sup poker players ever heard of us?come check it out @!

hey guys mondays club is now hosting 5-5 and 1-2 no limit games on every mondays Its a very good action game hosted by a very friendly crew.Free Drinks and awesome food are provided.what would you do in this freaking canada winter season....Now you got your choice to come chill with us, have a drink,have a game,and have some funnnnnn:D please email me or add me on your messenger for more details Dont miss out all the actions:laugh:Oh shit i forgot ~ we do wiii sports tourements LOLOL


  • hey guys mondays club is now hosting 5-5 and 1-2 no limit games on every mondays Its a very good action game hosted by a very friendly crew.Free Drinks and awesome chinese food are provided.what would you do in this freaking canada winter season....Now you got your choice to come chill with us, have a drink,have a game,and have some funnnnnn:D please email me or add me on your messenger for more details"Dont miss out all the actions ,MondaysCLUB where action happends":laugh:Oh shit i forgot ~ we do wiii sports tourements LOLOL
    PS: the game is located on around finch and keele

    Monday nights are a busy night for me.. hustling crack in these streets on jane and finch makes for good money, but i cant leave the block for territorial gang reasons. Good luck on the turnout tho.
  • alrite thx bro,come up and have a scoop sometime when ur not that busy ~ thx for the support
  • where you located (major intersection)? what time you start? thanks
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