Top set help please!

We thought we had a lock on an eighth player, but she just e-mailed me to say she couldn't make it..

Male/Female..whatever, anybody have anyone who would play?


  • Beg complexeh. He might play. I talked with him yesterday.
  • do you have contact info besides the forum? I don't have him on msn or facebook, I think.
  • Good luck Kristy. I would ask the wife, but she is laid up due to her back . . .

    Hope you can shanghai somebody . . .
  • I'm sure he will check the forum before going to work today. Also try zoolook. It seems he hasn't been around the forum for a while but IDK if buzzardd has contact info or not.
  • I can phone some female friends who play (a bit). PM me
  • Bumpity-bump . . .
  • I tried . . . I really did . . .
  • LOL**

    Another member just messaged me to tell me that she's coming down with something and might not make it. Fuck this tournament. (one replaced, one still needed)

    **In the most sympathetic way
  • What about Joe?
  • stickied to keep this at the top..
  • Thanks so much everybody, I really appreciate the help. We found two stinky, but wonderful men to help out.

    Johnnie our team:

    Kristy (fuu bitches)
    Lindsay (Sharantyr)
    Amanda(Ez, if she's stud lmk,..does anyone remember?)*Str82ace can you please call her, she confirmed ages ago but she's not getting back to me and if she doesn't show, I'll vomit.
    Fran (Mmoose)

    D-rock (ReefAquarium)
    Joe (acid joe)
    Lee (dear Mr. Sea, about whose daughter I have nary heard a tale)
    Sandy (Waltsfriend)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Thanks so much everybody, I really appreciate the help. We found two stinky, but wonderful men to help out.
    lol, panic at the last minute, captain'ing a team is not easy is it Kristy...? Sure am glad we have an abundance of riches in Milton... :)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Thanks so much everybody, I really appreciate the help. We found two stinky, but wonderful men to help out.

    Johnnie our team:

    Kristy (fuu bitches)
    Lindsay (Sharantyr)
    Amanda(Ez, if she's stud lmk,..does anyone remember?)*Str82ace can you please call her, she confirmed ages ago but she's not getting back to me and if she doesn't show, I'll vomit.
    Fran (Mmoose)

    D-rock (ReefAquarium)
    Joe (acid joe)
    Lee (dear Mr. Sea, about whose daughter I have nary heard a tale)
    Sandy (Waltsfriend)

    Easy normally plays Stud. Do you want me to assign the seats as is, and change later or switch someone now. If so, who?

    EDIT: As I wrote this down, I realized this a sick fking team. Nice pickups Topset!
  • Nice to see that top set has found some players to fill out their roster, can anyone help out the fish now? Need a player (prefer omaha) but flexible (can move someone else over). Any takers?

    Posted this in the free agent section but since all of the action is here, thought I would give it a try.
  • tenseven wrote: »
    Nice to see that top set has found some players to fill out their roster, can anyone help out the fish now? Need a player (prefer omaha) but flexible (can move someone else over). Any takers?

    Posted this in the free agent section but since all of the action is here, thought I would give it a try.

    PM Zithal. He sent out an email trying to find players ( I assume for TopSet), but he might know someone you get pickup.

    Who dropped out? Please let g2 and DataMn know!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Amanda(Ez, if she's stud lmk,..does anyone remember?)*Str82ace can you please call her, she confirmed ages ago but she's not getting back to me and if she doesn't show, I'll vomit.

    Amanda will be there :) and Johnnie's right she plays Stud.
  • Amanda will be there :) and Johnnie's right she plays Stud.

    Thanks Dan...just saw this, was about to call you.

    Good luck tomorrow guys. Kristy & TenSeven hope you are able to fill your teams.
  • Amanda will be there :) and Johnnie's right she plays Stud.

    Thanks so much! Johnnie is going to put Joe in PLO and Amanda in stud then. Whew!
  • Whooot!!!!!!! took down my first Omaha game at the royal..... It's the only one I ever played. Thanks Kristy I had a blast. I think we had the best looking and friendliest team despite my presence.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Whooot!!!!!!! took down my first Omaha game at the royal..... It's the only one I ever played. Thanks Kristy I had a blast. I think we had the best looking and friendliest team despite my presence.

    I'm so glad you were there Joe, it was really great to see you! Thanks again for helping us out!
  • Little bit of confusion about TopSet player list. I'd like to get the records correct. My understanding is that ReefAquarium was replaced, is this correct?

    Thank you Hellmuth's Mole for pointing out that Sharantyr == Lindsay. I had mistakenly replaced ReefAquarium with Lindsay. There was a Carrie [in addition to Carrie on the Fish] listed on the HU matchup list given to me. Is this who replaced Reef?

  • I never thought about the individual scoring. I should've sent something, this mix up is my fault. Carrie=ReefAquarium and Lindsay is Sharantyr. Sorry g2
  • No worries. Results are final now.

    For RC IX, I plan on creating an online form for captains to enter their player lists, or make changes to it. This'll make it easier for me and for the captains.

  • Thank you g2. Much appreciated.

  • Still need another ?
  • BRRAAADDDD.... don't do it the women are evil.... especially Kristy.... she will put a spell on you. However I still love them all.....
  • TwoThree wrote: »
    Still need another ?

    Uh... this was for the last one..
  • I still believe they are short one anyways Jeff...... Just saying.
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