
Who watching tonight? payperview? bar?


  • On my PC.

    Is there anything better than the Spanish announce table?
  • Milo wrote: »
    On my PC.

    Is there anything better than the Spanish announce table?


    we will soon see when someone goes through it:D

    Milooooooooooooooooooo get the tables!!:p
  • Honestly

    That WM was a huge letdown.

    A: Crowd was flat all night, and I put at least some of the blame on the curtain jerker... should have probably lead with Rey / Punk

    B: The card itself wasn't that great to start with - I was only interested in Y2J / Edge, Hart / Vince, and Taker / HBK. Orton's match and Cena/Bautista are things I've either seen or had little interest in.

    C: The Hart / McMahon match was horrible. It didn't make sense, it was poorly executed, and in general confused everyone. HUGE letdown on what could have been a pinnacle moment in wrestling history.

    D: Cena / Bautista did actually quite well, if somewhat botchy in their match. Edge / Y2J was solid if not show-stealing, and the Taker/HBK was what I expected - a great showing by two of the masters.

    E: The commentating really killed this for me - Cole, Striker are mediocre at best, and Lawler was made better by JR, god we need him back.

  • Mark!!! was wondering where you were again:)

    Yes I was going to say the same, the Bret/Vince match was horrible, the diva match was horrible.

    I think there was a pyro malfunction for kofi, unless I missed something, but it did not seem right,striker had a couple of funny comments but ya J.R. needs to be the one.

    Money in the bank was prob the best match of the night again but still could have been more, 2nd would be undertaker/shawn match.

    So I am with the huge letdown also, the writers need to be fired or kicked in the ass, It is getting stale.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    So I am with the huge letdown also, the writers need to be fired or kicked in the ass, It is getting stale.
    lol, Mark and yourself are growing up... :) Before you know it you will be just like me...... old.. Shudder at the thought...
  • My thoughts from the night:

    -Fuck I wish I would have watched this with another group as the people I was with wouldn't stop making jokes all night. Hard to enjoy it when people are making tasteless jokes during the whole thing.

    -Surprised that A) they opened with the tag match as they usually open with MITB and B) that it went so short. Should have taken some time off the divas tag later and given it to this.

    -Triple threat was predictable but still decent. We all thought that Rhodes had forgotten to put his gear on until we noticed he was wearing "Hulk Hogan's taint" coloured tights (only good joke of the night so I stole it)

    -Slim Jim skit was fun.

    -MITB was disappointing to me as the finish was brutal. Had Swagger been able to get the briefcase off quick enough it would have been sweet, but because he took so much time it seemed like he was stalling for one more big spot to happen.

    -Sheamus HHH was good. This match was one I barely was able to catch any of as the chatter really got out of control from here on.

    -Punk Mysterio was my favourite of the night (aside from Taker Micheals obv). Some very cool spots with a good finish. Looking forward to mask vs hair at Extreme Rules if they do it.

    -Best part of the Bret Vince match was the Hart Attack on the outside as DH Smith didn't let go of Vince's legs and bounced his head off the floor! And if some guy had screwed me like 97 in Montreal, I'd have just beat the shit out of him for 10 minutes too :)

    -Again, couldn't get into this one because of the company I kept. Post match beatdown was awesome, except for it making the Cena-Batista outcome obvious as they never let both heels win the titles at Mania.

    -We all figured the ref is going to get fired for not counting the pin even though Vickie is the one that fucked it up.

    -Cena Batista was better than I expected and I had high expectations going in. The DDT out of the Attitude Adjustment attempt looked fucking sick. Badass huge AA later on too. Well done.

    -Taker Micheals simply was what it was: great. The whole match was just such a perfect story. If Micheals legit retires (as it sure sounds like he is), what a way to go.

    Next time, I'm not taking one for the team. We have too many people who watch these events (for obvious reasons) to fit in one house, so we always split. One person had to go to the joker house and I jobbed out for everyone's happiness. So not happening again. Oh, and tasteless joke of the night where I nearly punched the guy: during the Vince-Bret debacle, discussions of what the finish should be and one guy says "they should lower Martha Hart from the rafters on a cable." Unreal.
  • Ya that Jack swagger ending was brutal, would have liked christian win it, also the Rey mysterio entrance malfunction, he was to shoot up in the air from the stage but the door did not work so that's why he took so long to come out.

    Honestly it was probably the worst wrestlemania ever and if I was Vince I would be pissed at the whole production even though the gates gross was 5.8 million so he is prob busy rolling around in that.:D

    I thought there was too much "selling" from both undertaker and Shawn but it was still 1 of the better matches, or maybe they are too old and or out of shape.

    Toronto is 1 of 14 cities:o trying to get wrestlemania after Atlanta next year.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Ya that Jack swagger ending was brutal, would have liked christian win it, also the Rey mysterio entrance malfunction, he was to shoot up in the air from the stage but the door did not work so that's why he took so long to come out.

    Honestly it was probably the worst wrestlemania ever and if I was Vince I would be pissed at the whole production even though the gates gross was 5.8 million so he is prob busy rolling around in that.:D

    I thought there was too much "selling" from both undertaker and Shawn but it was still 1 of the better matches, or maybe they are too old and or out of shape.

    Toronto is 1 of 14 cities:o trying to get wrestlemania after Atlanta next year.

    Philli, I don't mean this in a mean way, but you must be very young. Go back and watch 9, 11 and 13 (aside from the Hart Austin match). Those were terrible Wrestlemanias.
  • Was it just me or was there a noticeable lack of effort in building the storylines for WM this year? Like.. I look at that card.. and I don't care.. Sheamus-Trips? Why? Why does trips have to win? huh?
    one guy says "they should lower Martha Hart from the rafters on a cable." Unreal.

    Too soon?
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