March 20, 2010-Mississauga Twins Annual Poker Tournament Fundraiser

Mississauga Twins Annual
Dinner & Poker Tournament
Back by popular demand!!!

When? Saturday March 20th, 2010
Where? Vic Johnson’s Arena, Streetsville, Mississauga
How Much? $75.00 Includes Full Dinner & Starting Chips of $3,000

Prize? Top: $1,000!!!
final table gets money prize!!

Early Bird!! Purchase tickets by
Feb. 1, 2010 at $65.00!!
Rebuys: $30 Top Ups $30, Super Top Ups $40
Tickets MUST be bought in advance, none will be sold at the door, as there is limited space and dinner is provided!
Please contact
Ryan Hay at 647-992-2744
Or email:


  • I assume this is for the twins, who I played intercounty baseball against.

    I can't morally support that team (lol) but I CAN give you a free bump.

    Sounds like a good time.
  • epic_donk wrote: »
    I assume this is for the twins, who I played intercounty baseball against.

    I can't morally support that team (lol) but I CAN give you a free bump.

    Sounds like a good time.

    thanks for the, it is actually a fundraiser for a peewee twin team :), so I think we are safe to say that you will not play our team :)
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