HUGE Charity Poker event at Steam Whistle


  • $125 Donation to enter, $50 donation rebuy and $50 donation addon - it's all for charity but no charitable receipts? WTF?

    $225 and top prize is a $2000 travel voucher. When did charitable turn into bandito?
  • Check out the return to purchasers in prizes for any government sponsored draw or the Princess Margaret. They all return about 33 cents on the dollar in prizes. At least in these events there is a major donkey factor that if you can dodge you might get a good return. New Brunswick only allowed a 35% return to the prize pool in their licensed charity poker events until the attendance dropped so low that they had to increase it to 65%.
    My thoughts are that we must promote these events to spread the good word about poker to those not yet exposed to how much fun the game is.
  • PT Maker wrote: »
    Also, when did you ever put up $225 bucks and get 10 times you money back. And that's assuming you have to re-buy.

    When we win tournaments and actually get more than 10 times on a $225 buyin?
  • I did read the website and nowhere does it say you get a 100% Charitable receipt. However it specifically says the rebuy and addon don't get a receipt. Why is that?

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  • Correct, but why no mention of receipts for re-buys or add-ons, either way? Why is that?
  • All Players will be given chips at the beginning of the game

    Well I should hope so but how many do I get and how many for the rebuy and add on...
  • What with all the support, how about some answers? :bs:
  • This is looking and smelling more and more like a scam to me! I am sure if it was legit they would have some kind of contact info or a link to the Rotary Clubs Web Site, but not even a name of who is running it!

    And now he says you can only register online...Things that make you go hmmmmm
  • PT Maker wrote: »

    you do not get a charitable reciept for the re-buy's or add on's becasue as a charity we use those to pay for the expenses for the event

    Total scam.
  • Will there be free beer?
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