) a g/f?
    b) pets?
    c) improper relations with the local farm animals?
    d) several keyboards in case of "spillage"?

    Umm, beats me ^^' Really don't think I have any of those things, either that or I've repressed it
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Would the Euro team be called "northern European idiots"?:D

    Lol, that would be pretty awesome :P
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