.25 /.50 Guelph Superbowl

There will be sports bettting. There will be poker. There will be chili.

Poker starts at 4:00 on Sunday...it's a pot luck..so..you're welcome if i know you, or you know someone who can vouch for you...(but no one signs up for my games anyways, so who am i kidding?)

1. mark
2. Paul
3. Sandro
4. TImmeh
5. Cowboy
6. Mikey
7. Jim


  • is it this sunday? I might drop by can you pm me with more details?
  • yep this sunday...i believe i pm'd you!
  • if im allowed to chew my tobacco at your residence and ppl dont get disgusted, id love to play a cash game.

    ppl here can vouch for my awesomeness if thats a prob!
  • i'm cool w/ chewin' tobacco...a friend of mine use to do that and typically spit into a coke bottle...
    So yeah, should be fine..
    I'll pm you my number, and you can call me for the addy etc..

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