What are the best TV shows...Becoming less of a nerd.


I've decided to see if I can become less of a nerd.

The only TV I've seen is the High Stakes and other downloaded poker show...

One thing is I *never* watch tv.

So I don't understand what people are talking about when the conversation turns to TV...

I'm starting (Torrenting) with Lost...

What should I watch next?


  • Heroes

  • Criminal Mind
  • SteveKerr wrote: »

    +1. Heroes is excellent, with some lulls in Season 2. Best of all this is the final season for the show, so it all wraps up in a month or so . . .
  • none of the above, nobody talks about any of them and they will not further your understanding of pop culture.

    True Blood

    Seem to be the ones that people talk the most about in addition to lost.
  • Dexter
    How I Met Your Mother
    The Big Bang Theory (although this will bring your nerd level right back up)
  • Dexter - Probably the best written show on tv today.

    The Wire - Probably the best written show not on tv today.

    Battlestar Galactica - Epic...just epic, if you like the Sci-Fi that is
  • If you're looking to meld yourself into water-cooler talk...

    You're going to have to the bullet and just start watching bad reality television (survivor, bachelor, american idol, etc).

    Good news? You don't need to watch the back seasons...

    Bad news? It's reality television.

    I can say though that I've loved House, The Big Bang Theory, It's always Sunny in Philadelphia. I've heard good things about Dexter, Breaking Bad, and The Wire

  • The WIRE !!!! -- BTW amazon.ca might have this on sale on tuesday for a sick price. if it's <125 I'm snap buying it. complete set that is.

    Freaks and Geeks --- great great show.

    Dexter --- great

    How I met Your Mother --- So good so funny so awesome.

    I also like Battle star Galactica (will buy in BluRay in April I think) even if you don't like sci fi. it's that good.

    These are all MUST WATCH TV SHOWS.
  • Here's the email I got:

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dear Amazon.ca Customer,[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As someone who has shopped for TV shows, you might like to know that we're having one-day sales on each of the following titles from March 22-26. Each item will be at least 60% off. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Monday: "Deadwood: The Complete Series" [/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Tuesday: "The Wire: The Complete Series" [/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Wednesday: "Oz : The Complete Series" (Seasons 1-6) [/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Thursday: "Sanctuary: The Complete First Season" [/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Friday: "Star Trek: The Original Series" (Remastered)[/FONT]

    If Deadwood, The Wire, and Oz, are all great prices... I'm getting em :). I might have to do some searches to see if there's any bluray releases coming out soon for them first...

    Amazon.com had a similar HBO 1 day sale each day of week, but they didn't include The Wire >:D
  • OZ was a great show!
  • Most of the answers in this thread are bad, ignore them.

    The solution is quite simply to keep an ear out for references, or odd one liners that keep cropping up..then look up their origin on teh interwebz and watch the shows that are quoted and referenced over and over again in your circle.

    People are answering with whatever bullshit it is that they love, that is a tremendous waste of your time.

    Also, don't fall into the trap of watching entire seasons simply because people keep mentioning them..the only one I've ever seen that one must really watch EVERY episode in order to keep up with pop-culture references is Seinfeld. Other than that watch a few episodes, read a synopsis and move on.. unless you really enjoy it or several friends whom you trust and who know your tastes recommend something. (eg. I'm the one that suggested you check out the first season of Lost)

    TV can be a giant time-waster if you're not careful.
  • yeah no offense but a lot of the shows mentioned here suck ass. i don't watch a lot of tv because most of it is crap.

    dexter rocks! awesome show.

    someone mentioned freaks and geeks. great show. pretty old and they only made one season i think, but i still loved it.

    and i do watch the "original" reality show in survivor. i can't stand any of the other ones though.
  • OZ was good for a few seasons, then started to suck. Badly.

    BSG was great. A few lame episodes here and there, but generally great.

    Watched the first episode of Dexter a while back, it was great. Will definitely watch more.

    Have heard many, many people suggest Heroes. It sounds great.

    I would rather roll around naked in a pile of rusty roofing nails while someone sprayed me with vinegar than watch Survivor.

    I would partially agree with Kristy. TV is a huge time waster. I didn't watch it for years, but over the last few years have been torrenting some shows with some success. Some I have found enjoyable and kept going, while others quickly got the gong and didn't bother continuing.

    Californication didn't do it for me. Watched a few, got bored.

    Weed was ok. Watched a few, didn't go further.

    Deadliest catch. I now believe I could run my own crab boat in the Berring Sea and haul in enough crabs to live happily ever after. Loved it for some stupid reason.
  • These days when people are talking about TV in social settings its either about Lost or Dexter.

    Get caught up on those 2 and ur good.
  • Yes, Heroes will make you less of a nerd, great advice...I've also heard that collecting comic books will do the trick.
  • "The Big Bang Theory" will probably not make you less of a nerd, but it sure is funny! It has quickly become my favourite current comedy.
  • lol @ calling TV a waste of time. that's so 1997. Now the real time waster is the INTERNET.
  • Thanks for the input guys,

    Any specific episodes of shows to watch?

    I've decided to watch to Sienfield "soup Nazi" show so I understand what people are talking about...
  • well last night was commercial night, holy crap.
  • Gutsy wrote: »
    The WIRE !!!! -- BTW amazon.ca might have this on sale on tuesday for a sick price. if it's <125 I'm snap buying it. complete set that is.

    Nice time the wire goes on sale at amazon, just price match at futureshop or bestbuy. I got mine for < $100 that way.

    Damn I watch too much tv, here is my current tv/dvd/bluray list in my queue.

    The Office
    Big Bang Theory

    The Pacific
    Flash Foward

    Amazing Race
    Dragon's Den
    Ultimate Fighter

    Blood and Tits
    True Blood

    Family Guy
    Cleveland Show

    Overated but I still watch

    Guilty Pleasure
    Vampire Diaries

    Cancelled shows that I never finished watching yet

    Would like to watch
    Breaking Bad
  • I think it depends on who your friends are. If you want the watercooler crowd, then just look at the neilsen ratings and see what the top shows are. "BURN NOTICE? WHAT IS BURN NOTICE? No seriously, it's the #1 show on cable" lol.. great sketch from SNL.

    If your friends are younger, then you need to keep up on Daily Show or South Park or Family guy..
  • The show mentioned the most in this thread appears to be Dexter. I would recommend giving it a shot since I can attest to the fact that I watched a couple episodes and it completely sucked me in.
    To be fair, we are operating without anything to go on. BBC Z and Kristy have made the best points so far. We are just giving you input on what we like. Before anyone can give you any substantive advice we need to know the following. Who are you trying to relate to and where do your interests lie? Are there any particular types of movies, shows, books or other forms of diversion that you generally enjoy?
  • There is so much shit on TV. Unfortunately watching worthwhile programming likely makes you fall into the nerd category since the majority are sitting down for their weekly Survivor/American Idol/Dancing with the Stars crapfests.

    I am a fan of good writing and Californication does it for me. (Also a good source of tits and ass) I like Glee because it's fun, and I always catch Daily Show/Colbert Report before bed.
  • actyper wrote: »
    Nice time the wire goes on sale at amazon, just price match at futureshop or bestbuy. I got mine for < $100 that way.

    Damn! I've been patiently waiting for it to drop below the 149 buck range for a long time! For a while it would just shuffle from 149.99 to 199.99 and back. I just ordered it for 115 or so. Also got Requiem for a Dream on Blu Ray.

    I was scanning the BluRay section, and notice a lot of good stuff is hitting the market April 6th... Not just LOTRset :).
  • ~Corner Gas!
  • hmm, I watch vampire diaries, scrubs, O.C and some anime right now. Maybe burn notice, entourage and stargate universe if I'm bored.

    Used to be some more shows but there aren't that many airing right now over here
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    ~Corner Gas!

    I've never watched this show, but I hear it's very good.

    I recently purchased: Slings and Arrows for my sister for her birthday. I read some reviews, and many people consider it to be one of the best Canadian shows ever made.

    Not a bad price either imo. 3 seasons for < 50 bucks.
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