Dixie United Poker Tournament this Saturday Night

The Dixie United 97's soccer team is hosting a Texas Hold'Em Poker Night this Saturday at Vic Johnson Banquet Hall, 335 Church Street(Erin Mills/Eglinton) in Mississauga.

Tickets are $50 in advance and $60 at the door. This includes your buy in and a light dinner buffet. Each player starts with 4000 in chips, 25/50 blinds escalating every 15 minutes, and unlimited rebuys for the first hour. There will also be door prizes (booze baskets),a joker poker draw (worth $200), 50:50 draw, and raffles (incl. one for a Sharp Aquos LCD TV).

The Grand Prize for the Poker will be $1000 or more depending on ticket sales.

Come on out and enjoy an evening of poker, and possibly win a couple of neat prizes.

To save the ten dollars while still buying your ticket at the door send me an email and I will get you on the guest list. I can be reached at epatrick35@hotmail.com by email and 416-904-7569 by cellphone.

The team thanks you for your support.



  • Edwin is the name of one of my cats.
  • Blinds, Levels, are there re-buys? Add-ons? A little more information for the poker players here might get some interest going . . .
  • Very vague speaking about poker. If you want poker players to come out, you got to put more information about poker. what poker game? How many chips? Blinds? So on. It seems very last minute, I doubt you could get a 1000 grand prize.
  • Ram, you're right. It could be kind of a vague description of the tournament. I'm telling you what I know. I and others trying to sell tickets to this event are just trying to get the word out. It is professionally organized and run so the rules will change halfway through the event. Saturday Night is Poker Night at Vic Johnson Banquet Hall. If you come out to play. Thank you. If you don't like that you don't know how many chips (even though the $50 ticket should give the same amount of chips as all other participants and buybacks are unlimited for the first hour), then don't come. It's up to you.

    As for you speaking of short notice, and possibly not getting enough tickets sold for a $1000 grand prize, this is where you make a newbie of yourself. This tournament has been planned from three months ago. You joined this site a couple days ago and believe that you know all? Look back to before your short existance and realize that this is not my first post on this topic.

    Once again, Poker Night, Saturday January 23 @ Vic Johnson in Mississauga. If you're interested reserve your spot. If not, go to the next post.
  • epat wrote: »
    Ram, you're right. It could be kind of a vague description of the tournament. I'm telling you what I know. I and others trying to sell tickets to this event are just trying to get the word out. It is professionally organized and run so the rules will change halfway through the event. Saturday Night is Poker Night at Vic Johnson Banquet Hall. If you come out to play. Thank you. If you don't like that you don't know how many chips (even though the $50 ticket should give the same amount of chips as all other participants and buybacks are unlimited for the first hour), then don't come. It's up to you.

    As for you speaking of short notice, and possibly not getting enough tickets sold for a $1000 grand prize, this is where you make a newbie of yourself. This tournament has been planned from three months ago. You joined this site a couple days ago and believe that you know all? Look back to before your short existance and realize that this is not my first post on this topic.

    Once again, Poker Night, Saturday January 23 @ Vic Johnson in Mississauga. If you're interested reserve your spot. If not, go to the next post.

    Really? This, the blind structure and payouts are very important. No where in your OP was a rebuy mentioned. Also very important.

    Way to market your event.
  • As you can probably tell, I'm not a polished poker player. I will play this weekend, but not expecting to win.

    I am not running this event. Which is a good thing for all as like I said before, I am not a regular player and do not know the different types of rules. Rules such as blinds, rebuys, whatever, will be explained to all before the start of the event by the person being paid to run the tournament.

    Hobbes, thanks for explaining that blinds, payouts, and buybacks (rebuys, whatever it's called) is very important information. If we ever do this again I'll make sure I get all that info in for players that need to know. As for this time, all my marketing will consist of is letting players know that Vic Johnson Banquet Hall will be holding a Texas Hold'Em Poker night on Jan.23 @ 6:00pm. I will however try to get more info for the serious poker player.
  • Sorry dude, I got a lot to learn in terms of blinds, and addons. There will be unlimited rebuys in the first hour. At least I know what that means. The event will be run by a firm which specializes in poker tournaments, so the rules should be similar to what most are used to.

    Sorry about not being able to give more info for the serious players. Check back tomorrow and hopefully I'll have more info.
  • I got a little more info (or maybe just the first bit of info). All players will start with 4000 in chips, the blinds start at 25/50 and goes up every 15 minutes. The event is being run by Wayne from Mayne Street Poker
  • duplicate threads merged... and duplicate posts deleted.
  • I was not trying to be rude with my post. I was really interested in coming but I have heard alot of the events people host are not real and they do it cause they got too much time. Well since there was not enough info, I automatically assumed that it was one of those things. But thanks for the extra info.
  • Ram, you were 100% right with the lack of info that I gave to promote this event. My ignorance on the game of poker is to blame. I hope that the added information can help the serious poker player decide whether or not this is an event that they would want to attend on a winter Saturday night. If there are any other questions please ask as I will try to get the answers. Thank you.
  • epat, that is understandable. But the serious player is going to want to know the blind structure, starting chip stacks, how long each level lasts, re-buys, add-ons, that sort of thing before looking twice at posts like yours. I commend you for at least getting some of that info. in your follow up. Most of these fund-raising tournies follow a similar format, so as long as the basics are there for all to see, a decision can be made.

    Good luck with your fund-raiser . . .
  • Thanks Milo
  • I realize most posters on this site range from amateur to serious players.

    But seriously when someone comes on to advertise a CHARITY event, give them a break. They're not all scammers, and sometimes charity events have crappy structures.

    The whole point is organizing a charity game to raise money for their team, not to have a perfect structure + great tables + great dealers.

    I definitely agree it's great when the poster provides full information, but also be courteous in your questions back, don't automatically assume the worst and bash them right away.
  • There was no bashing going on. All the questions were legit. If you were donating to a charity would you not want to know for example: How much money is going to expenses/charity?
  • I'd like to once again thank the guys who said that they will come out. Just to recap the tourny now that I have more info.

    $50 with reservation on guest list, $60 at the door (not on guestlist).
    light buffet dinner
    No limit Hold'Em
    4000 in chips, unlimited rebuys during the first hour
    add-ons is a one time option after the first hour
    blinds are 25/50 and escalates every 15 minutes
    Payouts will be determined by attendance based off of a $1000 Gr. Prize

    The event is run by Mayne Street Poker.

    Any others still interested in saving $10 at the door will have to send me a message or email by late tonight as the guest list will be produced early tomorrow morning.

    Thanks also to everyone on this site for your feedback. I understand the tournament better now and am able to promote the event better.
  • If I wasn't busy Sat night, I would probably join. Sounds like fun, good luck epat in making final table.
  • Thanks for the best wishes Aces77. I was actually ousted about a hour and a half in. I've never played poker in a tournament format like this. I must say that I totally enjoyed myself and also enjoyed watching the action as it dwindled down to the eventual champion.

    Mark and Wayne from Mean Street Poker explained the format and made it easy for novices like myself to feel comfortable. Mark ended up winning the big raffle draw for a 32" LCD TV.

    We ended up with 100 players. Payouts went $1000, $500, $300, $200, $100, and $75.

    Thanks to all who came out and when we do another next year I'll be ready to contend for the grand prize. lol.
  • How much did you raise for the team?
  • So the guy that was running the tournament won the grand prize raffle?
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    So the guy that was running the tournament won the grand prize raffle?

    WOW imagine that
    edit: legit or not the organizers should have not really had anything to do with the raffles. Looks real bad
  • Actually Mark (Main Street Poker) was just running the poker end of our event. They are a paid service and have no affiliations with the team. The Dixie Soccer team organized the event itself and raffles. Mark bought raffle tickets which we are grateful for, so he is eligible to win at the end of the day. Would it have been better if someone else won. Yeah. Would've been good if I won. :D

    I do want to recommend these guys to any organizations out there that are hoping to run a poker event and does not have a lot of experience.
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