

  • As impressive as that is, I really don't want to know how much time he had to put in to be able to do that.
  • that is unbelieveable!
  • I can't think of a more useless skill.
  • moose wrote: »
    I can't think of a more useless skill.

    Being artistic is hardly useless, sir.
  • Anything that takes alot of talent and skill gets my respect.
  • I'm sure someone could make art in a similiar fashion by pissing in the snow but that does not make it a worthwhile pursuit either.
  • moose wrote: »
    I'm sure someone could make art in a similiar fashion by pissing in the snow but that does not make it a worthwhile pursuit either.

    wow moose. you really feel that art is useless? that's upsetting.

    sounds like my gf's father. he likes to blab on and on a lot (not that you do ;) and the other day he was going on and on about some specific piece of a car engine. when i finally had a chance to say something (you don't get many with him) i asked him if i could explain some philosophical theory in detail to him (i'm a philosophy grad) and if he'd be interested. he looked at me for a second and said, "well maybe, but cars are more important than philosophy. how else would we be able to get anywhere?"

    i quietly bit my tongue.
  • moose wrote: »
    I can't think of a more useless skill.

    hula hooping
    message board trolling

    just off the top of my head ;)
  • yo-yoing
    hula hooping
    message board trolling

    just off the top of my head ;)

    Umm... I consider this quite useful :)

    YouTube - Beatrix Hula Hoop, Hot Stuff!
  • moose wrote: »
    I'm sure someone could make art in a similiar fashion by pissing in the snow but that does not make it a worthwhile pursuit either.

    I dunno, if someone could piss something that detailed into the snow that would be damn impressive.
  • Etch a sketch dude is more engineer than artist. You look at it, and you can appreciate the skill and time involved in figuring out how to achieve the end result, but in the end it is something anyone could accomplish, given enough instruction (or a "map").

    Similarly, I do not consider a lot of Modern Art to be "art". A big red line on a blue canvas is not art, it is (to use a Forum term) a level of the highest order. You want art? Look at a Rembrandt, or Carl Brenders, or the Group of Seven (which is actually about 11?). That is art.

    The above statement is made in the full realization that what is "art" to me may not be "art" to you. And that is as it should be . . .
  • derrickone wrote: »
    I dunno, if someone could piss something that detailed into the snow that would be damn impressive.

    Cue Wetts...

    and I don't think art is useless. Wasting your talent and time on etch-a-sketch is useless. Where is the lite-brite art?

    Just as carving stone is art, carving meat and calling it art is useless...

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