Couple of Deepstacks Weekend of Feb 12th

First one,

Location: Yellowhead Casino
Buy-In: $300 + $30 + $10
Date: Friday Feb 12th (4 pm?)
Stack: 20,000
Structure: Decent, 1/2 hr blinds (about 14 hrs to win)

Just shy of 100 entries.......think it was 9G for 1st. I busted out around 40th after 5.5 hrs of play.

Second one,

Location: Rivercree Casino (Enoch)
Buy-In: $300 + $30 + $10
Date: Saturday Feb 13th (2 pm?)
Stack: 20,000
Structure: 1/2 hr blinds, a tonne of play....I'm guessing this one will go even longer than the Yellowhead, as they haven't missed many levels

65 or so runners..........7.5G for first. Busted out 13th after 8 hours of play.

Depending how I do @ Yellowhead......I'll probably play both.
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