Long Time No Post

Been pretty much non existant for the last couple of weeks. Lurked the forum when I had a little time and couldn't sleep, but had literally zero ability to post anything worthwhile. At least, until now. So here's one day of where my time went:

March 12: Drive Windsor to Toronto to pick up Hockref. Drive back to Windsor for class. Hockref gets in and does the warm up with us, which ended up being the oh so fun deck of cards (each suit is a different exercise i.e. clubs = regular pushups, hearts = squats etc). You do the whole deck, including jokers (first joker = 100 pushups; 2nd joker = 25 pushups on top rope, 25 on middle, 25 on bottom and 25 normal). Then we start doing rolls... and Hockref bails out saying he's not doing it. Sissy. He does man up long enough to get back in so he can throw a clothesline, try running the ropes and then two of the three best parts of the night happen.

1 - "Hey Matt, come give me one of those chops... why did you just get that evil grin on your face... and what the fuck happened to your eyes?" He figured since the little guy took them from my coach, he could take one. Anyone know the secret of a great chop? Simple: cup your hand, hit just above the nipple, swing for the fence and follow through. :D He was bitching the rest of the night.

2 - "Hey Matt, can you give me an elbow drop... oh shit, your eyes did that thing again!" I explain how to take it properly (breathe in, arms stay tucked at your side, lay flat, when I hit breathe out and for god's sake don't fucking move!) So what does he do? Wimps out and rolls part way onto one side and hurts his rib. Not to mention it was the best elbow I've ever dropped and he fucked it up!

Rest of class was uneventful, but we all went out for dinner afterwards. On the way home from dinner, there's Hockref, Potter (the little guy my brother thought he was tougher than) and Bubbs (awesome guy, doesn't wrestle but does the sweet weekly podcast that I'm on sometimes). Hockref is still moaning about the chop and says to Potter "Hey, does your chest hurt from those chops?" Potter, who is pretty much the verbal and physical whipping boy for everyone in class, replies "Yeah, but I'm not being a bitch about it." Nearly ran into a parked car I was laughing so hard.

So that was the fun of the first night with my bro. As I get time, I'll throw some of the other fun from out time together. :)


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