NLHE DeepStack Tourney ($75- Oakville)- May 2

WHAT: 10 Person NLHE Freeze-out
WHEN: Sunday May 2nd at 1 p.m.
WHERE: Oakville (private residence)
PRICE: $75 (no rake)
PAYOUT: 1st-$375, 2nd- $225, 3rd- $150
CHIP COUNT: 10,000
BLINDS: 25 mins


- If a conflict arises that I cannot answer on my own, I will refer to

- stand out rules include "show one, show all", "2 chip raise rule", "2 cards to win a hand", no string bets, rabbit hunting or splashing the pot

- I can deal solo or if everyone would rather pass it, we can do that too.

- bringing booze is acceptable. Drinking a shitload of it and driving afterwards is not.

- food or snacks are welcome, bring what you like and either hog it or share it, up to you.

Who's in?

1. Muddguts
2. djgolfcan
3. Matt M
4. Casey
5. Jeff


  • I'm in, bump, too.
  • PFC members that are reading this but aren't interested in playing this game, please feel free to tell your friends outside of the forum about the game..It doesn't matter to me, I'd just like to have a game.
  • If i can make it there by Go Transit i'm in!
  • If i can make it there by Go Transit i'm in!

    Great to hear! The Go-Train will stop at Bronte which is 5 minutes from my house. I bet a cab would cost under 10 bucks, however, I'm not opposed to coming to pick you up if you like.

    Right now we're obviously shot on numbers for the tourney, but I'm hoping for some interest to come a calling today. I put up a few flyers at work....Shall I put you down?
  • I will let you know Friday night. I live about 15 mins away. I can also ask a couple of people from our league if you like...
  • I will let you know Thursday night. Ching Hill might tilt my weekend, so I'll decide after that.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I will let you know Friday night. I live about 15 mins away. I can also ask a couple of people from our league if you like...

    By all means ask your buddies and try to let me know ASAP so we can get this thing firmed up.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I will let you know Thursday night. Ching Hill might tilt my weekend, so I'll decide after that.

    Okay - let me know when you know. Would love to have you out.
  • alright, 5 players, halfway there. 5 spots left...
  • Sorry, Ed, but I may need that $75.00 for the CRA. Apparently they disagree with my tax return this year . . . :mad:
  • Milo wrote: »
    Sorry, Ed, but I may need that $75.00 for the CRA. Apparently they disagree with my tax return this year . . . :mad:

    No worries Milo, I appreciate the heads up though!
  • I am leaning heavily towards offically calling the game off fellas. Ned confirmations and need 'em quick..Gotta let people know so that they can get on with their weekend knowing that there is or is not a game
  • Thought I would be able to their Muddguts but I have a reno on the go that has fallen behind so it Looks like I am working. Sorry bud.
  • with a heavy heart, I proclaim this game canceled.

    4th consecutive game I couldn't get off the ground.

    "Honey?, pack your bags, we're moving to KW!"
  • I would have made the run but with a tourney in KW on Sat I can't swing b2b days of poker.
  • moose wrote: »
    I would have made the run but with a tourney in KW on Sat I can't swing b2b days of poker.

    thanks moose. I hear you. I would play the KW tomorrow too but many of my Saturdays are reserved for family time (especially when just coming off a week of night shift). I'll be at Buzzzard's on the 15th though to donate :fish:
  • paging djgolfcan. Can you check your PMs? thanks
  • eventually!

    Alas, the 2nd was no good for me!

    You give plenty of notice, I'll deal topless, maybe that will help.

    Jus' Kidding, I promise to deal if you want, fully clothed

    Milton Slim

    We need more games in this area.

    Hope to see you Thursday
  • lemme know whens the next. i can get me and 2 others. :laugh:
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