First Long Ass Wrestling Road Trip

Cliff notes version:

-Left Thursday at 6pm, drove 2126km throughout the weekend, got home Monday 12:45am.
-Got to drive Kevin Nash around Friday.
-Stopped by the cops 4 times in less than 12 hours.
-Had a large Japanese man try to convince me there was chocolate in carrot sticks so I would eat my vegetables.
-Met Milo at the last show because, well, Milo is awesome.
-Got home, new gf said I am not doing that again unless actually wrestling. I agreed... and then we both drove another person to the T.O. airport yesterday for another 800km to tack onto the total.


  • Sleep deprivation has made you punchy . . .

    And, is it just me, or could Tyson Dux (Doooooooooooooche) be Mark's older brother?

    You have to tell the Kevin Nash BJ story, Cerb . . . pure gold.
  • So Friday after the show, I'm doing my rookie (aka young boy) duties of driving people around etc. I get told to take Nash to the hotel. Sure, no problem... except I have a fucking Yaris! Somehow, he still fit.

    As we're driving, he is talking about stuff and has a beer that he's drinking. I see the flashing lights of a road check and he asks me "what's that?" I reply "it's a sign to finish your beer and toss the cup under the seat." We get through the road check no problem. As we pull up to the hotel I find out his flight leaves at 6am and when he says he doesn't know who's driving him, I put 2+2 together. He says "well, if I see you in the morning... sorry."

    I end up at the bar with everyone that night. End of the night, drive Nash and Highlander Robbie to the hotel. Cop follows us out of the bar. Nash looks at me "These guys really have it in for you." Again, no problem because I wasn't drinking.

    Get to the hotel and they're all hanging out in one room. I'm exhausted, so I just go over to give my roommate the key for the room so I can sleep. Nash sees me come in "Hey! C'mon, grab a seat, hang out. Get comfortable." Me: I think I'm gonna get some sleep. I'm wiped. Nash: C'mon, relax with us. Want me to give you a blow job? Me:..................
  • Sounded better the first time around . . . :D

    Seriously, glad I came to the show. One question I forgot to ask. Champagne Dave was holding the guy in the vertical suplex for a while. Buddy tapped him on two different occasions in the gut . . . signal?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Nash: C'mon, relax with us. Want me to give you a blow job?
    The things the new guy has to put up with. :D

    Christ I hope it was the drink.
  • And THAT'S what makes the story . . .

    if you watch wrestling at all, you know Nash is pretty much dead-pan delivery, totally serious no matter how ludicrous the plot. So picturing that dead-pan delivery . . . with that offer . . . could go either way (sorry, Cerb).
  • You turned down a blow job?! wtf?!
  • Please note that he never revealed the outcome in his explanation, although I know the truth . . .
  • He was probably just slapping him in the stomach to try make it look like he was fighting to get out of it. That's what he's done the other times they've done that spot, but it's usually punches not slaps.
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