Mississauga Monarchs NL Tournament Feb 5th 200 players needed

The mississauga monarchs midget boys basket ball team is hosting a poker night fund raiser.

The buy in will be 40$ which covers your chips for the tournament, there will be re buys for early bust outs.
Top 10 spots are prized with a grand prize of 1000$ cash. There will also be raffles for a instant bar containing an assortment of lcbo products and a 50/50 draw.

Soft drinks and snacks are free.
LLBO and Kitchen service available.

We are looking for about 200 people to fill the tournament which will be held on Feb 5th around the Dixie and Eglington area.

For more information and how to purchase tickets email me


  • Looks like the instant bar contains 500$ work of various products.
    This is shaping up to be a great tournament email me for details and flyer.
  • Do rebuys go to a prize pool?
  • My experience with these tourneys is that all Re-buy, and Add-on $$$, goes to the group in question. Only the original Buy-in goes to the prize pool. Look at the Dixie United thread, add up the payouts and divide by $40.00 to see how many players are needed.

    If I am incorrect, please accept my apology in advance . . .
  • Tickets will be available at the door for those interested.
    If you want a copy of how the tournament will be run and a flyer for the event email me at darryl.almeida@yahoo.ca
  • Good luck on your tournament, Darryl. What's the address anyway. If I'm able to get away for a bit on Saturday night I may drop in.
  • send me an email and ill send you the flyer with adress and other pertinent info. I cant post the flyer here its too big.
  • need more details... when does it start where is it!
  • send me an email at darryl.almeida@yahoo.ca for flyer its to big to post on this site.
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