US passing health care bill

Well I heard on the radio today, its obamas signature away from passing. They are trying to make us more like Canada and by that I mean paying way to many fucking taxes and helping people that don't deserve it cause they spend money on stupid stuff instead of protecting themselves. :mad: Fuck them, we need republicans back in charge. Survival of the fittest ftw.


  • Yup, that last Republican President was a model of fiscal restraint . . .

    And, as for survival of the fittest, just remember that philosophy when you are old and grey, or find out you have a "pre-existing" condition that your insurance carrier decides it does not want to cover. Good luck in that circumstance. The United States is finally catching up to the rest of the developed world in terms of taking care of it's citizens. Bill may not be perfect, but at least it's a start.
  • Milo wrote: »
    The United States is finally catching up to the rest of the developed world in terms of taking care of it's citizens. Bill may not be perfect, but at least it's a start.


    It's about time. Health care should not be a for profit industry. Every person has the right to be taken care of. Whether they have money or not shouldn't matter.
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Well I heard on the radio today, its obamas signature away from passing. They are trying to make us more like Canada and by that I mean paying way to many fucking taxes and helping people that don't deserve it cause they spend money on stupid stuff instead of protecting themselves. :mad: Fuck them, we need republicans back in charge. Survival of the fittest ftw.

    canada has an unbelievable good health care system...from what i understand Americans are grossly misinformed. we complain because we have to wait 5 hours for stitches that we get basically for free. but when you really need the help you get prompt service from some of the best medical staff in the world. maybe im wrong.
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Well I heard on the radio today, its obamas signature away from passing. They are trying to make us more like Canada and by that I mean paying way to many fucking taxes and helping people that don't deserve it cause they spend money on stupid stuff instead of protecting themselves. :mad: Fuck them, we need republicans back in charge. Survival of the fittest ftw.

    I think we need to agree to disagree on this one.

    Pretty much all Canadian bitch and complain about the health care system we have, but i think few Canadians would want not want to have free Medicare... And few Canadians would want to have the system they have in the US.
  • I say about time too, but I really don't get what all the hub bub is about.

    Sorry reef our plan is the same as the u.s. that's why people are complaining, our plan covers nothing anymore so we might as well be in the states.
  • derrickone wrote: »

    It's about time. Health care should not be a for profit industry. Every person has the right to be taken care of. Whether they have money or not shouldn't matter.

    That about sums it up.

    on a side note taxes have gone down since Obama took over....
  • derrickone wrote: »

    It's about time. Health care should not be a for profit industry. Every person has the right to be taken care of. Whether they have money or not shouldn't matter.

    iirc it still is in the US. I remember something about this being run by the insurance companies and all it will do is force people to buy coverage.

    Is that correct Walleye?
  • You are correct to a point, Hobbes. Have not read all of it yet, I will admit. It does limit Insurance company's ability to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, which is a good thing. That has always bugged me . . . like them jacking your rates (cars) the first time you claim. Well, what the f*** do you think I've been paying for all these years?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    iirc it still is in the US. I remember something about this being run by the insurance companies and all it will do is force people to buy coverage.

    Is that correct Walleye?

    Not exactly. The bill is a watered down version of what it started out as or should be but it is a good start. The sad thing is that there is soooo much misinformation out there thanks to the conservative talking heads helped in no small part by the insurance companies. The only people that should be upset are the insurance companies. They will now be paying out hundreds of millions that they were able to worm their way out of paying in the past. They will be required to offer coverage to many many more people that they used to refuse and they can no longer use preexisting medical conditions as grounds for refusing payment. That is huge.
    All the bullshit about death panels and punishment for not getting coverage is a load of horseshit and entirely innacurate. The insurance companies have a massive lobby force and they exercised their influence to get the rich conservative movement on their side. That wasn't very hard since the powerful and rich people who lead the conservative movement would do anything to make Obama look bad and have absolutely no concern for the average american.
    I could go on and on but you have to look no further than the fact that the U.S. is the only "westernized" democratic nation in the world that doesn't have a socialized health care system. They also pay more per person than any other nation on the planet. The complaint that they don't want to have to start allocating taxes is also wrong and misinformed. Lots of their tax money has been going towards health care it was just allocated horribly since it was the big insurance companies making the decisions. The american populace need to get over their whole, we are different because we are better mentality and grow up.
  • Also, people need to get past this whole Obama is a communist and socialism is evil bullshit. I'm not in support of wholesale communism but certain aspects of socialism have great merit. Let's look at just a handful of situations where the government uses money from the populace (taxes) to use for the benefit of everyone:
    -fireman and firewomen
    -public transit
    -roads (construction and maintenance)
    -traffic lights and street signs

    While none of these run perfectly and some might argue that there are some serious concerns about them, I doubt anyone rational would recommend privatizeing or doing away with them alltogether. The perceived democracy of the U.S.A is hardly a complete and total democracy and it hasn't been for a very long time. That's okay. This patriotic, flag waving allegiance to the "american way" should either evolve and adept or prepare to crumble and contribute to the eventual fall of this once powerful and respected empire.
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Well I heard on the radio today, its obamas signature away from passing. They are trying to make us more like Canada and by that I mean paying way to many fucking taxes and helping people that don't deserve it cause they spend money on stupid stuff instead of protecting themselves. :mad: Fuck them, we need republicans back in charge. Survival of the fittest ftw.

    Mmmm, Rush makes good Kool-aid.

    Shtebs wrote: »
    Not exactly. The bill is a watered down version of what it started out as or should be but it is a good start. The sad thing is that there is soooo much misinformation out there thanks to the conservative talking heads helped in no small part by the insurance companies. The only people that should be upset are the insurance companies. They will now be paying out hundreds of millions that they were able to worm their way out of paying in the past. They will be required to offer coverage to many many more people that they used to refuse and they can no longer use preexisting medical conditions as grounds for refusing payment. That is huge.
    All the bullshit about death panels and punishment for not getting coverage is a load of horseshit and entirely innacurate. The insurance companies have a massive lobby force and they exercised their influence to get the rich conservative movement on their side. That wasn't very hard since the powerful and rich people who lead the conservative movement would do anything to make Obama look bad and have absolutely no concern for the average american.
    I could go on and on but you have to look no further than the fact that the U.S. is the only "westernized" democratic nation in the world that doesn't have a socialized health care system. They also pay more per person than any other nation on the planet. The complaint that they don't want to have to start allocating taxes is also wrong and misinformed. Lots of their tax money has been going towards health care it was just allocated horribly since it was the big insurance companies making the decisions. The american populace need to get over their whole, we are different because we are better mentality and grow up.

    Wise beyond your years Shtebs.
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Well I heard on the radio today, its obamas signature away from passing. They are trying to make us more like Canada and by that I mean paying way to many fucking taxes and helping people that don't deserve it cause they spend money on stupid stuff instead of protecting themselves. :mad: Fuck them, we need republicans back in charge. Survival of the fittest ftw.


    Say survival of the fittest when you suddenly have a heart attack and your insurance drops you. All of a sudden you're a high risk client and they see you as "unfit" for their company, pray to God that NOTHING goes wrong with you. Or better yet, those that can't get insurance and pay $200 bucks to see a doc about their fever.
    Why is medicine owned by companies? That's f*cked.
  • Walleye wrote: »
    Well I heard on the radio today, its obamas signature away from passing. They are trying to make us more like Canada and by that I mean paying way to many fucking taxes and helping people that don't deserve it cause they spend money on stupid stuff instead of protecting themselves. :mad: Fuck them, we need republicans back in charge. Survival of the fittest ftw.

    Wow, this is ridiculously naive and simple-minded.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Wow, this is ridiculously naive and simple-minded.

    I've met Walleye and enjoyed his company so I'm not coming down on him personally when I say this but he voices the same concern many americans do. Why? because they have been fed a lot off bullshit and have been living in a culture of fear. I'm not even a fan of the democrats TBH but they are at least trying to make some changes that will benefit the people. Unfortunately they suck at the "politics" of politics. The republicans smack them around with their fear and propaganda machine because they have some brilliant, manipulative and wildly unscrupulous people pulling the strings.
  • Mmmm, Rush makes good Kool-aid.

    Anybody else waiting to see if he makes good on his promise to exit the USA if the Bill becomes Law?

    What a freaking tool . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Anybody else waiting to see if he makes good on his promise to exit the USA if the Bill becomes Law?

    What a freaking tool . . .

    One can only hope although he'll no doubt take his microphone with him.

    And let's not forget the shit your boy Glen Beck has been spouting too? Who has sounded like they possess a brain more lately........Moore or Beck?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Not exactly. The bill is a watered down version of what it started out as or should be but it is a good start. The sad thing is that there is soooo much misinformation out there thanks to the conservative talking heads helped in no small..............

    ............over their whole, we are different because we are better mentality and grow up.

    the whole quote, this was what i thought was the jist of it all too....
  • One can only hope although he'll no doubt take his microphone with him.

    And let's not forget the shit your boy Glen Beck has been spouting too? Who has sounded like they possess a brain more lately........Moore or Beck?

    See bolded.

    If Beck were my boy, he'd be in his room with no supper, or electronics. His only advantage over Rush, is that he likes Ted Nugent. Other than that . . .
  • Well, it's not like Jesus was all "heal the sick," or "soothe the afflicted," or anything like that, right? :o

    Methinks Beck flunked Sunday school . . . and how dumb do you have to be to do that?
  • I particularly enjoyed this meeting of the "minds".

    YouTube - Rep. King and Beck: Health Care an 'affront to God'

    Thanks HM. That was textbook Beck idiocy. Not one lucid point or worthwhile argument in his little plea to try and work the religious people up over a long standing issue that has nothing to do with religion. The whole "perversion of our religion" bit was laughable. Sorry Beck, your religion's perversion is an issue totally unto itself and unrelated to this debate whatsoever and the cause actually lies with idiots like Glenn Beck, Coulter, Bush, Robertson, etc...
  • Milo wrote: »
    Anybody else waiting to see if he makes good on his promise to exit the USA if the Bill becomes Law?

    What a freaking tool . . .

    He'll probably stick to it as well as when he promised to vote for Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama if McCain won the republican nomination. He was so against McCain and so sure that he wouldn't get the nomination that he blurted yet another one of his idiotic statements. On his national radio broadcast no less. Sadly, he was never called to task for some reason. Even when he begin pulling for McCain not too long after Obama won his nomination.
    Another reason I'm equally angered by the so-called "Jew run/left wing controlled" media in the U.S. The simply don't have the killer instinct and heartless go for the throat attitude that all these uber-conservative right wingers have so people don't get any fair and balanced news unless they search for and dig it up themselves.
  • I wish I could copy and paste the whole facebook chat I had about this with a couple Americans..the difference in our viewpoints and approaches to this issue are so intense and I believe, irreconcilable.

    Like trying to convince a 1800's slave owner first to hop in your time machine decorated with pentagrams and 666's and then vote for is too much of a leap for us to expect of a people who are, let's face it, decades behind us on every social front.

    We need to be realistic with our expectations of them and be thankful that there are no geographical lines of disagreement this time and thus no warring. ;)
  • Well, except for Larry Craig . . .

    Google it, kiddies.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Well, except for Larry Craig . . .

    Google it, kiddies.

    Hahaha. Good one Milo.
    It wasn't ole Larry's fault. He just has a wide stance when doing his business.

    Plus that Eric... damn. Brain fart. Can't remember his last name atm. Anyways, elected official who keeps groping the guys that work for him. He's pretty open minded. Especially at his birthday parties. I want to say Amas or Erras.
    Bah, if only my womyns sucked as much as my memory does >.>
  • God, I am so looking forward to your week, Shtebs.
  • It isn't a democracy when the stupid people get to vote.
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