Cambridge Local is off to Vegas for Premier League Poker

I won it online and will be in Season IV.
Looking forward to putting Cambridge (Ontario) on the map!


  • AKTOR_ wrote: »
    I won it online and will be in Season IV.
    Looking forward to putting Cambridge (Ontario) on the map!

    I hate to burst your bubble but I've seen maps with Cambridge on them already.
  • I hate to burst your bubble but I've seen maps with Cambridge on them already.

    Maybe someday New Hamburg will be on a map.
  • I live in village called Maybe in fact. But it is close to Cambridge. When you drive on the 401 hiway, it says Cambridge 8kms Maybe 10.
  • AKTOR_ wrote: »
    I live in village called Maybe in fact. But it is close to Cambridge. When you drive on the 401 hiway, it says Cambridge 8kms Maybe 10.

    uh, i grew up my whole life in Cambridge and never heard of Maybe...
  • AKTOR_ wrote: »
    I live in village called Maybe in fact. But it is close to Cambridge. When you drive on the 401 hiway, it says Cambridge 8kms Maybe 10.

    Sounds to me like they just weren't sure how far away Cambridge actually is.
  • You'd have to ask Rand McNally bout that.
  • I take it this is you?

    CambridgeTimes Article: Biggar going for broke

    Whole page. Very nice.
  • Nice article about you in today's Cambridge Times...course you've never won a Bristol so...
  • Yessiree Hobbes, that is me indeed. I was quite surprised by its enormity. PartyPoker is quite pleased with the degree of coverage provided as well. Now that you know my true idenetity, care to share with me, yours?!
  • Hobbes' true identity:

  • Me and moose at a local game. I'm on top.

  • and yet you still can't get it up...
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