Fournier Party Poker Cards about $3 a deck

I'm going to order up 2 of these decks because I'm a sucker for cards. Anyone else want to add to the order. The more we get, the cheaper per deck it will be.

Note: the party poker cards have cartoony face cards.




  • Are they decent? I'll take 2 decks.

    If they're that cheap, maybe we should get some for the RC?
  • I'll take 2 decks as well Moose. Catch up with you at RC.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Are they decent? I'll take 2 decks.

    If they're that cheap, maybe we should get some for the RC?

    Fournier cards are manufactured in Spain. Next to Modianos, and pre-USPC Kems, they are probably the best cards on the market. I would expect these to be an excellent value for the cost.

    Moose, I'll take two decks. I can give you the cash at the Cup, if that suits.
  • Yes these are 100% plastic KEM quality type cards. Poker size.

    And yes, for every $2 donation I will buy a deck of these for Royal Cup. If they cost more than that with the shipping, I will make up the difference.

    I'm guessing 12 decks would do.

    Deadline will be Monday midnight EST if we want them in time for RC.

    Donations for Royal Cup:
    $2 Hobbes pd
    $2 JohnnieH pd
    $2 str82ace pd
    $2 Ineedanick pd
    $6 milo pd
    $2 compuease pd
    $2 tenseven pd
    $2 midnightmike pd
    $2 drtyore pd
    $2 wolffhound pd

    Total 12 decks. rec'd by datamn

    moose 4
    hobbes 2 pd, rec'd
    johnnieH 2 pd, rec'd
    derrickone 2
    str82ace 2 pd, rec'd
    milo 4 pd, rec'd
    reibs 2 pd, rec'd
    ineedanick 2, pd, rec'd
    buzzardd 4 pd, rec'd
    complexeh 2 pd, rec'd
    compuease 2 pd, rec'd
    midnightmike 4 pd, rec'd
    wolffhound 2 pd, rec'd
    westside 2

    Total 36 decks

    Overal total 48 decks.

    Waiting for Deadbeats:
    esool 5


    Once I know the total cost per deck I will post it here.
  • I'll take 2 decks + 1 for RC
  • There was someone selling a bunch of these on 2+2 a while back. I meant to order a few decks then but never got around to it. So, I might as well grab a few now. I'll take two decks as well.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I'll take 2 decks + 1 for RC

  • moose,

    i will take two decks if you dont mind. can ship the funds on p* or i can give it to you next time we cross paths. let me know.

  • Put me down for 2 decks plus 1 for RC please. Thanks.
  • Moose, please put me down for 4 decks.
  • moose, throw me down for a RC deck, bringing my total to 3. I assume we can settle up the the Cup?
  • I will take 2 as well and I can meet up whenever they show up :)
  • I am taking these in order and reserve the right to add to my order at any time. Once we fill a large flat rate box this group buy is closed. I've already emailed the owner to find out how many decks will into a box.

    With 27 decks ordered we have hit the minimum price of $1 per deck + exchange + shipping.

    If the price works out to less than $2 CDN per deck then I will buy extra decks for the Royal Cup with the $2 donations.
  • put me down for one for the RC, I had already put that in the RC thread... Ah hell make it 3 decks in total, 2 for me and 1 for the RC..
  • moose wrote: »
    I am taking these in order and reserve the right to add to my order at any time. Once we fill a large flat rate box this group buy is closed. I've already emailed the owner to find out how many decks will into a box.

    With 27 decks ordered we have hit the minimum price of $1 per deck + exchange + shipping.

    If the price works out to less than $2 CDN per deck then I will buy extra decks for the Royal Cup with the $2 donations.

    Well hell, at that price, put me down for a total of 7 decks.

    4 for me and 3 for the Royal. Thanks, moose, this is fun . . .
  • I'll take 4 decks and donate an additional deck to the RC. 5 for me. I can transfer the money to you on p* if ya like. I could then get them from AJ or Anthony if they picked them up at the RC event. if possible.
  • I can play courier, if needed . . . I'll even give ya a rate. ;)
  • i was thinking it might force me to get out to a hill game again.
  • Even better . . . I bring your cards, you bring your $$$, somebody else takes it home.
  • Put me down for 2 decks, plus one for the RC
  • Hey Moose,

    Put me down for 2 decks. I'll pick it up from you whenever I see you again and get the $8 chip from you as well.
  • Group buy is closed.
  • Put me on the waiting list pls. If anyone flakes out on you I will pick up theirs. 5 decks, more or less..
  • Total came to $79.31 cdn/48 = $1.65 deck + brokerage fees if any. We'll see what happens when they arrive.

    That's a good deal man, what are the chances I can ship you cash on FTP and you send me out a couple decks to BC? I'll obviously pay for S.H., although i couldn't imagine it being more than a few bucks.

    If you're willing you can throw me down for 4 decks!
  • moose wrote: »
    Total came to $79.31 cdn/48 = $1.65 deck + brokerage fees if any. We'll see what happens when they arrive.

    Shit. didn't see this. Guess I missed the window. Got a link for me by chance?
  • syphilaids wrote: »
    Shit. didn't see this. Guess I missed the window. Got a link for me by chance?

    1st post but he is also now using a wait list.
  • Thanks again, moose. I will check back here for final details. I will be scooping decks for myself, str82ace, and Midnight Mike (if he confirms) from you at the Royal Cup. Sweet deal . . .
  • Yep, just let me know when they arrive! :D
  • They shipped on Wed so <crosses fingers>...
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