Oh my Lord can Microsoft get any more retarded?

So I upgrade a couple of my computers to Windows 7. Ok new feature called Homegroup which in theory makes it easier and more secure to share files between computers. Do they connect? No of course not.

After days of struggling what's the problem? Oh the fucking clocks have to be synchronized.


Ok thankfully one is a laptop so I can carry over to my desktop to match the clocks but what do you do if it is two desktops in different rooms. I mean this is seriously stupid.

Also don't buy a computer with Windows 7 Starter preloaded - the software is crippled. You can't modify the desktop in any way and you can only run 3 programs at once - isn't that the point of Windows in general? Wow.


  • simple solution

    get a mac
  • To answer your question . . . YES. Just wait for Windows 8.
  • The only issue I have with networking Windows 7 is if all of your computers aren't 7 ie some are XP. You can't use homegroup since xp doesn't know what it is. Just turn homegroup off and voila works the same way as xp...
    Not aware of any issue with syncing clocks, never seen that issue in almost 1 year of use.
    lol, at mac users saying get a mac, that's always the answer. Ever tried to network a mac in an office environment... Now that is a chore...
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, at mac users saying get a mac, that's always the answer. Ever tried to network a mac in an office environment... Now that is a chore...

    Not if you know your Mac sir. I have mine networked into the IBM system.....the originator of the microsoftie clone box and there are a bunch of people using macs instead of XP boxes. And once that was done the database crunching I was doing.........took HALF the time. (until I put the data onto an AS400 and it was over in a snap :) )

    I love the new ads. Oh, they made Windows 7 and it was my idea.....nope, sorry to break it to you but everything windows 7 is supposed to do was done long ago by mac. Just as win 3.x was a rip off of the Mac OS, Win7 is an attempt to try and catch up once again.

    now if only PT and HM would get their shit together. poker co pilot is useful but still lack some necessary features. oh well, at least I don't have to worry about virus' yet. damn that was too long. sorry. /rant

    (almost, PHUC microsoft)
  • moose wrote: »

    I read that and hadn't seen the time sync issue at all. Are all of you networked computers on 7? Not saying it isn't an issue but I've never seen it..
    The other issues mentioned in that article, I believe are all really remote, usually found when doing an upgrade rather than a clean install...
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    Not if you know your Mac sir. I have mine networked into the IBM system.....the originator of the microsoftie clone box and there are a bunch of people using macs instead of XP boxes. And once that was done the database crunching I was doing.........took HALF the time. (until I put the data onto an AS400 and it was over in a snap :) )

    I love the new ads. Oh, they made Windows 7 and it was my idea.....nope, sorry to break it to you but everything windows 7 is supposed to do was done long ago by mac. Just as win 3.x was a rip off of the Mac OS, Win7 is an attempt to try and catch up once again.

    now if only PT and HM would get their shit together. poker co pilot is useful but still lack some necessary features. oh well, at least I don't have to worry about virus' yet. damn that was too long. sorry. /rant

    (almost, PHUC microsoft)

    This is great. I haven't seen a mac vs. pc debate in a while. Macs are generally more user friendly than pc's. That's always been the case. Historically speaking macs were far superior in terms of colour pallet, graphic design capabilities, etc. which made them the cats ass for artists, designers, etc. However, over the years, pc's have improved in all these areas.

    When I sold computers, my buddy and I would make bets on who was/wasn't a mac user when they entered the store. Dreadlocks=mac user. Artsy looking=mac user. We'd usually do pretty well in guessing.
  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    Not if you know your Mac sir. I have mine networked into the IBM system.....the originator of the microsoftie clone box and there are a bunch of people using macs instead of XP boxes. And once that was done the database crunching I was doing.........took HALF the time. (until I put the data onto an AS400 and it was over in a snap :) )

    I love the new ads. Oh, they made Windows 7 and it was my idea.....nope, sorry to break it to you but everything windows 7 is supposed to do was done long ago by mac. Just as win 3.x was a rip off of the Mac OS, Win7 is an attempt to try and catch up once again.

    now if only PT and HM would get their shit together. poker co pilot is useful but still lack some necessary features. oh well, at least I don't have to worry about virus' yet. damn that was too long. sorry. /rant (almost, PHUC microsoft)
    Wow,almost don't know where to start. I usually stay away from Mac vs Windows arguments as they're sort of like arguing religion or politics, no one wins (cept maybe Kristy) and everyone gets mad.
    I have absolutely no issues with Macs (other than their users are typically very defensive). That's a very common question I get, should I buy a Mac or a Windows machine... Simple answer is, get what others around you use, makes it much simpler to get help when you need it.
    The Mac ads are kinda comical, anyone with half a brain would see right through them...
    As for your database crunching anology, are you comparing an AS/400 to a windows system for database performance...? If so that's an apples and orange comparison. Kinda funny that you bring up IBM and AS/400 though since I remember scrapping AS/400's as old technology almost 20 years ago.

    In short the arguments of Windows vs Mac are pretty well over from a realistic perspective. Mac's are and will always be, confined to the "niche" market....:)

    Not sure what you meant by your comment on database crunching but if you are saying that your Mac ran your database job faster than the Windows machine I would say, what Mac vs what Windows system. In general that would be hogwash, same era to same era a typical Windows machine would crush the Mac. Database sorts/manipulations really have little to do with the O/S, that is a function of mostly two things, processor design and hard drive speed. You can't beat Intel here, perhaps that's why the Mac now uses Intel I86 instead of power pc architecture?
  • This is great. I haven't seen a mac vs. pc debate in a while. Macs are generally more user friendly than pc's. That's always been the case. Historically speaking macs were far superior in terms of colour pallet, graphic design capabilities, etc. which made them the cats ass for artists, designers, etc. However, over the years, pc's have improved in all these areas.

    When I sold computers, my buddy and I would make bets on who was/wasn't a mac user when they entered the store. Dreadlocks=mac user. Artsy looking=mac user. We'd usually do pretty well in guessing.

    Pretty well agree with this Bill, and would like to add, yeh they we're prettier, but that was skin deep. I've actually got one local graphic shop that has recently switched from a Mac environment to a windows 7 shop, primarily because of some serious issues they had with the Mac O/S. I'm not privy to the details but the owner there was quite negative..
    I know this is not typical of a Mac shop but is an example. I also know that most Mac based graphic shops keep all of their accounting, ie business functionality on Windows machines. Wonder why?
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    simple solution

    get a mac

    Way to start another religion/politics debate! Wonder how Kristy will do in this one? ;)
  • SuitedPair wrote: »

    now if only PT and HM would get their shit together. poker co pilot is useful but still lack some necessary features. oh well, at least I don't have to worry about virus' yet. damn that was too long. sorry. /rant

    (almost, PHUC microsoft)

    PT3 is now available for Leopard & Snow Leopard.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Wonder how Kristy will do in this one? ;)

    My position on computers is simple: Smoke 'em if you got 'em

    I have only ever had PC's and will never buy a Mac..because I don't care.

    Kristy's rules for happy inter-life
    • Every 5th year I walk into a big box store and buy the second best computer they have for sale at that time. I then buy the most expensive possible extended warranty.
    • I ignore the computer from that point forward.
    • I perform no maintenance and use no protection software of any kind.
    • I do not 'clear my cookies' or 'defragment my disc' or 'not visit porn and other questionable sites'
    • When/if something goes wrong I dump it on the desk of the aforementioned store, tell them to fix it and then complain about the service while I wait..which will usually yield me credit enough to pay for the extended warranty I've purchased.

    That is how you do it and fyl's that you have to think about this shit ;)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Pretty well agree with this Bill, and would like to add, yeh they we're prettier, but that was skin deep. I've actually got one local graphic shop that has recently switched from a Mac environment to a windows 7 shop, primarily because of some serious issues they had with the Mac O/S. I'm not privy to the details but the owner there was quite negative..
    I know this is not typical of a Mac shop but is an example. I also know that most Mac based graphic shops keep all of their accounting, ie business functionality on Windows machines. Wonder why?

    I know why. Because everybody else does. When I sold computers, we had one tiny shelf for mac software. The rest of the store was pc software. Kids of mac users would come up to me and ask if we had whatever game for the mac. I got to break their artsy, hippy based little hearts and sadly shake my head to the negative.

    Eventually, developers started to produce more application based software for the mac, but it was always a constant frustration for mac users. "Why can't I get this for the mac?" Because they don't make enough money to bother making it. In a PC world, the little mac village didn't warrant enough attention for things to be translated into their dialect.

    Thankfully, things have changed...a bit.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    Kristy's rules for happy inter-life
    Love it! Kristy, you simplified it perfectly

  • I know why. Because everybody else does.
    Right again Bill... Same reason there are few Mac viruses, just not enough critical mass to substain their proliferation, has nothing to do with security of the O/S as so often stated.
    What is being seen however, on both Mac and Windows machines is the rapid increase in browser hijacks. Modern exploits attack applications such as Flash, QuickTime, and Adobe Reader. All browsers are susceptible. You just may not know it. Keylogging is the big concern so don't assume your safe because you are using a Mac, especially if you don't protedct yourself..
    Play safe kids..... :)
  • I know why. Because everybody else does. When I sold computers, we had one tiny shelf for mac software. The rest of the store was pc software. Kids of mac users would come up to me and ask if we had whatever game for the mac. I got to break their artsy, hippy based little hearts and sadly shake my head to the negative.

    Eventually, developers started to produce more application based software for the mac, but it was always a constant frustration for mac users. "Why can't I get this for the mac?" Because they don't make enough money to bother making it. In a PC world, the little mac village didn't warrant enough attention for things to be translated into their dialect.

    Thankfully, things have changed...a bit.


    Things happen like this...

    Halo, a cool game is developed and demoed on a Mac.

    Halo is shown at a CES trade show.
    Microsoft buys the company.
    Gets them to port it to the Xbox as their Killer App.

    5 years later it's released for the Mac.
  • And let's not even get into the discussion about RISC based computing vs. CISC based.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    My position on computers is simple: Smoke 'em if you got 'em

    I have only ever had PC's and will never buy a Mac..because I don't care.

    Kristy's rules for happy inter-life
    • Every 5th year I walk into a big box store and buy the second best computer they have for sale at that time. I then buy the most expensive possible extended warranty.
    • I ignore the computer from that point forward.
    • I perform no maintenance and use no protection software of any kind.
    • I do not 'clear my cookies' or 'defragment my disc' or 'not visit porn and other questionable sites'
    • When/if something goes wrong I dump it on the desk of the aforementioned store, tell them to fix it and then complain about the service while I wait..which will usually yield me credit enough to pay for the extended warranty I've purchased.

    That is how you do it and fyl's that you have to think about this shit ;)

    I'm not saying this is wrong for Kristy, but it's almost the exact opposite of what I do.

    1. Select a:

    graphics card

    2. Assemble the above.

    3. Download free shareware that is good.

    I really like Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial software | Open Source Alternative - osalt.com and SourceForge.net: Find and Develop Open Source Software

    Software you should get...

    1. pidgin ... replaces all the chat software ... msn/yahoo/aim etc.

    2. infrarecorder ... replaces all the nero roxio etc burning software.

    3. firefox with noscript and flashblock

    4. thunderbird .. mail program.

    5. sumatra .. replaces adobe acrobat reader for pdf's

    6. microsoft security essentials, much better than Mcaffee, Norton and sadly AVG.

    you get the idea...
  • I'm not saying this is wrong for Kristy, but it's almost the exact opposite of what I do.

    1. Select a:

    graphics card

    2. Assemble the above.

    3. Download free shareware that is good.

    I really like Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial software | Open Source Alternative - osalt.com and SourceForge.net: Find and Develop Open Source Software

    Software you should get...

    1. pidgin ... replaces all the chat software ... msn/yahoo/aim etc.

    2. infrarecorder ... replaces all the nero roxio etc burning software.

    3. firefox with noscript and flashblock

    4. thunderbird .. mail program.

    5. sumatra .. replaces adobe acrobat reader for pdf's

    6. microsoft security essentials, much better than Mcaffee, Norton and sadly AVG.

    you get the idea...

    wut? Kristy's idea is simpler. Wish I had tits so I could get away with that shit.
  • Kinda funny that you bring up IBM and AS/400 though since I remember scrapping AS/400's as old technology almost 20 years ago.

    AS/400's were rebranded as iSeries and they've still around being sold..
  • I'm not saying this is wrong for Kristy, but it's almost the exact opposite of what I do.

    1. Select a:....

    Dude, How can you possibly do all that stuff, yet not migrate to Ubuntu? I dropped Windows a year ago and barely ever look back. +1 for just running a windows Virtual Machine when you need it.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    AS/400's were rebranded as iSeries and they've still around being sold..

    air... 1987 AS/400 --> 2000 I-Series --> 2006 System i --> 2008 System P..

    To say this latest evolution is still AS/400 is kinda misleading, sort of like saying Humans are just rebranded monkeys... lol... oops, now I'm starting another religious/evolution debate.

    I was a little off when I said almost 20yrs. Actually it was 1995, part of a huge project that I was managing at the time, we were "decommissioning" some AS/400's, that part of my service team had actually installed, in I believe was 1988. Just a little trivia from my past....
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Dude, How can you possibly do all that stuff, yet not migrate to Ubuntu? I dropped Windows a year ago and barely ever look back. +1 for just running a windows Virtual Machine when you need it.
    Interesting point, inspite of my "techie" roots I have never given credit to nor tried Ubuntu. So what are the drawbacks? And everything has them...
    I may have to give it a try on one of my spare machines. Seems like you are the 3rd person in the past few days that has mentioned it favourably...
  • compuease wrote: »
    I was a little off when I said almost 20yrs. Actually it was 1995, part of a huge project that I was managing at the time, we were "decommissioning" some AS/400's, that part of my service team had actually installed, in I believe was 1988. Just a little trivia from my past....

    First PC I ever sold=Commodore PC10, 80-086 processor, 640k ram, 20Mb HD., CGA video card (that means 4 colour, much lesser than the incredible EGA 16 colour of the time), and of course DOS 2.0(have fun with that). I think I threw in Leisure Suit Larry (first edition) to push the guy over the top to buy the system. Cost? Approximately $3K.
  • I may have to give it a try on one of my spare machines.

    You don't even need to go as far as actually install the OS to try it out. It's available in a 'Live' edition that you can install to a USB key or burn on a disk. Then just boot it up and boom, ubuntu.

    Anyway, It's just another OS but I feel like it runs way better than Windows did (T60 laptop), I enjoy that new features/bug fixes constantly stream in, and I don't mind occasionally googling to figure out why something isn't working. The last point is the reason I don't recommend it for my mother, but for someone with a technical background it's at a good level now.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    You don't even need to go as far as actually install the OS to try it out. It's available in a 'Live' edition that you can install to a USB key or burn on a disk. Then just boot it up and boom, ubuntu.

    Anyway, It's just another OS but I feel like it runs way better than Windows did (T60 laptop), I enjoy that new features/bug fixes constantly stream in, and I don't mind occasionally googling to figure out why something isn't working. The last point is the reason I don't recommend it for my mother, but for someone with a technical background it's at a good level now.
    Going to give it a try this aft. i have a spare laptop that is just sitting here doing nothing, lousy day as far as weather goes, need something to do this aft. Will update later when I emerge. :)
  • To Compuese,

    AS/400 reference is a newish P6 with 2 CPU's (and apparently 6 virtual CPU's though I have no idea what that means for performance) running AIX. so pineapples to oranges. not even the same shape. not even sure why I threw that reference in there as the P6 is obviously not consumer.

    And Mac vs. Win is a stupid debate. Very right. They have their own uses benefits/drawbacks and neither side is going to cede ground to the other. not sure why I engaged in this again.

    To Hobbes - THANKS! hadn't even checked in months.
  • Milo wrote: »
    wut? Kristy's idea is simpler. Wish I had tits so I could get away with that shit.

    I'm not going to lie..they're pretty wonderful.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Going to give it a try this aft. i have a spare laptop that is just sitting here doing nothing, lousy day as far as weather goes, need something to do this aft. Will update later when I emerge. :)

    Re Ubuntu... Ok, tried both 9.1 & 9.04 burned from ISO images on my older Acer Aspire 3500, no go. It hangs after I select the language and on the screen where I select "Try Ubuntu without any changes to your computer", "Install Ubuntu", etc. No matter what I select it seems to hang. I even updated the bios to most recent level. I had a quick search in the Ubuntu forums but didn't find anything obvious. Any Ubuntu experts? Not going to invest a lot of time in this but BBC Z got me curious..
  • Milo wrote: »
    wut? Kristy's idea is simpler. Wish I was had tits and was female so I could get away with that shit.


    Sorry Milo, couldn't resist :)
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