Season 13 SET GAME!!

Okay, this is it. Barring anything like illness, road/weather conditions, or earthquake, we should be good to go for next Thursday.

Here's the list of qualified players for the SET game, along with their amount of bonus chips they have earned, and their respective buyins for this game.

A.J. 300 $-
KEITH 340 $-

DARRYL 300 $20.00
ALLAN 405 $10.00
GREG 200 $60.00
JEFF 355 $30.00
DAVE 380 $20.00
GARRY 430 $(110.00)
TREVOR 150 $60.00
JENN 185 $60.00
JOHNNIE 135 $60.00

JASON 310 $50.00
KRIS 325 $10.00
ED 150 $80.00
CHRIS 90 $80.00

Garry, being the Season Champ, gets all his SET money he put in returned to him as the prize for being Season Champ.

You MUST confirm your attendance in this thread or via email to me in order to secure your seat for this game.


  • Trevor, Jenn and I are confirmed.
  • Quote:Okay, this is it. Barring anything like illness, road/weather conditions, or earthquake, we should be good to go for next Thursday.

    Next Thursday does mean this thursday JAN 28/10


    Milton Slim
  • IN... +sour cream/twizzlers? ... woot!
  • Ally wrote: »
    IN... +sour cream/twizzlers? ... woot!

    Please speak to Darryl as to what is expected for snacks at the SET game. The man is experienced ;)
  • With only one player left to confirm (BigChrisEl), we have a good challenging game tonight. Should be alot of fun. Strange how the trash talking hasn't started yet though.

    I believe first pays out about $860+ or so, depending on full attendance. Don't have my file here at the moment, but no matter how you figure it, this game is pure +EV.

    Darryl might be bringing his laptop so he can continuously update his thread as he sucks out tonight. ;)
  • I'm out

    I've got a bad case of the flu.
  • I know my go to card
    and Best chance hand

    How much is second..... That's nice too! for one of you!

  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    I'm out

    I've got a bad case of the flu.

    Been there! Sorry to hear Chris, hope you're feeling better soon.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    With only one player left to confirm (BigChrisEl), we have a good challenging game tonight. Should be alot of fun. Strange how the trash talking hasn't started yet though.

    I believe first pays out about $860+ or so, depending on full attendance. Don't have my file here at the moment, but no matter how you figure it, this game is pure +EV.

    Darryl might be bringing his laptop so he can continuously update his thread as he sucks out tonight. ;)

    Unfortunately, for the majority of you, I am feeling the rungood approaching. It should peak sometime around 1045-1100 when I get it in AQ vs. AK against Garry and spike a Q on the turn.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, for the majority of you, I am feeling the rungood approaching. It should peak sometime around 1045-1100 when I get it in AQ vs. AK against Garry and spike a Q on the turn.

    Your watch is running fast. I predict you and Garry both to be driving home no later than 9:45!!!
  • Chris is out, and Greg will most likely be late arriving. I would appreciate if you can arrive a bit early to get your bonus chips and find your seat, always takes a few minutes to get the bonuses out of the way.

    Good luck everyone <no i don't mean it>
  • We'll try our best to be there in good time, but the weather in K-dub has been friggin' snowy and windy all day.

    I'll call en route if we're going to be late.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    We'll try our best to be there in good time, but the weather in K-dub has been friggin' snowy and windy all day.

    I'll call en route if we're going to be late.

    It is very clear once you hit Milton, I just came up from that way. Absolutely no snow in Brampton.
  • well, seeing how I'm starting 15 chips away from being the low stack, I'm shoving pre with anything better than J-8 sooted every hand!
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    It is very clear once you hit Milton, I just came up from that way. Absolutely no snow in Brampton.

    Thanks for the update!
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Chris is out, and Greg will most likely be late arriving. I would appreciate if you can arrive a bit early to get your bonus chips and find your seat, always takes a few minutes to get the bonuses out of the way.

    Good luck everyone <no i don't mean it>

    Long story short, small family crisis, everything is OK now. I should be on time, maybe 10-15 min. late at most. I feel really sorry for all of you, feeling pretty lucky. Going to have to open up my range and play a little more agressive since i feel that luck is on my side.
  • Everything is set up. Tables are up, chips are out, chairs are inside warming up, and cards are marked (seriously, no they're not). The only issue is TD again...still no sound...can't figure it out, it just does this sometimes.

    Payouts $895/$540/$355, or as what has happened in previous SET games, the remaining four players may come up with a chop for fourth place, usually getting their $120 back. Still, very nice payouts this season.
  • on tilt here! 2 freakin months of winter and it picks today to show up? Not a flake here at home but as soon as I got to Trafalgar/403 BAM! Snow covered roads, reduced visibility and 15 km/h traffic. Wouldn't be bad if Ching was 10 mins away but...anyway, I hope the game is exciting and can't wait to read about it. See yall in 3 weeks.
  • Well it was quite the battle to get to four handed play. Kris, Jason, and Dave fought short stacks for the longest time, but finally it was Kris who went out on the new bubble in fifth place. Dave followed shortly afterwards in fourth, and Jason was quite happy to take third place money. Leaving Jeff and Trevor to battle it out for the SET finish. Trevor crippled Jeff early in headsup with pocket kings against pocket 7's, and it looked like it could be over, but Jeff battled back to get more chips and threaten again.

    Final hand saw Jeff's pocket 4's against Trevor's favourite hand A9. A 9 on the flop was all he needed though to win it all tonight.

    Great game everyone, and thanks for making the season a huge success. Hope to see you all out again in the next season.

    I think Darryl is hosting a Season Ending Bash first weekend in Feb, but I'll let him dish out details.
  • Thanks again AJ for opening up your game to a few degens from Kitchener. I'm glad one of us showed up with some skillz and took down the SET. Congrats Trevor!

    Clearly luck was not on my side this season, but I do have some really nice beer glasses for my troubles. Thank you!

    Anybody from Ching Hill is always welcome in my home. You've got a great crew up there.
  • Thanks for the place AJ
    Congrats Trevor, Jeff, Jason

    Milton Slim

    I think I need to replay a hand.....yes I do!:D:D
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