The Fish need a player!

A player on my team had to drop out due to a death in the family, and my team is now short yet again.

Need 1 Omaha player (preferred, but will move a player over if i have to)

Anybody out there willing to play?
Anybody out there that can help?

Since it worked for Kristy and i got no response in the free agents list, i thought i would give it a shot with a separate thread.


  • stickied..
  • thank you sir for that.

    Heres hoping that someone notices the post.

    incidentally, can i play both stud and omaha at the same time, if we dont have a player for it?
  • tenseven wrote: »
    thank you sir for that.

    Heres hoping that someone notices the post.

    incidentally, can i play both stud and omaha at the same time, if we dont have a player for it?

    If you pay twice, sure.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    If you pay twice, sure.

    Rule is it is $400. per team, however you raise it...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Rule is it is $400. per team, however you raise it...

    That's what I meant, but now I'm not sure. Since he'll have paid for 2 players (himself and the phantom) can he play two tables? If so, this would mean he can play 2 spots in every game. This isn't right, is it?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    That's what I meant, but now I'm not sure. Since he'll have paid for 2 players (himself and the phantom) can he play two tables? If so, this would mean he can play 2 spots in every game. This isn't right, is it?

    we've never ruled on that but normally you can't play 2 spots in one tourney. The absent player would just be blinded out, likely to finish middle of the pack I would guess.. probably better that a lot of the players...:)
  • Fair enough Just thought I would ask. I would still like to find a player, so if anyone out wants to play, let me know
  • fedh8er is available, not kidding
  • I would assume the first player to bust could go play the missing player's stack but I would be against someone playing two stacks at the same time. Also by random draw someone could play 2 heads up matches. Just throwing it out there. I guess Al would make the final ruling.
  • Kristy i have absolutely no idea who that is. Who is that?
  • EDIT: Scratch that, the replacement player just backed out on thank God that Carrie is feeling better.
  • My ruling would be that the first player knocked out from the team can go and play whatever is remaining of the empty stack. It does have to be the first player though - no waiting to see who gets knocked out.

    As far as the heads up matches go, whoever on the team had the least number of points going into the heads up rounds would play 2 heads up matches. This allows for all matches to be played, while not gaining any advantage by picking one particular player twice.

  • DataMn wrote: »
    My ruling would be that the first player knocked out from the team can go and play whatever is remaining of the empty stack. It does have to be the first player though - no waiting to see who gets knocked out.

    As far as the heads up matches go, whoever on the team had the least number of points going into the heads up rounds would play 2 heads up matches. This allows for all matches to be played, while not gaining any advantage by picking one particular player twice.

    Sounds fair Al, and by having the lowest point player play an extra HU match it doesn't affect the MVP race... I did speak with Tenseven 2 hours ago when he called me, but I was unable to find another player for him. Not sure if he had any luck since then..
  • thank you both DataMn for the fair ruling and compuease for your help in this matter. I just got off the phone and have been able to locate a past championship fish to return to the team for tomorrow. roster does not need to be changed as he will be playing omaha and putting points on the board.

    10 hours and Counting!!!!!
  • I don't particularly care, since the fish have no shot at winning ;)

    HOWEVER, I'm wondering if this new ruling fits with the punishment that Brent's team suffered last year when one or two of his players left without playing their HU matches? (IIRC they played they HU match but were only eligible for half the points or something; and I think that is more related to not screwing the team that was abandoned, I don't know if it should apply if a team shows up in advance without enough players)

    I really feel uncomfortable with even their worst player getting two kicks at the 10 point can HU since it is such a volatile game.

    I really don't want a fight Al I really appreciate all your hardwork, but to put it into perspective, I think I was the lowest points getter last year would it be fair if I got to play 2HU matches if say PokerQueen Mandy left?
  • I will not write muddled thoughts before coffee
    I will not write muddled thoughts before coffee
    I will not write muddled thoughts before coffee
    I will not write muddled thoughts before coffee
    I will not write muddled thoughts before coffee
    I will not write muddled thoughts before coffee

    Sorry, I could've been clearer. Were you able to muck out my point from the above or should I just start over?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I don't particularly care, since the fish have no shot at winning ;)

    HOWEVER, I'm wondering if this new ruling fits with the punishment that Brent's team suffered last year when one or two of his players left without playing their HU matches? (IIRC they played they HU match but were only eligible for half the points or something; and I think that is more related to not screwing the team that was abandoned, I don't know if it should apply if a team shows up in advance without enough players)

    I really feel uncomfortable with even their worst player getting two kicks at the 10 point can HU since it is such a volatile game.

    I really don't want a fight Al I really appreciate all your hardwork, but to put it into perspective, I think I was the lowest points getter last year would it be fair if I got to play 2HU matches if say PokerQueen Mandy left?





  • That's why I said a random player should be drawn to play the H/U. That way everyone knows from the start of the tourney who that player will be. If it was a good player or bad player, well, it was randomly selected. A good H/U player who is having a bad day could easily tank the final sng to ensure they get two H/U matches.

    I also don't think it's fair to all the teams if the H/U match doesn't get played in case that match becomes critical to the point race and winning by default puts that team into the money.
  • This is being written by Al from Jeff's account.

    I appreciate the feedback, and this may change for future Royal Cups. If someone wants to sacrifice points in earlier events to make sure that they get 2 heads up matches it seems counter productive to me.

    As for today, we will stick to the earlier solution.
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