

im honestly at my wits end with some of you...

im not trying to start anything, but if any of you have a problem with me and the way I play, say it here.

im sick of cluttering up threads with my bullshit.

I know i come across as a sarcastic prick in ALOT of my posts, but really... stop cluttering threads with my BS.

Im not trying to be a post whore or anything, but i AM sick of seeing my name being called out in every thread. Fed, Epic, kathy, etc...

you have an issue, place it here.




  • Hey Kathy....I believe it is 2 words "A LOT" :D

    sorry had to hahaha
  • I took down 5th in the 70K......

    3 nights in a row in the top 5........

    profits this month excedding 10k alone...........



    Im borderline going pro.... 18k the past month and it aint even over.....
  • Kathy, what colour is the sky in your world?
  • epic_donk wrote:
    I know i come across as a sarcastic prick in ALOT of my posts, but really... stop cluttering this forum with epci_donk BS.

    epic_donk wrote: »
    I took down 5th in the 70K......

    3 nights in a row in the top 5........

    profits this month excedding 10k alone...........



    Im borderline delusional.... 18k the past month and it aint even over.....

    epic_donk wrote: »

    GTA, ur better off staking me, i place high on 70k gtd and this .25 with my buddy!


    4 TOP 10'S ON 70K IN ONE week!

    up 5.2K this month and counting... im just saying......

    thats one touney alone........ i am MTT beast.......

    So we've created some new account then?

    All you do is lie and multiaccount. You have never provided any proof of your so called profits. You say 'I am deep in the xxx on PS' or I am playing 5/10 on PS and a quick check of OPR/PTR proves once again your are a fucking liar.
  • post pics of your cashier balance or SS of your placements in the 70k or STFU about going pro.
  • TuFull wrote: »
    post pics of your cashier balance or SS of your placements in the 70k about going pro.

    Never gonna happen....
  • epic_donk wrote: »
    Im borderline .....

    Yup, borderline is the word I would use . . . as for the rest your post, well . . .

    Also, in your OP you state that you are sick of cluttering up threads with your BS. Okay, so why don't you stop?
  • A person with borderline personality disorder will also often exhibit impulsive behaviors and have a majority of the following symptoms:
    • Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
    • A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
    • Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self
    • Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
    • Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
    • Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
    • Chronic feelings of emptiness
    • Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
    • Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptom

    Now here's where your graphs starts showing........profit?
  • I gotta get me one of these 'Alright.....' threads, although the site might crash due to heavy traffic.

    Hey mr. borderline personality disorder, nice to meet you says mr socialpath disorder... I guess I found a team mate for the online royal cup.
  • That's a nice avatar, Jah . . .
  • There is no way you guys are going to listen, but here goes anyway..

    I don't know or care if Fed is a winning or losing player and we KNOW for a fact that he's not a malicious multi-accounter as Stars has already reviewed his account and fedh8er/ultimate donk did not sign up for the same games or they'd have banned them both.

    ..all I've seen is someone who has been posting nothing but niceness for the last few weeks and has been followed around from thread to thread by a few, whom I KNOW are normally good people, but are now acting like a bunch of psychotic keyboard e-warriors.

    Give up the grudge, please. He's decided to stay and been friendly and fun. Whatever you might think his faults are...you are only responsible for your own behavior, grow up.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    There is no way you guys are going to listen, but here goes anyway..

    I don't know or care if Fed is a winning or losing player and we KNOW for a fact that he's not a malicious multi-accounter as Stars has already reviewed his account and fedh8er/ultimate donk did not sign up for the same games or they'd have banned them both.

    ..all I've seen is someone who has been posting nothing but niceness for the last few weeks and has been followed around from thread to thread by a few, whom I KNOW are normally good people, but are now acting like a bunch of psychotic keyboard e-warriors.

    Give up the grudge, please. He's decided to stay and been friendly and fun. Whatever you might think his faults are...you are only responsible for your own behavior, grow up.

    Jeez, Mommy, you never let us have any fun . . .

    *kicks empty pop can, puts slingshot in back pocket, and slouches off to the other side of the playground* :D
  • meh, It's a slow day at work and I need some entertainment.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    There is no way you guys are going to listen, but here goes anyway..

    I don't know or care if Fed is a winning or losing player and we KNOW for a fact that he's not a malicious multi-accounter as Stars has already reviewed his account and fedh8er/ultimate donk did not sign up for the same games or they'd have banned them both.

    ..all I've seen is someone who has been posting nothing but niceness for the last few weeks and has been followed around from thread to thread by a few, whom I KNOW are normally good people, but are now acting like a bunch of psychotic keyboard e-warriors.

    Give up the grudge, please. He's decided to stay and been friendly and fun. Whatever you might think his faults are...you are only responsible for your own behavior, grow up.

    I'm certainly not arguing with you Kristy, but I would like to point out something that needs clarifiction. At one point a while back, someone on here and I were observing Fed play in a tourney. He had a player to his right, who I noticed was from Southampton, ON. I commented on the forum that this was indeed strange given there were approx 4000 people in the tourney from all over the planet. Can't remember which of his accounts replied back to my post, but they indicated it was them in the tourney with fed and they were fed's cousin (pokerboyXXX or whatever it was I think). This person was I believe later revealed to be in fact fed. This is my current recollection of said events, and if I'm wrong in my recall... I apologize in advance.

    Just wanted to point that out.

    I suppose I could spend time finding the thread where this occurred...But I'd rather do laundry. Or load the dishwasher.
  • Im not here to display personal screen shots of my bank roll (privacy, come on guys) nor am I here to call anyone out, or do harm.

    Any bullshit can be placed in this one thread so I can either a) laugh at them.. or b) be put here so other threads dont get messed up because some of you guys like to be relentless in your posts about me bieng "Kathy" or whatever.

    just trying to do the right thing.

    Good luck at the tables everyone.
  • Stop fucking lying douche. Seriously..it is getting old.
    epic_donk wrote: »
    you guys have probably noticed i havent posted much tongiht.

    nightly 70K, (50+5), getting near the nitty gritty...


    took down money in 70K... 8th.. for 1.2K

    not happy my KA got cracked by johnny;s.......

    Last nights 8th place was AJHPoker for 1701.00

    Is this you?

    AJHPoker 2,929-$5 $22 -26%-$15,231
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Stop fucking lying douche. Seriously..it is getting old.

    Last nights 8th place was AJHPoker for 1701.00

    Is this you?

    AJHPoker 2,929-$5 $22 -26%-$15,231

  • epic_donk wrote: »

    lol..ok. sure. So, you are lying about all the wins. Good enough.
  • DennisG wrote: »
    lol..ok. sure. So, you are lying about all the wins. Good enough.


    not lying about anything.....
  • So, if you're AJHPoker, where are all your big scores? Or is that on yet another account?
    AJHPoker Poker Player Ranking and Stats at PokerStars
  • How do you guys find this shit so fast??
  • It takes about 15 seconds to pull up a website and copy/paste your "name" to get the results.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    There is no way you guys are going to listen, but here goes anyway..

    I don't know or care if Fed is a winning or losing player and we KNOW for a fact that he's not a malicious multi-accounter as Stars has already reviewed his account and fedh8er/ultimate donk did not sign up for the same games or they'd have banned them both.

    ..all I've seen is someone who has been posting nothing but niceness for the last few weeks and has been followed around from thread to thread by a few, whom I KNOW are normally good people, but are now acting like a bunch of psychotic keyboard e-warriors.

    Give up the grudge, please. He's decided to stay and been friendly and fun. Whatever you might think his faults are...you are only responsible for your own behavior, grow up.

    Aside from the occasional moderately entertaining gif/jpeg, I have yet to see him contribute anything that wasn't simply self agrandizing, fratboy doucheness.
    Typical Fed post:
    Fed -I'm the best yada yada yada. I cash big times and I'm awesome, right?
    regular poster- All the evidence we have says your are posting regular losses as per these stats here...
    Fed - Lookit me Lookit me!!!! I placed xxth in xxx tourney and won big moneys. I'm so great. Right??
    regular poster - actually so and so placed xxth so you lied again
    Fed- uhm... look at that over there! I'm awesome, I never ever ever ever lose any money playing poker. Oh and I'm really cool. right?


    RP- What should I do when....

    Fed- come follow me around and learn from me I'm the bestest at everything ever.

    RP- uh.. how does that help me with my original question? Do you have anything to say about actual strategy/legitimate advice.

    Fed - (funny pic) You really need to be my peon because I'm reallly great. You just don't get it

    RP- New question. Someone please tell me how to use the ignore function so we can get past this lame thread hijack.

    Fed- .... post is hidden because EpicDonk is on your ignore list

    RP- ahhh... there we go. Thank you
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Stop fucking lying douche. Seriously..it is getting old.

    Last nights 8th place was AJHPoker for 1701.00

    Is this you?

    AJHPoker 2,929-$5 $22 -26%-$15,231

    ok, ok, its about time I come clean.. move the J in from of the A and move poker infront of JAH. Now you know the truth AJHPoker = pokerJAH. I knew I would get found out eventually :(
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    ok, ok, its about time I come clean.. move the J in from of the A and move poker infront of JAH. Now you know the truth AJHPoker = pokerJAH. I knew I would get found out eventually :(

    Busted!!! X)
  • epic_donk wrote: »

    not lying about anything.....

    Take a screenshot of a table with hole cards showing with that name in your seat. I'm not prying for personal info or anything

    This will shut everyone up unless you are completely full of shit
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    There is no way you guys are going to listen, but here goes anyway..

    I don't know or care if Fed is a winning or losing player and we KNOW for a fact that he's not a malicious multi-accounter as Stars has already reviewed his account and fedh8er/ultimate donk did not sign up for the same games or they'd have banned them both.

    ..all I've seen is someone who has been posting nothing but niceness for the last few weeks and has been followed around from thread to thread by a few, whom I KNOW are normally good people, but are now acting like a bunch of psychotic keyboard e-warriors.

    Give up the grudge, please. He's decided to stay and been friendly and fun. Whatever you might think his faults are...you are only responsible for your own behavior, grow up.

    He's basically PokerJah without the psychotic rage
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    He's basically PokerJah without the psychotic rage

    give him some time... slow day at the puppy mill?
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