Game 2; Signup

Second game of the new season will be this Thursday at 8pm. Hopefully, Darryl will find time away from the office to play, and Garry will be feeling up to playing.

New memebers always welcome to join in anytime.

Who's In??



  • No more freebies. In.
  • if my little one doesn't bring me another gift from daycare, I should be there
  • The next Royal Cup has been planned for April 24 in Kitchener. Ching Hill will once again put in a team, and so far we have three players (including myself) who have expressed interest to play for The Hill.

    Here's the scoop...if you play either Stud OR Omaha, as well as Limit, No Limit, and Headsup NL, AND can spend a whole day in Kitchener playing these games, have a spare $50 hanging around, you're IN! First five players that can commit to the date, time, place, and buyin and can play the other venue games, let me know.
  • I would like to know who the first 3 picks overall were....

    In. Omaha.
  • I don't necessarily know that it would be "Picked" rather than "offered" . . .

    oh, . . . in.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I would like to know who the first 3 picks overall were....

    Not really picks. Both Steve and Anthony sent me PMs before I even knew the event was posted. As of right now, its me, Steve, Anthony, and Darryl.
  • AJ, you have to take me off the list for this week. Apparently, my daughter has "plans". While I would most likely have busted in plenty of time, why take the chance? See you all next week . . .
  • may only need a hour including travel!!!!!!!!!! (20 each way)
    Should be fine, will advise if not.

    Milton "Folding til break" Slim
  • Should last weeks quality of play, rear it's ugly head again!

    I will be opening the chips and taking Licorice for the ride home

    Milton Slim
  • will be a late game day decision. Planning on going to work but if they have enough bodies, I'll ask for 4 hours holiday pay and try and make the rest of it on the Hill.
  • Small field so far. Hoping for more turnout yet. Plenty of room left, guys.

    Ed, let me know if you can make it or not. You already paid for the snacks so I'll pick them up on my way home tonight.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Small field so far. Hoping for more turnout yet. Plenty of room left, guys.

    Ed, let me know if you can make it or not. You already paid for the snacks so I'll pick them up on my way home tonight.

    the absolute earliest I will find out is 4pm, maybe as late as 6. Will give you a call either way.

    If I can't make it, sardines and V8 for snacks for the boys AJ
  • Muddguts wrote: »
    If I can't make it, sardines and V8 for snacks for the boys AJ

    But you told me to get liver & onions with tomatoe juice last week. Damn man...make up your mind
  • I'll be making my regimented one game a season appearance
  • SuppaSlick wrote: »
    I'll be making my regimented one game a season appearance

    Great to hear!! And I'll be asking the seasonal Whats Your Name question again??
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Great to hear!! And I'll be asking the seasonal Whats Your Name question again??

  • Hm, looks like I'm going to have to duck out so I'm a no-go today.
  • Jeff takes down tonight's game. Not a surprise considering he started to gather huge amounts of chips early on. Who does that??

    Keith salvaged second place and Darryl, who arrived late, squeaked a third place finish.

    See you all next week.
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