The more things change....



  • Milo wrote: »
    And? There are privacy issues attendant on all of these examples, although not so much (maybe) with the library card. Therefore a positive ID would be required.

    NEXT . . .

    In my experience you don't need photo ID for any of these things. Usually a bill will suffice, so try again. (not to mention what about the others you deleted.?) Either way this law is a solution to a problem doesn't exist. What percentage of poeple in Quebec wear veils? Show me what problems have occured because of the people who wear veils. Living in a free country means living with people who make different decisions. More power to them.
  • I deleted the first example as it was not germain to my point.

    While I agree that government should be as limited as is practical in our society, I also recognize that part of the government's function is to set minimum requirements for it's citizens when they are dealing with said government.

    If you want to wear a veil, or spiderman mask, or whatever, fine. Knock yourself out. But do not expect to get a driver's license dressed like that, or a passport. And do not try voting either.

    The specific instance of the veil in Muslim culture is a canard. There is no "choice" for the women involved (in most cases) as they have been lied to for generations that this is a requirement of their faith. Tell a lie long enough, and it becomes the truth.

    No one is being prevented from dressing as they please with this legislation. They are merely being made aware of what is required when dealing with the bureaucracy of government.
  • Milo wrote: »

    No one is being prevented from dressing as they please with this legislation. They are merely being made aware of what is required when dealing with the bureaucracy of government.

    Again since when is highschool/university/library/emergency room "bureaucracy". I've already agreed that for passport/license/airport id the veil should be removed if asked. But banning them from university is rediculous.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Again since when is highschool/university/library/emergency room "bureaucracy".

    Since they are subsidized, in part by tax revenue. That means the government has an obligation to ensure against fraud . . . in whatever form it takes.

    Now to go watch rasslin' . . .
  • For your edification . . . Mr. Fatah is former head of the Canadian Islamic Congress.

    Tarek Fatah: Quebec forges enlightened trail on burkas - Full Comment
  • Did you just find an article online that agrees with the new law? I guess that's game set and match then. I can't possibly find anything to top that. I give up. Damn internet so hard to use!!!!!
  • Naaah . . .he just used fancier words, and such like . . . He's prety edumucated, eh? :D

    Stop being a kill-joy
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