Guelph Thursday / Sunday?

Hey Ya'll,

So, it's been a while since i've hosted a game with new players, but the list of guys i usually play with is dwindling, and we need some new blood!

I'm willing to host a tourney or a cash game. My tournies last between 2 - 2 1/2 hours, and they're fairly well structured. I use Tournement director software, nice table, no rake bla bla.

The cash game would be .25/.50 with a $40 table max buy in...i'm not looking for cut throat players looking to buy the table..just a friendly game where there is lots of action and no one is risking their rent money.

Post back if you're interested in thursday or Sunday..if we have 5 we'll run. Also, post if you're interested in tourney or cash game..either is fine with me.

Thursday -7pm

1. Mark

Sunday - 3pm

1. Mark


  • I might be interested in getting into a friendly game. I recently moved to Guelph. I prefer cash game versus tourney. For now, Thursdays is good because I play basketball Sunday nights.
  • If you get this off the ground I would be intersted. Im in for thursday.
  • Hey Mark, im lookin to join a regular game in Guelph, let me know when and where, or how to contact you, later. My # 519-821-4222 or
  • I'm in Carlise and I'd be interested in a friendly cash game too. Thu or Sun work for me.
  • I could be interested in a Sunday night game. Can't gaurantee every Sunday but some for sure.. I myself host my own Thursday night game but that itself might be changing to Sunday, so if that happens, I can come out on Thursdays.
  • Mark - it this game going on right now? if so i wouldn't mind getting in on the cash game
  • didn't realize that there was all this emails made it to my gmail account.

    I would love to run a game, and this sunday would work perfectly. It can be cash or tourney style, and i'm open to the time frame...should i start a new thread about it?

    Let me know what time works for most people. I'm thinking either 2-3 or 7:30.


    Oh, if you're interested and dont know where i live, i'll PM you directions / address..or pm me and i'll get back to you asap!
  • i say we start around 3
  • I'd be more up for the 7:30pm game, but I can find out tomorrow if 2-3 would be good. Wife books so much stuff, I don't know what day it is sometimes. lol. What are you considering for buy in for either Cash or Sit and Go?
  • i think it'll probly be a cash game, .25/.50 with a small table max (it's a friendly game after all) of $40. If it's a sng i usually play a $25 game...

    Tomorrow's game is 90% go, and will likely start around 2:30..i'll post more details here and marystonnewfie i'll pm you directions and my phone number
  • ok send me the info.. I might have another player as well, if you don't mind. How many do you have confirmed as of now?
  • I'm out of town this week end, but would be willing to play Sundays. Aft. or eve.
  • Mark,

    Keith and I are golfing in the morning but we will see about poker. Not so sure I can do afternoon poker thou. Will try to let you know.
  • hopefully you guys can make it dude....the more the merrier!
  • Game Today

    1. Mark
    2. Mike
    3. Paul
    4. Marystownnewfie
    5. +1 (?)
    6. Jeremy
    7. Matt (Monks)

    Still don't have confirmation from Sandro, Keith or Monks...either way cash game should be will start at 3pm, if you dont have directions PM me and i will send out.

    if you can't make it and you're on the list, let me know asap...if you aren't on the list and want to come, post in this thread
  • alright guys, i need confirmation on this..if monks isn't coming, and there are only 6...and 5 if marystown doesn't bring an extra i dont think thats enough for a game...

    If we dont end up running today, i can try again for thursday if there is interest...
    I would like a minimum of 6 confirmed to run at 3. I will close confirmation at 1:30....(so, if we dont have 6 by 1:30, the game is not on...sorry).
  • I just PM you Mark,
    I can't make it now. I didn't see you PM on directions and just assumed it wasn't happening. So the wife made other plans for the family. but if you guys have a game on Thursday, I'm in 100%. Let me know details and if it's worth it for him, my buddy might come to. He lives in Dundas and won't drive all the way to Guelph for a very low buy in. $25 sng might get him in, if there's atleast 6 or 7 or more, and the $40 cash game should be good as well. What ever the limit, I'm good!! Again sorry about this late notice.
  • No worries...I figured that some ppl might not be able to make it, which is fine if you have 12 but when u only have 6 players it's problematic to run! I will hopefully get a game together for Thursday night. My fingers are crossed!

    For now: no game today! :(
  • Hi guys,
    Not trying to steal your thread Mark, but I was wondering if you're having a game this Thursday or not? If not, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a game at my place on Thursday? I usually host a $20 sng every week but my players are dwindling. I'd be willing to play either SNG or cash game with the same set up as you were going to do. $25 or more SNG or a .25/.50 $50 Max Cash game. Let me know what you think Mark. I'll play if I can get 5 players or more. I have 2 for sure. Myself and my cousin. I can get another for the SNG, but he won't play cash. Anyone interested please let me know. I live in Cambridge by the way. If you're not interested Mark and I don't get a reply here, I'll start a new thread on the mail page.
  • i dont mind the thread hijack! I was actually going to post that i can't host this thursday or sunday (comic con and an unexpected family obligation..)..

    I hope you get a good turn out! :)

  • Jason or Mark - I'm in for tomorrow if there's a game. Can you PM your new address?

    whoever is hosting?

  • Hey Monksy,
    I'll be hosting tomorrow night. I'll need to get a couple more people first to confirm, but I also started a new thread on the main page. It says June 2nd/2010 Cambridge Home Game. It should have read June 3rd. I have your name added there. I'll PM you tomorrow by 2 or 3 pm with address if we get enough ppl. I'll let you know for sure though. Thanks for the interest.
  • Monksy,
    As of now I only have 4 ppl. so hopefully I get a few more responses by this afternoon.i'll get back to you. Anyone interested please let me know asap. Thanks,
  • hey guys;

    Im very much down for a cash game or sng, either way.. Im in guelph, and wouldnt mind playing.

    PM me please.

    Ill bring my wife as well if thats ok.

  • Hey douchebag,
    the game we are talking about tonight will be in Cambridge. Is that good for you and your wife? I don't mind who comes here. I'll PM you my address and phone number and you can call me and confirm. thanks..Also Monksy, I need a for sure or not if you're coming tonight? Thanks,
  • GAME IS OFF TONIGHT.. NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS. Mark if you play or host a game let me know.. I want in.. thanks guys.
  • Hey you guys looking for more players?
  • still having games on Thursdays, pm me and let me know how many are showing up and what not, im looking for some kind of consistant home game to be at
  • Let me know too, i would love to have a regular game to go too.
  • Still got games in Guelph? Lookin to play tonight or asap, send me details bro ^-^
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