Rush Poker Prop Bets?

Anyone up for playing a set time frame of Rush Poker (one to two hours) with a side bet on who makes the most $? Could just be at NL10 for fun. Would be pretty straightforward rules -- play as many tables/hands as you like within the set time frame. First time I'd be free to try this out would be Tuesday. We could make a pool with top 2-3 paying out depending on # of players involved. Results would be confirmed via HEM/PT images and obv fed is not allowed to enter/steal our monies.


  • Interesting idea. Played for 1st time tonight and HOLY FUCK is it addicting. NL10 and ran $6 to $18 in 21 minutes
  • As much as I hate this, I can't help but play it. I'll find myself being bored and not necessarily wanting to play a normal session so I open up a couple tables of this for a bit. Just actually finished a quick 25 minute session. 244 hands, ran $10 to $45. It's a good feeling when your aces hold in a 3 way all in.
  • Man...I just can't play two tables of this...I find myself folding in situations I should be re-raising and raising when I should be folding...too fast for I think though, if I wasn't playing the stealing game as much as just playing premiums and good stuff in position that it wouldn't be such an issue.

    I actually gave this a bit of a shot last night at nl100..still getting called with trash at that level, just the river bluffs are But, I do like the feeling of being confident in calling the river bet vs. me being the one doing the river bluff to take the

    I might be interested in this little prop bet. With HEM we can isolate the days play right?
  • What an interesting little concept.. it was about time that a poker site tried to do something to limit the effectiveness of the stat whores.
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