Variance: Got into a fight at a local club

So I've been playing 2/2 omaha at a local cleanly ran underground club (next to a police building so it's not even a secret place)

I'm playing this loose agressive table and in particular this drunk middle aged guy. I get dealt KKQ10 single suited and raise it up, he reraises me and I call in position. Flop comes down K44 and there's some raising back and fourth and I'm finally gonna bust the fish (have been playing for 3 hours at this point and barely won a pot).

Anyway money goes in and I annouonce "full house", he responds by saying "quads" and my heart sank until he turns over 5555 <.<

Table goes dead silent except for the dealer who's dealing the turn and river and tries to eplain why I'm awarded the pot. Now the guy goes berserk and gets up and tries to suckerpunch the dealer, I get up by sheer surprise and some other guys at the table does the same. For some reason he decides to come at me for next and I barely have time to defend myself.

Next thing I know two 130 kg security guys with shaved heads rush over and basically just grab the guy who seems to be half as big as them.

End result: He's suspended for 3 months and I won a nice pot. Sick night


  • never seen a fist fight at a poker club yet; most players just shake your hand when you take their money. Saw a guy hit a wall once with his fist at Niagara.
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    he turns over 5555

    I lol'd.
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    he responds by saying "quads" and my heart sank until he turns over 5555 <.<

    Beat #1 - learn to play the game (yeah i almost spit water on my comp when i read this).

    Beat #2 - the literal kind. i blame rich for standing up and 'threatening' the stupid moron.
  • Just based on Richard's posting history here, I would hazard that his standing up probably had more to do with getting out of the way of the security landing on this idiot than with "threatening" anybody . . .

    Nice score, and gg for not losing any $$$ in the brouhaha that ensued.
  • this is hillarious, good post richard
    so this underground poker club, how does it avoid cop bust-ins? whats the rake like?
  • Milo wrote: »
    Just based on Richard's posting history here, I would hazard that his standing up probably had more to do with getting out of the way of the security landing on this idiot than with "threatening" anybody . . .

    Nice score, and gg for not losing any $$$ in the brouhaha that ensued.

    lol what are you talking about!?! rich = crazy instigator!
    he probably even swung first ;)
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    this is hillarious, good post richard
    so this underground poker club, how does it avoid cop bust-ins? whats the rake like?

    From what I heard some jury messed up a verdict and freed some guys who had set up a live mtt in Sweden and som clubs interpreted that as a green light to set up tournaments and cashgames (they even have a legit chef and serve food and drinks)

    I really like this club cause they take pride in arranging tournaments with more "poker" than the casino crapshoots. Each monday they host a deepstack freezeout with 90 players, 20k starting stack with blinds starting at 25/50, 25 minute levels and the equivelent of a 150 dollar BI with 10% rake.

    the rest of the days they do a variety of tournaments including terminator (bounty) tourneys, small rebuys, a wild west tourney with unlimited rebuys for the duration of the tournament, omaha cubed and so on. For cashgames the rake is the same as in the casino.

    Never seen anything like this happen before, the dealer had told the guy not to bet out of turn, not to discuss hands and so fourth but nothing this big. (We were playing dealers choice (PLO, NLH and PLCrazy pinapple)). In general I only have positive things to say about this club, they make really good seafood sandwishes lol
  • NOOB question, what the hell is a freezout tournament?
  • A tournament with no rebuys <.<
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    this is hillarious, good post richard
    so this underground poker club, how does it avoid cop bust-ins? whats the rake like?

    there hasn't been a club busted in the GTA for over a year; there are probably 100+ running any night of the week.
  • Closest I have seen to a scrap was a guy throwing his card ninja star style right at the dealers face at Rama after being rivered while all in. Dealer was very cool, asked poker idiot if he wanted to rebuy, guy got up and left, dealer told him to have a nice day.

    Blew me away...the patience and composure...
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