Fournier Party Poker Cards about $3 a deck
I'm going to order up 2 of these decks because I'm a sucker for cards. Anyone else want to add to the order. The more we get, the cheaper per deck it will be.
Note: the party poker cards have cartoony face cards.
Note: the party poker cards have cartoony face cards.
If they're that cheap, maybe we should get some for the RC?
Fournier cards are manufactured in Spain. Next to Modianos, and pre-USPC Kems, they are probably the best cards on the market. I would expect these to be an excellent value for the cost.
Moose, I'll take two decks. I can give you the cash at the Cup, if that suits.
And yes, for every $2 donation I will buy a deck of these for Royal Cup. If they cost more than that with the shipping, I will make up the difference.
I'm guessing 12 decks would do.
Deadline will be Monday midnight EST if we want them in time for RC.
Donations for Royal Cup:
$2 Hobbes pd
$2 JohnnieH pd
$2 str82ace pd
$2 Ineedanick pd
$6 milo pd
$2 compuease pd
$2 tenseven pd
$2 midnightmike pd
$2 drtyore pd
$2 wolffhound pd
Total 12 decks. rec'd by datamn
moose 4
hobbes 2 pd, rec'd
johnnieH 2 pd, rec'd
derrickone 2
str82ace 2 pd, rec'd
milo 4 pd, rec'd
reibs 2 pd, rec'd
ineedanick 2, pd, rec'd
buzzardd 4 pd, rec'd
complexeh 2 pd, rec'd
compuease 2 pd, rec'd
midnightmike 4 pd, rec'd
wolffhound 2 pd, rec'd
westside 2
Total 36 decks
Overal total 48 decks.
Waiting for Deadbeats:
esool 5
Once I know the total cost per deck I will post it here.
i will take two decks if you dont mind. can ship the funds on p* or i can give it to you next time we cross paths. let me know.
With 27 decks ordered we have hit the minimum price of $1 per deck + exchange + shipping.
If the price works out to less than $2 CDN per deck then I will buy extra decks for the Royal Cup with the $2 donations.
Well hell, at that price, put me down for a total of 7 decks.
4 for me and 3 for the Royal. Thanks, moose, this is fun . . .
Put me down for 2 decks. I'll pick it up from you whenever I see you again and get the $8 chip from you as well.
That's a good deal man, what are the chances I can ship you cash on FTP and you send me out a couple decks to BC? I'll obviously pay for S.H., although i couldn't imagine it being more than a few bucks.
If you're willing you can throw me down for 4 decks!
Shit. didn't see this. Guess I missed the window. Got a link for me by chance?
1st post but he is also now using a wait list.