Fallsview Observations...

Finally made it to Fallsview for a little 2/5. Here are my observations:

- make sure you call waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead on a weekend. I called in at 4:30 (there is a 1.5 hour window to physically check in) and made my way to the poker room at 7:45 from my hotel room after watching a little final four action. They were just opening new tables at 8pm so I was on within 15 minutes of arriving. Still a 3.5 hours wait and the guy beside me said he waited 5 hours!! By 12:30am, there was no wait list and you could get seated right away.

- 50/50 mix - I would say 50% of the players at my table were decent players. I played from 8 -2:30am and there were two other original players at my table over this period. Two players cashed out up and we probably went through about 20 other players over this time span. Most players buy in for around 300-400. A few small buy-ins.

- saw some weird hands, situations. Can't say I ever saw this happen before. I'm in a hand with a guy, we check it down to the river, and the guy flips over his cards and THREE cards fall on the table. One of the cards is an ace so the guy is trying to argue he won the hand with ace high. The dealer calls over a manager to make the call and I can't believe they are considering giving the guy with an extra card an opportunity to win the hand. I tell the dealer that its only fair to chop it or at least deal me a third card :) I'm surprised the guy wasn't thrown out.

This hand really surprised me. Three handed, flop comes 2c3c6. EP bets $30, MP raises to $130 and LP pushes for $300. EP insta calls for his last $100 and MP ponders and calls. Now for a $700 pot you would expect a made straight, a set or at least two pairs. EP has 46 for top pair and gut shot, MP has Ac6 and LP has 8c6c. 86 wins the hand when the river brings the last club. I ask the dealer if he thought this hand was weird and he just shakes his head and laughs. Not sure how you push $300 in with a pair of sixes and an ace kicker?? Life is good!

- if you are looking for a cheap deal in Niagara, I would recommend the Fallsview Plaza Hotel promo. Its only $79 during the week and you get a $45 gift card at the Keg or three other local restaurants. They also throw in a Dave and Busters $20 gift card for the kids but its really not that useful. The room is very nice and large although the hotel is under construction. Its right beside the casino (across the street) and if you want to save $20 on parking, just park at the casino for free.

After playing six hours, I ended the session down $300. Think I played well just had a couple bad outcomes. Here is my key hand summary:

- AK vs KQ - K on turn, all-in on turn, villian hits a Q on river - $400
- Q10 - hit trip Qs on flop, other guy has QK -$400
- Jd10d - J high flop checked to me, I bet $100 (pot) EP pushes for $140 more - $125


  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    I ask the dealer if he thought this hand was weird and he just shakes his head and laughs. Not sure how you push $300 in with a pair of sixes and an ace kicker??

  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    I'm surprised you still bother reading my threads.

    Maybe you could elaborate a little and share some of your experience with the less fortunate??
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Finally made it to Fallsview for a little 2/5. Here are my observations:

    ...I tell the dealer that its only fair to chop it or at least deal me a third card :) ...

  • 13CARDS wrote: »

    I didn't realize that players got dealt three cards that often. Now if it was a big pot and I had to split it, I wouldn't be too happy.
  • If a player was dealt 3 cards and didn't say anything he is either:

    1) Dumb
    2) Cheating (cause he palmed the ace)

    and if I put any money in the pot I want it back.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    the guy flips over his cards and THREE cards fall on the table. One of the cards is an ace so the guy is trying to argue he won the hand with ace high. The dealer calls over a manager to make the call and I can't believe they are considering giving the guy with an extra card an opportunity to win the hand. I tell the dealer that its only fair to chop it or at least deal me a third card :) I'm surprised the guy wasn't thrown out.

    You should get the whole pot.

    "the guy", doesn't have a valid hand.
  • You should get the whole pot.

    the guy doesn't have a valid hand.

    This......if they did anything but award you the whole pot, it's just a horrible ruling.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    If a player was dealt 3 cards and didn't say anything he is either:

    1) Dumb
    2) Cheating (cause he palmed the ace)

    and if I put any money in the pot I want it back.

    I think he had AK5; he kind of seemed like a deer in the headlights when the third card popped out... more scared he was going to be thrown out of the casino I guess. I didn't really care about winning the pot because it was so small, splitting it was fine with me (it was under $20). Was just surprised they would give him half... if it was a mis-deal, shouldn't the blinds get their money back and redeal the hand?
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    If a player was dealt 3 cards and didn't say anything he is either:

    1) Dumb
    2) Cheating (cause he palmed the ace)

    and if I put any money in the pot I want it back.


    i'd be pissed even if it was an accident.
  • Since when is a player not responsible for his own hand? >.>
  • Glad to see you again JAH on the weekend. It took me forever to get on the tables as well but here is a quick pointer for some guys/gals heading to FV that I figured out on Saturday (I actually decided to pay attention instead of blabbing my mouth)

    Tables open early morning, 2pm, 630pm, 8pm. So my advice is try to get there about 1hr (or call ahead for those times) It makes the waiting shorter. I got to FV on Saturday just after 3 and I waited till amost 5 to get on the tables. I ended up leaving at 9pm with another winning session.

    The play is still horrid enough to make all the dealer mistakes/slow dealing/session fees worth it....not by much but I figure if I take the bus I am saving my gas/car costs which offset the above issues.
  • Glad to see you again JAH on the weekend.

    Glad to see one of us made money on Sat, maybe I should have requested a table change to your table... oh well.

    Definitely a great place to play but for me, I don't like all the headaches of the drive and waiting hours to play. There are too many places to play within 30 minutes with no wait time and just as many fish.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »

    After playing six hours, I ended the session down $300. Think I played well just had a couple bad outcomes. Here is my key hand summary:

    - AK vs AQ - K on turn, all-in on turn, villian hits a Q on river - $400

    Maybe I'm missing something or it's just a typo. How does a pair of queens with an A beat a pair of kings with an A? Not ragging on ya, it just appears that there is some info missing or incorrectly relayed.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Maybe I'm missing something or it's just a typo. How does a pair of queens with an A beat a pair of kings with an A? Not ragging on ya, it just appears that there is some info missing or incorrectly relayed.

    sorry, it was KQ.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    sorry, it was KQ.

    Ahhh... okay. That makes a lot more sense. Figured it was simply a typo and you didn't muck the winning hand. LMFAO.
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