Season 14 Game 1!

Okay, lets get this on!!

Olympics are over. New computer is up and running. Spreadsheet has been emptied.

Who's in for the first game on The Hill??



  • No soccer, or other distractions, so count me in.
  • I suppose.....
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I suppose.....

    Geez Darryl...can you try harder to hold back your enthusiasm? Its not like you do well here or anything, sheesh.

    You're IN...but for Gods sake...try to smile as you rob us all blind, will ya?
  • This might be a silly question but is game 1 this Thursday or next Thursday?
  • jbird8306 wrote: »
    This might be a silly question but is game 1 this Thursday or next Thursday?

    This Thursday, March 4 2010 8pm (9:30 in Newfoundland)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    This Thursday, March 4 2010 8pm (9:30 in Newfoundland)

    this weeks game is in Newfoundland.

    Lord Thunderin' I'll be there!

    Milton Slim
  • Eeiin..
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    This Thursday, March 4 2010 8pm (9:30 in Newfoundland)

  • Me toos...
  • I'll donate
  • Looks to be a pretty good field for tonight's game. Some seating is still open for late comers. NO ADDITIONAL will get to hear YOUR Toronto Maple Leafs get their asses kicked yet again by MY Boston Bruins!

    I know I know...I'm too generous sometimes.
  • You act as if that is some sort of accomplishment, AJ. Although, seeing as how it's the Bruins, I guess it is . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    You act as if that is some sort of accomplishment, AJ. Although, seeing as how it's the Bruins, I guess it is . . .

    True, their performance this season has been disappointing, especially after last season's to compare to, but I will ALWAYS have faith in my team. Not like the Maple Laffs have much of a chance this year either.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    True, their performance this season has been disappointing, especially after last season's to compare to, but I will ALWAYS have faith in my team. Not like the Maple Laffs have much of a chance.

    Fixed it for you, sadly . . . :mad2:
  • Damn! I just remembered...Trevor won the SET game from last season. Never thought to ask him about supplying the snacks for this game tonight, and I doubt he will show.

    Can someone volunteer to offer to bring snacks & pop? I'm abit light to do it, and have nothing to offer tonight.
  • AJ, I'm out for tonight, got a nasty head cold and as much as I like to share with my friends I think I'll just keep this to myself
  • I'll bring snacks

    Milton Slim
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    I'll bring snacks

    Milton Slim

    Thanks Dave!!
  • My IN has turned into an OUT unfortunately. Work be running late.

    Everyone gets a headstart imo, it more of a challenge this way.
  • Managed an UTG Steal-raise in your honour tonight. Sadly, it only prolonged the inevitable post break dwindle and bust that seems to be a staple of my play lately . . .

    Least I finished ahead of somebody, though . . .
  • Three handed play seemed to last FOREVER tonight, with not a lot of re raising happening pre or post flop. Finally though, Jason got crippled against Allen and was forced allin blind, but no improvement had him out in third place. Allen added to his stack, but Ed had the monster and Allen just couldn't connect to make any headroom, giving Ed the victory for Game 1.

    Thanks to everyone who came out. See you all next week.
  • yup, 3 handed was pretty lame. Many raises pre flop but hardly any callers. Flopped 3 sets tonight and got paid on not one of them. Started to find myself short stacked 3 handed and took a few chances. Good game all around. ACDC made the laydown of the night after rivering trip Aces to a 4 card straight board.
  • I'd be willing to bet Keith had 10/10 on that hand . . .
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