Cheat Poker Stars
This gd site has its software balancing the fun. Letting the fish win, and keeping their money at the site and making billions by building a huge player base. As you can see the bad players are the worst of any site. Which is great you would think. But also you see if you sharkscope good players, 80% of them only average 1 or 2 dollar profit over like 5,000 games. Haha!! It's weird but again it's profit control so they can give more to the fish. That's why the player is so much bigger than it was 2 years ago. The fish continue to would think they would go broke. The fish try to give it away but their protected by the site. The slot machine bases your ability by a %% and prob allows 50% less then your normal profit. Just notice in the sng's how good players will get hands like J2 and 84 63 only when the blind get to a 100 w/ other raises constantly going on you cant maske a play. Satelites and sngs are the cheats of poker stars! Making billions cheating and U.S. cant do anything bc it's illegal in the first place to play online poker. >:D
Why would the US stop them from offering poker to Canadians?
+1 to epic_donk's image