$100 cap NL coming to GBH ???

Today I was at Great Blue Heron playing Omaha and the dealer mentioned to there was going to be a some new Holdem game coming within the next 2 months. He couldnt tell us exactly what it was since it is a so called secret, but woudn't say "no" if the proper game was suggest. From all the questions being bombarded at him it sounds like $100 cap NL. With the max bet being $100 at a charity casino I do believe this would be possible. Not sure of what the blinds would be but he mentioned either a rake of $7 or a session fee of $7, I am not 100% sure which one. Do you think people would be up for this? has anyone else heard of something like this?


  • sounds like a $100 cap NL game they already offer those in SS Marie and Thunder Bay charity casinos
  • In the Soo it's a 1/2 game
  • session fee seems a bit steap considering its only $6/30 mins at Fallsview for 2/5.
  • Hello Guys

    Yes, the rumors are correct. We at the GBH are gearing up to bring something different to our room. It will be a 2-5 spread limit game with a max bet of $100. The blinds will be SB $2 and BB $5 with the option to raise it to $100/ raise. It will still have the structure of one bet and three raises. We are planning to offer this game to both our Holdem and Omaha players. I am still working with the Gaming Commition on the rake, so those points have not been told to the staff yet. But the rake is intended to be player friendly. The buy-in will be a $200 min and $500 max. I will post a date on the forum as to when it should start, closer to that date. Look forward to having some of you Guys and Gals out.
  • Any thoughts of a 1/2 $100 cap game instead? I can't fathom how to play a 2/5 $100 cap game, as that would completely take out any mathematical aspects out of the game. I don't play the online cap games so I have no idea what the average bb cap is for those, but 20 bbs seems kinda small.
  • actyper wrote: »
    Any thoughts of a 1/2 $100 cap game instead? I can't fathom how to play a 2/5 $100 cap game, as that would completely take out any mathematical aspects out of the game. I don't play the online cap games so I have no idea what the average bb cap is for those, but 20 bbs seems kinda small.

    My interpretation is that it is 2/5 $500 cap, with a max bet of $100 per street?
  • how many tables at this casino? is the wait time a little better than the Niagara casinos? might have to check it out.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    My interpretation is that it is 2/5 $500 cap, with a max bet of $100 per street?

    ok that makes more sense :)
  • Hi guys, long time lurker, joined today. This is surprising, because I was told by one of the poker bosses that they would NEVER have NL there due to licensing issues. This is a good option for players, though I hope you still keep the limit games running there also.
  • Normanw wrote: »
    Hi guys, long time lurker, joined today. This is surprising, because I was told by one of the poker bosses that they would NEVER have NL there due to licensing issues. This is a good option for players, though I hope you still keep the limit games running there also.

    Pop Quiz:

    Who is fed? ;)

    This is still not true NL, it's a capped game because the Charity Casinos have a $100 bet limit. If I have $500 in fornt of me the most I can bet on each street is $100 iirc
  • Yes, I do understand that, but I suppose I assumed that the reason for them not obtaining the license was due to dealer training issues. Capping a bet doesn;t really solve that issue. It sounds as if you are suggesting it was never supposed to happen due to the charity status of the casino.

    Who is fed?
  • Normanw wrote: »
    Yes, I do understand that, but I suppose I assumed that the reason for them not obtaining the license was due to dealer training issues. Capping a bet doesn;t really solve that issue. It sounds as if you are suggesting it was never supposed to happen due to the charity status of the casino.

    Who is fed?[/QUOTE]

    Guess you haven't been lurking that long. ;)
  • cardsrusa wrote: »
    Hello Guys

    Yes, the rumors are correct. We at the GBH are gearing up to bring something different to our room. It will be a 2-5 spread limit game with a max bet of $100. The blinds will be SB $2 and BB $5 with the option to raise it to $100/ raise. It will still have the structure of one bet and three raises. We are planning to offer this game to both our Holdem and Omaha players. I am still working with the Gaming Commition on the rake, so those points have not been told to the staff yet. But the rake is intended to be player friendly. The buy-in will be a $200 min and $500 max. I will post a date on the forum as to when it should start, closer to that date. Look forward to having some of you Guys and Gals out.

    That's not 2-5 spread limit. That is 5 -100 spread limit.

    GBH is ok. The tables are busy on Sat. night and a 1 hour wait limit on callins is not nearly enough. Best to call ahead, check in and then plan to eat there. It's in the middle of nowhere and about a 10 min drive to the closest food/gas/coffee in Port Perry. The wait list system works exactly the same as BCC but the dealers are not vigilant in using their remote as soon as a seat empties to keep the list moving. They use BJ chips which some people like, but I don't. The padding on the rails is somewhat thin and the chairs are ok. There aren't enough drink holders so people end up fighting over them and drink tables are hard to get. The tables are at the far end of a table game only room so the noise is not bad but still not much of a dividing gap between the other table games and the poker tables. So if you are on an outside table there can be a constant stream of people walking past you. The floor staff is friendly and accomodating but the dealers range from bad to excellent. Games are hand dealt and every game has max $5 rake and also a jackpot drop. Lowest limit is 5/10.
  • Haha, ahh I get it. I have had this site favourited for years and visit from once-four times a month, but, I don't pay attention to the usernames though I do recall many of the posters like pokerjah, moose and Devo(if he still posts here). I basically read the trip reports from time to time, and read about Canadian poker happenings.
  • pokerJah there are 10 tables, 5/10 limit, 10/20 limit, 20/40 limit, 10/20 omaha, 20/40 omaha. I would say it has the best limit players around since they dont offer NL until this new game arrives in May. Do call ahead and get on waitlist. Alot of regulars during the days. If you want some easier money play friday or saturday night alot of recreatonal players.
  • pretty sure they have 12 tables now

    For there tournaments they sell out at 110 players so that is 11 tables of 10 and I think they leave 1 table for cash when the tournament starts
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    pretty sure they have 12 tables now

    For there tournaments they sell out at 110 players so that is 11 tables of 10 and I think they leave 1 table for cash when the tournament starts

    You're correct. I played there last weekend and they now have 12 poker tables. All other information that has been posted about this casino is also correct. I found it to be a little more fishy than Brantford, although the 1 hour call in time they provide you with is awful. Like others have stated, it's in the middle of no where, so make sure you call in when you're an hour away or you'll have to wait an extra hour like I did.

    Also, the casino does not offer craps, which Brantford does and gives it a bit of a leg up in my books.
  • Hi all,

    I'm new to pokerforum.ca, but not new to poker.

    I've been talking to several of my friends, and the dealers at GBH are being trained on this 5-100 spread limit game, and have been for the last 2 weeks. They have been quietly discussing a launch for June 1. What irks me is that the staff there have been very quiet about the game, especially the rake. The dealers are being trained to take a seven dollar rake, in addition to the bad beat drop.

    EIGHT bucks rake in this place... are you kidding!!! :confused2: Given the dumpy facility, no comps, no shufflers, etc., this is a terrible offering. Their other poker games are either 5+1, or flat 5 for Omaha games (no bad beat on Omaha). From 5 to 7 dollars represents a 40% increase. Not only that, they will rake every hand, including those without a flop!

    The response from those willing to discuss is that the rake is 'friendly' with one extra dollar taken when the pot hits 600 and another at 800. The pots routinely hit those levels in the 20-40 and above games, so do they think that this is ok for those games too? I expect that the GBH will become a shadow of itself very soon if they think that their players will embrace this.

    Most players like the idea of having different options, and I'm no different. Brantford recently introduced kill buttons, and that's great for the action. Spread limit is ok, but the spread is way too narrow. I agree with other posters that 2-100 with a 100 or 200 max buyin is better. 5-100 amounts to pure bingo after the flop.

    Hopefully the management at GBH read this and adjust before they launch a flawed game. Trying to increase their rake at the same time is just terrible thinking. At the same time, this presents an opportunity for the other card rooms to do what GBH thought they might do and take some of GBH's business away.

    Anyone care to chime in?
  • the new rake system was only intended for the spread limit game. As of right now as a dealer i have been told to take a max rake of 5 dollars a pot and if it is a holdem game the extra dollar for bad beat. this is the same rake system as all the other games we offer and haven't heard anything about changing the rake at all.

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