disconnecting router

this is driving me crazy..Computer #1 is a desktop with the modem and router hooked up to it. Comp #2 is my laptop which I am connected to the internet wirelessly.

My laptop internet connection goes through these cycles where it disconnects, reconnects, disconnects, reconnects etc...Sometimes this will continue for 5 minutes. Obviously, this wreaks havok on the online poker game.

Anyone have any experience with this problem and put a stop to it?


  • reset router?

    I have the odd problem with mine where it just disconnects, I have to unplug it for 10 seconds and plug it back in, fixes it.
  • What brand/model of router?
  • similar topic -- i get tonnes of stars disconnects but everything else works fine -- ideas?
  • compuease wrote: »
    What brand/model of router?

    Linksys WTR54GS
  • I just upgraded my router. Had a Linksys as well.

    You have 2 options. Call it in to reset to factory, or buy a non-shitty brand. I spent about $150 on the new one and its great.

    Also had the problem with Stars, every other client was OK.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Linksys WTR54GS

    most have a reset button you can push with a straightened paperclip.
    This restores it to factory settings.
  • most have a reset button you can push with a straightened paperclip.
    This restores it to factory settings.

    Correct, and a Linksys certainly does. With a Linksys (most models) you have to power it off, press and hold the button for 10 sec while powering it on. However after resetting it you will have to set up your wireless ssid/wep password etc.
    Actually I don't mind the newer Linksys models, they are very reliable imo. Not sure how the router can have an effect on only one poker site, can't say I've ever seen that.
    Actually just a thought, you can also reset it by going into the router setup using IE and using the firmware in the router.
  • id imagine your conflicting with a neighbors phone or something, try setting the router to a different channel. always try pulling the power on the modem and router to reset them (sucks when your in a game). would be nice to try another wireless comp at the same time to make sure its not the laptop. for some reason my internet will kick out and if i turn my phone on for 30 secs it come back on....weirdest thing.
  • I bought a new $20 one (bastard at future shop got me to buy a dual-band one even though I can't use the 5ghz band) new one and still had problems, disconnection every 2-3 minutes, extremely annoying while playing obv. What eventually helped was actually moving my router into a wider-open spot, placed higher up on top of my printer.
  • Good point jd, you wouldn't believe how many routers I come across that are buried under a desk, under cables, etc... Make sure it is in an open spot as high up as you can get it.
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    Linksys WTR54GS

    My parents have the same one(x2) and a similar problem. My guess is Wetts is right, replace.
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