Game 3; Roll Call!

I'll send out the new excel file when I get home tonight, sorry for forgetting it this weekend. I'll save it in Excel 95 for those that don't have 2007

Who's in for this week's game??

Greg (tentative)


  • In . . . anybody seen my "run good"?
  • already formulating a plan...
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    already formulating a plan...

    oh? to work? or to play??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    oh? to work? or to play??

    I am definitely in for the next 2, so yeah, answer: to win
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    I am definitely in for the next 2, so yeah, answer: to win

    A freakin' plan, Instead of bet, get pushed , fold!
    followed by, Bet, get pushed (I'm pissed, so call), Got nothin, get licorice and go!!!!!!!!

    Me, In
    still workin a a plan though

    Milton Slim
  • Dave...wanna be playing for a WINNING TEAM for the next RC instead of the suckout Rocks??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Dave...wanna be playing for a WINNING TEAM for the next RC instead of the suckout Rocks??

    Dave just called me, laughing so hard he busted a gut.... Damn you, injuring one of our star players....
  • compuease wrote: »
    Dave just called me, laughing so hard he busted a gut.... Damn you, injuring one of our star players....

    Soooooooooo, he's on OUR team then??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Soooooooooo, he's on OUR team then??

    Even Gretzky was traded........ So what are you offering? 1000 nubile virgins? Have to be at least that for our star returnee...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Even Gretzky was traded........ So what are you offering? 1000 nubile virgins? Have to be at least that for our star returnee...

    RU kidding me?? At your age, you'll be dead by the second virgin! Can't have that on my conscience

    How about your first beer on me at RC??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    How about your first beer on me at RC??

    Your offering BEER
    and a ride
    Wolfhound.... Wait, I can come out and play too!

    Better stay a Rock, the shirt still fits

    Milton "Ching Taxi Squad" Slim
  • Couldn't follow any of that but.... IN ...anyways.
  • Anybody on the Hill want Raptors tix for Friday?
  • out this week, sorry I have to work....Darryl will have to wait another week for me to donate to his retirement fund ;)
  • Any Ching Hillers playing Bristol this week. If so, PM me . . .
  • up for grabs tomorrow just before the game gets started....


    should clarify that it will be the $10 denomination, not the full $80. Wouldn't want to contribute too much to someone's drinking problem!
    I hope I win it!
  • Hey AJ,

    I have to work late tonight, if i can get out of the office before 8 then i'll be there. It's going to be one of those if i'm there i'm there, if i'm not i'm not. I'll try to let you know before 8 if possible.
  • Milo couldn't hold onto his monster lead at break to win it tonight, but he did manage to take second against Allan's pocket 4's. Kris actually took down third place instead of bubbling, and Jason got the $10 Beer Store ticket.

    See you all next week!
  • Standard Milo poker strategy. Acquire 2/3 of all chips in play, then hold on and hope for the best . . .

    Good game all, and wp Allen . . . see you all next week.
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