The fear of science....

Amazing video about the loss of science*

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*huge oversimplification...just watch the video..


  • Very interesting . . . I have heard discussions like this in the past. As for the oversimplifying, the cheap shot would be to say that he is talking to Americans. The reality is that he is talking to/for the masses, and so oversimplifying is the only way to at least have a chance that everyone "gets" the message.

    I would be willing to wager that a significant portion of any random audience would be unmoved by his logic, especially about vaccines.
  • There is a terrible truth here. The people who should get the message will dismiss him as a radical, when in fact they are the guilty party to the conversation. The message is not oversimplified, it is all encompassing and therefore must be generic and simple. From PETA to the Pope all trying to sell a message that is not based on fact but emotion. There will always be people that will buy into the security. That will not change in the few decades that I have left to worry about. Fare thee well in thy fantasies.
  • I should have been clearer. I meant that my description of the video as an oversimplification.....not anything he does. I think he hits the nail pretty much on the head.
  • soooo, yeeeeaahhhhh..I'm gonna go ahead and point out that the kids not getting vaccinations on account of ill-informed parents is 'survival of the fittest' and objectively we're clearly better resting on the notion that when the pandemic arises, their genes will be obliterated from the pool.

    (however we have, I believe, an obligation to present opportunities for growth in all, but especially under-developed, countries. Eg. Provide methods of practicing safe-sex..but fuck the catholics that won't use them and live in the poverty arisen from too many children and the diseases they are educated on, but not logically protecting themselves from. [from vacinations to AIDS])

    I just hate pampering the spoiled, lazy and stupid..and that is precisely what this guy is doing. Kudos to him for giving a shit about the organic-elite and wanting something better for them as part (allbeit small) of his platform, he's a better person than I.

    IMO you can BAN 'NO FORK' Stickers on new toasters.
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