Big Slick Poker Lifestyle Expo and 4 plyr $4400 Team Event

This is just a teaser of what is to come. Alot of big brands, players, celbs and media are in the works. The September long weekend is locked down with River Cree Resort and Casino in Edmonton and full details for vendors, sponsers and those showing up will be released next week. I promise you that some of what is planned you won't want to miss.

The weekend will roll around a 4 player per team event, with $1100 buy-in per person. Expect some stiff competition. Similar events have capped everytme in the USA. And, those that know how to do these best will be consulted and involved. More to come and I will edit for SEO later.


  • the duo tournament at the PCA had a very bad turnout this year. so im pretty skeptical about a 4man event doing well. is it a 1100 entry per team? or 1100 per person? sounds interesting depending on the format

    but i am intrigued by a poker lifestyle expo. does CPT have any affiliation with this? its my understanding the River Cree and the CPT have a strained relationship at the moment...if it even still exists.
  • It will be 1100 per player. Nothing to do with CPT. And yeah, the whole lifestyle expo around it is creating some noise and some big partners are stepping up to the plate.

    Stay tuned :)
  • DennisG wrote: »
    It will be 1100 per player. Nothing to do with CPT. And yeah, the whole lifestyle expo around it is creating some noise and some big partners are stepping up to the plate.

    Stay tuned :)

    seems steep. there are many individuals who would gladly play in an 1100 tournament...but to ask them to pony up for a non-tour affiliated, non televised tournament that requires you to find 3 peers to team up with seems ambitious at best. are you trying to run something like Dream Team Poker? because even they ran the event at WSOP and Caesars palace for 550 a person and the turnout wasnt huge.

    i guess the one way it would work is if you arent really targetting the public but rather the exhibitors and having them each put up a team. then I could see a good turnout come from that.
  • How things change... ;) Looks like we will be seeing a lot of CPT players showing up right after the Open..finally, details should be announced this coming week!!
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