Who will win place or show, GFC @ Cash Casino this weekend?

So we should all have a few buddies in this one and it is always hard to choose, so maybe a Trifecta or Final Table pick list?

A.J, Joel, and Karim have all owned this series in the past, but Bo and Shane have had huge consistency on the Canadian Poker Tour Points race. Ron Campbell and Todd Hunter are unstoppable when they get in the zone. TJ Tully also seems to smash the felt at this buy in level.

That said Jody Fayat and James Werry kick off their sponsorship contracts and I haven't heard if Richard Webb will be attending. James took down the 2-day in Regina for 80k and has almost never missed the money in a game I have been at, one of my favorites.

Lacey Jones should also be around, she just made day 2 of the WPT in LA and held her own in Costa Rica.


For the top 3, I pick Bo, Ron and Todd. All are due and hungry for some bragging rights.

TJ, James and Jody will be on their heels or are my alternates. I would like to see James win it, but I still think my first picks have fight and drive pulsing through their veins right now. Everyone else mentioned at least 2 should be at final.

Graham Lupton is in town for sure, Jim Loudon and a few others from out of Alberta. $760 buy-in, 2 days of 200, top 10% move to finals on Sunday. $382k estimated prize pool.

Your picks?


  • Honestly, you guys really need to somehow get your exposure up. Get your magazine on stands, and somehow promote the cpt more than it has been. I can't speak for all the other poker enthusiasts on this forum, but for somebody who follows poker as much as myself, I haven't heard of most of these guys!!!
  • Gotta admit, same here. Haven't heard of a single one to be honest. Do any of them post here?
  • actyper wrote: »
    Honestly, you guys really need to somehow get your exposure up. Get your magazine on stands, and somehow promote the cpt more than it has been. I can't speak for all the other poker enthusiasts on this forum, but for somebody who follows poker as much as myself, I haven't heard of most of these guys!!!

    Absolutely.....they are just about all from the west (only exception I know for sure is Richard Webb).

    I know a few of the names, as I've played against them in local tourney's.

    I don't think it'll ever catch on in Ontario until there are more Poker Rooms opened up, as they just can't run many events.

    In Alberta, there's usually a big tourney or series every 2nd weekend, as there are so many casinos.
  • Graham Lupton is Ontario and Richard, but yes the rest are mostly Alberta. A few more from out east usually show for this. I have been working on getting the better players names out there more and when the new poker tv site launches I think it will help. If I can get permisions, Ron Campbell did a profile on a player from each province/area, maybe I can post PDF's?

    Are you getting Canadian Poker Player Magazine at the location's you are playing in Ontario, specifically those hosting CPT events?

    Blondfish aka "Buddy" knows a few of these guys for sure and they do travel to BC and Ontario for events. Will look to bridge the gap in the future and I would like to do the same to get wastern players more recognized in Canadian media, like this forum.

    Any thoughts or ideas to pass on to the powers that be?
  • jontm wrote: »

    Any thoughts or ideas to pass on to the powers that be?

    I'd like to see the tourney series dates, buy-ins and structures posted here....as sometimes, you just forget about them until they're here (ie. the Freezeout at the cash, which I attended last year).

    P.S.: Any seats open for tomorrow?....start time?
  • CPP mag used to be on magazine bookshelves, get it back out there. I'm not sure if they have it at GBH, Fallsview, Niagara, Rama. Even on your websites theres hardly any mention of the magazine, appears to be an afterthought.

    More sponsorships/partnerships to help promote CPT. You partnered up with 888, why? Crappy site and nobody plays there.

    Pokertv will probably help. The CPT final on the score was great programming imo, more like that is good.
  • No idea about the seats for tommorow as I am at my day job unfortunately, lunch break. Start time is 1:00 and there are only two starting days of 200 this time instead of 3, so it will be tight. I have been looking for discount seats, nobody seems to be selling either and they have been offering cash if you have one. I would call cash casino but for obviuos reasons saturday will fill.

    Buddies are doing good in cash game and I am sure there will be a fat PLO if you are into it.

  • I play regularly at several casinos in Calgary and didn't know about this tourney until I heard about it in a 2 5 game at GE last week. As far as I knew, it was just another tourney in Calgary/nothing special.
  • you win.
  • I didn't ask a question -- I was just stating that being a local player who does not play at Cash for various reasons that I had no knowledge of this tournament until the week prior. Advertising is terrible locally.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I didn't ask a question -- I was just stating that being a local player who does not play at Cash for various reasons that I had no knowledge of this tournament until the week prior. Advertising is terrible locally.

    This....just don't understand why they don't post them in Forums like this. You're not going to draw the WPT / NAPT crowd, as the buy-ins just aren't big enough (which is fine).

    I know it's about this time every year, but it's too easy to forget about it.

    Cash is my least favourite casino to play at in Calgary....much like Argyll in Edmonton, has a dungeony feel to it.....although the event itself is pretty good.
  • you win.
  • I don't know what you are saying -- why not just advertise these at the local casinos?
  • They do advertise at the local casino's. There was a heavy weight paper add distributed for the first few months of events at Calgary casinos. Grey Eagle is one of the biggest CPT supporters, one of my favorite rooms, not sure why you didn't come across one.

    So, as of right now Mary Gabriel of Team CPT is through. Ron Campbell (WPTC TV final table at River Rock 2008, Player of the Year for 2008 CPT) doesn't play until tomorrow.

    Same for 21 year old TJ Tully who cashed around 100k in medium buy in events. He just arrived

    James Weary who toke down the $1500 2-day in Regina for 80k a few months back got donked out deep (he played it great, terrible hand) but plays again tomorrow. He also won another large event in Regina a few years prior.

    Todd Hunter, who finished on day five of the WSOP main in 2009, on his first try after beating a multi day event to win 20k and a 12k event also plays. At the kick off in January he made it look easy in the $225 and chopped for over 6k

    Bo Fric, who won his main event WSOP seat then went on to money in the a PLO and just miss the final in one of the shoot out of last years WSOP, as well as take down multiple events for around 80k in Edmonton and chopping Regina busted early, but will most likely take another shot.

    Karim who has taken down this event back to back for over 200k and came second in the first 5k HU for 125k against the worlds best will be there.

    AJ Tailion also has taken over 200k out of this event and so has Joel Bullock, wining the last 2 back to back.

    Lacey Jones is in town, plays tomorrow. Trained by some of the worlds best as pointed out in Grahams superb article.

    Jody Fayant is always a crowd pleaser. He was heads up with Dave Cung in the Booth Classic, Heads Up with Richard in the invitational both times just missing 100k, always a consistent player.
  • ok umm I guess some of my thoughts on the CPT in Ontario.

    Great Blue Heron - Probably the best place to go for a CPT Event/Tournament, the structure is the best around, but I have never seen any CPT Magazine there nor any CPT advertising there.

    Brantford - Structure is terrible for the smaller buy in tournaments, so I rarely go there as I do not like to play bingo style poker. I have played their $400 buy in last year which has a far better structure, but still turns to a bingo fest in the late levels and closer to the money. I also have not seen any form of CPT advertising there.

    Point Edward - Structure is terrible except for their Blue Water Classic series, which I have played only once, and I have not seen any mention of the CPT here as well.

    Those 3 casinos are the only ones that are somewhat close to me so I can play in a CPT Event.

    Point Edward and Brantford only use 5 tables for their tournaments and if Blue Heron can run a good structured tournament I do not see why the other 2 cannot change their structure so it is half decent.

    Has The CPT approached Rama to get a good series of tournaments organized?

    This all being said, it makes it difficult for an Ontario CPT Member to crack the Top 50 with so few CPT Events for us compared to out West, and with the supporting casinos here, not really doing any advertising for the CPT, I am not sure how many players in Ontario even know about the CPT and what they are trying to do for Canadian Poker Players.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    ok umm I guess some of my thoughts on the CPT in Ontario.

    Great Blue Heron - Probably the best place to go for a CPT Event/Tournament, the structure is the best around, but I have never seen any CPT Magazine there nor any CPT advertising there.

    Brantford - Structure is terrible for the smaller buy in tournaments, so I rarely go there as I do not like to play bingo style poker. I have played their $400 buy in last year which has a far better structure, but still turns to a bingo fest in the late levels and closer to the money. I also have not seen any form of CPT advertising there.

    Point Edward - Structure is terrible except for their Blue Water Classic series, which I have played only once, and I have not seen any mention of the CPT here as well.

    Those 3 casinos are the only ones that are somewhat close to me so I can play in a CPT Event.

    Point Edward and Brantford only use 5 tables for their tournaments and if Blue Heron can run a good structured tournament I do not see why the other 2 cannot change their structure so it is half decent.

    Has The CPT approached Rama to get a good series of tournaments organized?

    This all being said, it makes it difficult for an Ontario CPT Member to crack the Top 50 with so few CPT Events for us compared to out West, and with the supporting casinos here, not really doing any advertising for the CPT, I am not sure how many players in Ontario even know about the CPT and what they are trying to do for Canadian Poker Players.

    Trust me -- the advertising isn't much better out west.
  • ummm.....
  • Both Bo and Fayant did cash, suprisingly I think AJ the favorite decided to skip this one. Todd did very well, building a huge stack but running into trouble. I really didn't like the way James went out, he got called by a player that couldn't fold AK and you know how this story ends...day 2 KK no good when a player pushed on him pre and hit.
    So the winner was none other than Mary Gabriel. May have been a little oversight on my part not to include her on the list. Mary won a wildcard entry into the invitationals and managed to grind her way to one of the 6 sponserships. She made it through the GCF Day 1 with about 83k, the chip leader having 233k on Sunday's finals.
    During the break on Day 1, we all chatted with Mary and she told us she had a previous championship shot and was pressured into a chop she since regreted. She had made up her mind that this one she was playing until she had no more chips or all the money.
    True to her word, late Sunday night with 5 players left the deal talk came up. Mary immediatelly shut it down, not even chip leader at the time. A few hours latter she had the 60k, the bracelet and the bragging rights!
    Congrats to her and sticking to her guns. Well deserved!

    Still working on getting some uploadable info, but taking a bit of a break from CPT news. This post was about the players not the tour.
  • There's cpt bracelets?
  • actyper wrote: »
    There's cpt bracelets?

    don't think so (unless it's something new)...most tourney series around here give something for the ME winner (ie. bracelet, ring, watch....etc)
  • jontm wrote: »
    So the winner was none other than Mary Gabriel. .

    Mary from Edmonton?
  • Yes, thats the girl and for whatever the reason, a racelet was awarded. I thnk she said it was worth 6k.
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