Game 7; Second Half of Season

Not sure we ever had a season with so many changes in the leader board every week.

Allan now holds the lead, as fleeting as it seems. But I'm sure there are others just waiting to take it away from him.

Who's in?

Dave (tentative)
Angel's Friend


  • hoping to finish better than 8th this week. In
  • Hoping to finish at least 1 spot better than last week . . .
  • Hoping to break up the game of nits so you dont play all night this week.
  • So, how was Vegas? No TR?
  • Milo wrote: »
    So, how was Vegas? No TR?

    Here it is:

    Deep Stack Extravaganza II

    To summarize, I run bad when it matters. Long version to come later.
  • IN...hoping to finish better than...oh wait nevermind, i run good.
  • Should you be feeling the need to rid yourself of all that negative karma, I would . . . strictly out of the goodness of my heart you understand . . . hold onto those winnings (meagre though they may be) for you. I would not want your "run bad" to adversely affect your title chances at the Hill . . .

    nonono . . . don't thank me. It's the least I can do . . .
  • Sorry, I'm out. I'll be going to church for the special mass...
  • Understandable, Kris, and my sympathies.

    My Father's parish priest could barely get through last Sunday's Mass, as he is of Polish extraction and knew a few of those who were lost.
  • Thanks Anthony...
  • bumpity bump

    Plenty of room remaining for tonight's game. Sign in and come on out. Allan can't stay on top forever, and there's proof that Darryl's AK can be beat ;)
  • forgot about the condo meeting for my business unit.
    No arguing- over quick
    Lotsa arguing- not so quick

    May not be able to let you know either.

    If you see me, then I'm there

    clear as mud!
    The above is NOT "gutt" humour

    Milton Slim
  • I've got to pull a Romer for tonight's festivities. Good luck on keeping Allan at bay!
  • and just like that, I'm back in
  • What's the record for quickest bail/re-entry?

    That's 2 buy-ins, right?
  • After having Anthony on the verge of busting out a couple of times, he finally managed to get his first season win tonight, taking out Keith in second place with KJ against A4s. King on the flop was enough for the victory.

    I was third and Garry was bubble.

    Good game guys, hope to see you all out next week.
  • We dropped from 5 to heads up in like 4-5 hands. Made it easy to avoid the bubble this week. Finally got a measure of revenge on Keith, who has been a nemesis on more than one occasion . . .
  • 2 weeks in a row I run into AJ who all but felts me!
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    2 weeks in a row I run into AJ who all but felts me!

    Dude...reword...that just sounds wrong.
  • Oh btw...New Rule being implemented for next game, and forever

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Dude...reword...that just sounds wrong.

    Nope, I worded it like that to make you self conscious of future actions. Fold AJ, just fold!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Oh btw...New Rule being implemented for next game, and forever


    ya and next week, I want this guy to come in and play and instead of just dropping Jeff off

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